I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1546 The head of the Hades created by the primordial spirit! Wretched Wang Mang!

Far more people were shocked by Wang Mang's outburst of domineering spiritual thoughts.

In the Guangming Clan, the Xingkong Ancient Clan, and the Yan Clan.

The three clan ancestors who did not participate in this matter all set off towards the Mo clan.


At this time, the head of the Ming clan only felt that the soul was hit by a sledgehammer.

The intense pain coming from his soul made him have a splitting headache.

After driving Dao Yun to stabilize the turbulent primordial spirit, Chief Ming said with a gloomy expression:

"Hiss, it's really terrifying power of thought."

"The special extreme environment is really an enviable field!"

As soon as the words fell, the ring floating in front of him immediately flew towards his finger.

At the same time, countless dao rhymes rushed towards his fingertips.

All of a sudden, a terrifying force formed by Dao Yun began to gather slowly.

Seeing this, Wang Mang did not sit still.

With a wave of his arm, the massacre halberd returned to his hand immediately.

In an instant, countless avenues of devouring began to gather towards the slaughtering halberd.

Looking at Wang Mang who was not to be outdone, the corners of the head of the Ming clan raised slightly.

The next moment, he raised his hand high.

A ball of energy compressed to the extreme gathered around his fingertips.

In an instant, a violent energy storm began to spread.

At this moment, Wang Mang himself was invisible locked.

At the same time, an extreme sense of threat permeated his heart.

Suddenly, Wang Mang's face changed drastically.

Immediately, the feasibility of countless escape methods flashed through his mind.

Charm? This thing has already been used up by him.

As for the other dao crystals in personal belongings, they are useless in the face of the current situation.

After thinking up to this point, Wang Mang silently said in a panic:

"System, think of a way!"

But after a while, the sound of the system did not sound for a long time.

"Fuck! Playing missing at this time, right?"

"Unreliable stuff!"

After cursing angrily, Wang Mang immediately gave up.

Looking at the energy ball that was still growing at the fingertips of the Ming clan, Wang Mang whispered bitterly:

"Made, I will die if I wait!"

As soon as the words fell, he waved the massacre halberd and attacked the head of the Ming family, trying to interrupt the head of the Ming family from casting spells.

Looking at Wang Mang, who was overwhelmed by his own strength, the Ming patriarch smiled sarcastically:

"Did the dog jump over the wall in a hurry?"

"Hehe, come on!"

After finishing speaking, his raised hand immediately stretched out towards Wang Mang.

In an instant, the energy ball at his fingertips roared towards the attacking Wang Mang.

Seeing this, Wang Mang gritted his teeth solemnly, and swung the massacre halberd towards the energy ball containing Dao Yun.


Following the collision of the two beams of light, a rumbling sound resounding through the sky can be heard endlessly.

All of a sudden, countless strands of Dao Yun erupted beside Wang Mang.


Wang Mang couldn't help but gasped for the intense tearing sensation constantly coming from his body.

He also tried to drive Devouring Dao to resist this terrifying Dao Yun.

However, when he came into contact with Dao Yun after devouring Dao, it was like seeing a natural enemy and was directly crushed.

As time went by, the explosive Dao Yun continued to tear Wang Mang's body apart.

For a moment, Wang Mang's pupils were filled with blood:

"Master Hades, right, very good!"

"If you don't kill this seat, you will feel better!"

At this time, the Ming clan leader who was not far away said with some dissatisfaction:

"This trick, the time to accumulate power is still too long."

"Release early, and the power is far from reaching the peak."


At this time, Heiyan who was hiding in the void whispered with a bad expression:

"Made, Gou Ri's Hades chief is so ruthless!"

"It seems that this old man's bones should move around."


At this moment, Mo Yang, who was watching the battle from a distance, fell silent immediately after seeing this scene.

Although he knew that Wang Mang's heart was not with the Mo clan, Wang Mang hadn't done anything out of the ordinary since he joined the Mo clan.

He also led the Mo people to show off in the endless sanctuary.

To be honest, they were still sorry for Wang Mang.

But compared to Wang Mang, they still cared more about Mo Xiaoyou.

After thinking up to this point, Mo Yang apologized to Wang Mang in his heart:

"I'm sorry, I will find a way to leave your whole body at that time."

Mo Gu, who was not far away, also showed a look of impatience.

After all, no matter what, he was the one who recruited Wang Mang to the Mo tribe.

Now they can only watch him fall helplessly.


Mo Gu sighed helplessly.

Hearing this, the two old men beside him all smiled silently:

"Old guy, why bother to sigh for a junior."

"The world is so big, there are so many arrogance."

After hearing what these two people said, Mo Gu glanced at them with disdain, and snorted coldly:

"Hehe, what arrogance can compare to Wang Mang?"

After hearing Mo Gu's rebuttal, the two old men fell silent immediately.

Even they have to admit, in their long years.

Wang Mang was the most talented they had ever seen.


As time goes by.

The Dao Yun storm that wrapped Wang Mang in it also slowly dissipated.

After a while.

The dao rhyme blasted by the head of the Ming clan has completely disappeared.

What caught my eye was a bottomless chasm.

Seeing this, Chief Ming squinted his eyes, as if he was looking for Wang Mang.

Finally, in the deepest part of the ground, he found Wang Mang's dilapidated figure.

At this moment, Wang Mang half-kneeled on the ground while supporting the massacre halberd.

The God of Slaughtering God of War on his body showed numerous cracks.

Not only that, but there are many hideous wounds on his body.

Countless blood flowed from it.

With the violent ups and downs of his chest, he gasped heavily.

The phantom of the ancient god behind him was also blown away.


Two more streams of blood spit out with coughing, and Wang Mang stood up with difficulty.

Holding the massacre halberd, Wang Mang looked gloomyly at the leader of the Hades above.

Looking down at Wang Mang who was seriously injured, Chief Ming said in surprise:

"Oh? Is it this level?"

In his prediction, Wang Mang would not be killed with one blow.

But it should also lose the basic action.

I didn't expect this guy to have the power to fight.

Looking at the indifferent Patriarch Ming, Wang Mang took a deep breath.

The next moment, he endured the pain and drove the Dao of Devouring, attacking the head of the Hades.

Although he was still invincible, Wang Mang decided to fight to the death with some backbone instead of dying like this.

Looking at Wang Mang, who was at the end of his battle, the head of the Hades waved his hand with great interest.

In an instant, countless strands of great power blasted towards Wang Mang again.


With some difficulty, he blasted away the oncoming power of the Great Dao, but the aftermath still caused Wang Mang to stagger and fall down.

Looking at Wang Mang, who was showing signs of defeat, the Ming Patriarch said with some regret:

"Yes, you can still maintain this posture under this move."

"Unfortunately, you acted too arrogantly."

"it's over!"

As soon as the words fell, countless dao rhymes hovered in front of him.

The next moment, these dao rhymes rushed towards Wang Mang one after another.

At this time, Wang Mang, who was knocked down again, looked at the gradually approaching Dao Yun, and said slowly:

"Ahem, I didn't expect..."

Only halfway through the words, Wang Mang subconsciously raised his hand to resist the roaring Dao Yun.

"Boy, why are you in such a mess?"

At this critical moment, a familiar voice made Wang Mang's eyes widen!

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