I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1525 Break the world wall of the three major realms!


After a while, the world wall of the Starry Sky Ancient Clan Domain was completely shattered under Wang Mang's bombardment.

Looking at Wang Mang standing in the void, Hao Shixuan's face was full of dignity.

Wang Mang's record in the Endless Holy War has spread throughout the Endless Sanctuary.

Behead the Son of the Bone Race and defeat Yan Ling.

Either one is said to be shocking and heavy news.

Even Yan Ling, who has developed the inheritance of the gods to the second stage, dare not say that he can defeat it with 100% certainty.

However, he was defeated by Wang Mang, a man who didn't even inherit a god.

As soon as he thought of this, Hao Shixuan immediately called out his inherited fetish, and looked at Wang Mang cautiously.

In an instant, an aura of light with endless mysteries suddenly appeared in front of him.

Seeing this, Wang Mang said lightly:

"Don't worry, there are still two people left."

As soon as the words fell, he quickly rushed towards the wall of another world.

Seeing Wang Mang leaving, Hao Shixuan froze in place.

Then, he whispered a little uncertainly:

"Two people?"

"Wait! It won't be!"

The next moment, as if he thought of something, his face was filled with disbelief.

At this time, in the realm of the Ming clan.

Sensing the fluctuation of the Dao that disappeared outside the wall of the world, the Holy Son of the Mingzu said with some surprise:

"have they gone?"

"How did this guy stand in the turbulent flow of space?"

As soon as the words fell, the shaking from the wall of the world interrupted his thoughts.

Feeling the picture fed back from the origin of the world, the face of the son of the Ming clan suddenly changed.

The next moment, his figure flashed and disappeared in place.


"Why is this thing so strong?"

Looking at the wall of the world that has not been blasted away, Wang Mang said to himself with some doubts.

Under his constant bombardment, many cracks began to appear on the wall of the world.

But in an instant, it will recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

According to this speed, he may not be able to break the wall of this world before the end of crossing the void talisman.

After thinking up to this point, Wang Mang shouted in a low voice:

"The Immortal Body!"

"Swallow the starry sky!"

As soon as the words fell, an incomparably powerful aura came from Wang Mang's body.

At the same time, the turbulent flow in the surrounding space was also affected by this breath, and the speed of the flow also became slower.

Feeling the continuous power coming out of the body.

Wang Mang's eyes narrowed, and he said:

"Smash this seat!"

The next moment, an extremely vast power of the avenue roared away with a destructive force.


All of a sudden, an extremely intense fluctuation erupted impressively.

At the same time, the world wall of the Mingzu domain also began to violently turbulent.


With a tearing sound, the wall of the world was shattered.

The gloomy son of the Ming clan also appeared in Wang Mang's eyes.

Seeing this, Wang Mang nodded, turned and left without hesitation.

At the same time, there is also a sentence that makes the Holy Son of the Mingzu puzzled:

"It's over, the next one."

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the Holy Son of the Mingzu paused for a while and remained silent:

"What... what does this mean?"

Originally, he had already prepared for a difficult battle, but he did not expect Wang Mang to turn around and leave like this.

In the next moment, a terrified space turbulence rushed not far from him.

Seeing this, the Holy Son of the Mingzu hurriedly retreated into the distance.

At the same time, he was still cursing and saying:

"Made, what are you doing if you don't come to invade and break the wall of the world?"

"And it's also the wall of the world in the space turbulence area."

"Do you really think everyone is as perverted as you?"

You must know that he does not have the ability to cross the turbulent space.

In the face of space turbulence, he can only escape.

If it is accidentally contaminated, it will end up trapped inside forever.

Even if someone would bring him out at that time, it would probably be regarded as the end of elimination.

With this in mind, he ran even faster.


At this time, in the realm of the Guangming Clan.

Looking at Wang Mang who was constantly attacking outside the wall of the world, the Son of Light slowly summoned the inheritance fetish.

After activating the inheritance fetish, he whispered solemnly:

"come yet!"

As soon as the words fell, a dazzling light enveloped him, and with the disappearance of the light, his figure also disappeared.

Feeling the wall of the world that was about to be blasted away, Wang Mang said slowly:

"The last one."

The next moment, he hurriedly continued to swing the slaughter halberd towards the wall of the world.


As the light on the world wall began to fade faintly, the world wall was completely shattered.

Similarly, the figure of the Holy Son of Light also appeared in Wang Mang's vision.

Afterwards, Wang Mang let out a sigh of relief like a heavy burden.

"It's finally finished, the time to cross the void talisman is coming to an end."

Looking at the light curtains around him that had dimmed a lot, Wang Mang breathed a sigh of relief and said lightly.

At this time, Guangming Shengzi, who was looking at Wang Mang from a distance, whispered solemnly:

"It seems that today is a hard battle."

After finishing speaking, the inherited fetish in his body began to gradually merge with him.

Feeling the soaring aura in the Holy Son of Light's body, Wang Mang looked down at him with disdain.

Then he flashed his figure, and quickly rushed towards the space turbulence area.

Seeing the light curtain that was about to disappear, Wang Mang quickly shouted:

"Three ants, come to the Mingzu realm to fight!"

Perhaps it was because the walls of the world were smashed, or it might be because Wang Mang's words contained the power of the great way,

Immediately, Wang Mang's arrogant voice spread throughout the remaining three realms.

After hearing this, everyone was in an uproar.

"Fuck, where is this sound coming from?"

"Which madman dares to be so arrogant."

"Three ants? You're not talking about the remaining three Holy Sons!"

"No way, who dares to provoke the three holy sons at the same time? Isn't this courting death?"

"That's not sure, maybe it's the new Mo clan saint son?"

"By the way, isn't the wall of the world in our domain smashed?"


Wang Mang's series of actions not only surprised everyone in the realm.

Several patriarchs in the Patriarch's Pavilion were also silenced by Wang Mang's operation.

I saw that the corner of Mo Yang's mouth twitched, and he said silently with a expressionless face:

"Provoke the three holy sons who have inherited fetishes all at once, why don't you go to heaven?"

At this moment, the patriarch of the Bone Clan gloated and said:

"Hehe, is this the Tianjiao who left his name on the Supreme List?"

"I don't know if the strength is that strong, but this courage is still great."

While speaking, he did not forget to smile lightly at Mo Yang.

Hearing this, even the patriarch of the Yan clan who maintained a neutral attitude towards Wang Mang commented:

"The strength is strong, but it is still too reckless."

"Facing the three holy sons at once, it's still a bit too underestimating the enemy."

As soon as the words fell, the patriarch Guangming nodded and said in agreement:

"The power of the three inherited fetishes is no joke."

"If you are not careful, you will end up dead."

Faced with three inherited gods at the same time, such a crazy feat is still a bit shocking.

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