I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1556 Entering the Underworld! Harvest life!

As time passed, half a day passed like this.

And Wang Mang finally arrived at the gate of the Underworld.


Looking at the heavily guarded city of the underworld, Wang Mang's face was full of indifference.

He can kill these guards with a snap of his fingers.

At this time, the guards on guard at the city gate also spotted Wang Mang coming.

Seeing Wang Mang standing in the air holding a halberd, several guards looked at each other for unknown reasons:

"Who is this person?"

"Fuck, I usually tell you to come out and walk around more, but you want to indulge in a brothel."

"You don't even know this one?"

After hearing what this man said, the guard's face became even more puzzled.

"Huh? Who is he, I must know him?"

Hearing this, several guards around the two of them all smiled.

The next moment, the other person said in a speechless voice:

"Xiao Yu is right, you are still too ignorant."

"I don't even know the famous Mo clan saint son."

"Oh? He is the holy son of the Mo clan who has recently gained fame?"

He looked at Wang Mang curiously.

Even if he doesn't care about world affairs, he has heard the name Wang Mang no less than a hundred times from the customers of the brothel.

Looking at Wang Mang standing in the air, he whispered suspiciously:

"It doesn't look like much."

As soon as he finished speaking, the guards around him burst into laughter.

Just when several people wanted to continue to criticize him, his next sentence made several people's faces change suddenly.

"Hey! Holy son of the Mo clan, there are rules in the underworld, you are not allowed to fly in the underworld."

"If you want to come in, just walk through the city gate honestly!"

While speaking, he did not forget to wink at the people around him.

It seems to be saying, look at my awesomeness!

"if not……"

Just when he was about to speak, a guard quickly grabbed his mouth.

"Are you crazy? Don't take us with you if you want to die!"

I saw that the man holding his mouth sternly warned.

After speaking, he did not forget to look at Wang Mang's reaction.

At this time, Wang Mang was standing in the air like this.

The next moment, the power of the Great Dao in his body surged towards the great halberd.

Following that, he swung the massacre halberd and slashed towards the city gate.

In an instant, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and an incomparably terrifying bombardment from the avenue roared towards the city gate.

Seeing this, several guards were terrified.

In an instant, countless strands of avenue power gushed out from their bodies, blasting towards the avenue of devouring.

At the same time, one of the guards begged for mercy loudly:

"Master Shengzi, you are the one who provoked me, it has nothing to do with us!"

He anxiously separated the relationship, as if he could survive Wang Mang's hands by doing so.

However, Wang Mang did not spare many people in this city from the very beginning.

The next moment, it was blessed by several strands of great power.

In an instant, the Dao of Devouring that blasted towards several people exploded.

The power of the Great Dao that was trying to stop this attack evaporated instantly.

A surge of rapid fluctuations continued to spread.

Devouring the avenue shot towards the gate of the city with a destructive momentum.


As the Devouring Avenue erupted, an explosion resounded through the sky endlessly.

Both the city gate and the guards above it are disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Under the bombardment of Devouring Avenue, the ground of Nether City began to shake slowly.

This also made the people in the city shudder.

After a while, as the Great Devouring Dao dissipated, Ming City stopped shaking.

Looking at the shattered city gate, Wang Mang nodded in satisfaction.

The next moment, his figure flew towards the city impressively.

At this time, the people in the city still couldn't figure out what happened.

"Fuck, what happened?"

"Is someone going to attack the Hades?!"

"Let me see, which fanatic is it?"

"Hey, it's exciting to watch!"

"Let's go!"


Everyone approached the city gate one after another, wanting to see what happened.

But before they reached the city gate, they bumped into Wang Mang who was attacking him.

Looking at the crowd, Wang Mang whispered in surprise:

"Yo, I brought it here myself."

"Then I will not be polite."

As soon as the words fell, countless avenues of devouring rushed out, sweeping towards the crowd.

All of a sudden, Wang Mang attacked violently, and before everyone could react, countless people died tragically in Wang Mang's hands.

They didn't come back to their senses until the bits and pieces of stumps hit their faces.

Countless blood mist spread around them.

Watching this scene, their bodies trembled uncontrollably.

run! This is their only thought.

In an instant, many people fled in panic.

However, some people were so frightened by this unimaginable scene that they froze in place.

Such people are not in the minority.

All of a sudden, those who wanted to flee cursed and pushed these people away:

"Ma De, if you want to die, just get out of the way, don't come to block me!"

"What are you doing standing here! Waiting to die?"


After they were pushed away, they were trampled by many fleeing people.

Before Wang Mang could make a move, many people died under the trample, and they were trampled in a bad manner.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang's face was full of smiles, and he said with great interest:

"wonderful performance."

As soon as the words fell, countless devouring waves attacked these people again.

The voice of the system also kept ringing in Wang Mang's mind:

【Ding! The weak who devour the Immortal Mirror First Layer! Get 10,000 Dao Crystals! 】

【Ding! The weak who devour the third heaven of the immortal mirror! Get 30,000 Dao Crystals! 】

【Ding! The weak who devour the Immortal Mirror Eightfold Heaven! Get 80,000 Dao Crystals! 】

【Ding! devour...]

Hearing the system's prompt, he looked at the gradually increasing Dao crystal value in his personal belongings.

Wang Mang only felt in a good mood.

A long-lost sense of joy filled his mind.

"Very good, it won't be long before we continue to ascend to the Second Heaven!"

As soon as the words fell, his eyes locked on the fleeing people again.

With a cruel smile, countless devouring avenues erupted, attacking everyone around indiscriminately.

Bark! Bark! bark...

As the horrific cracking sound continued to sound, many people were cut and swallowed by the power of the Great Dao.

All of a sudden, there were mourning sounds one after another.

The places Wang Mang passed through were like purgatory on earth.

Corpses all over the ground, the terrifying avenue atmosphere.

Blood everywhere, minced meat with white bones in the red.

And Wang Mang smiling behind.

All deeply stimulated the psychology of the fugitives.

And Wang Mang is like a Shura walking in the world, harvesting life with a smile on his face.

It's not that no one tried to resist, and the Dao of Devouring around Wang Mang was the strongest.

Before getting close, he was annihilated by the Dao of Devouring.

Whether it was the attacking people or the buildings blocking the front, they were all destroyed by the Devouring Avenue.

Wang Mang's footsteps never stopped.

Walking all the way like this, the blood and resentment gathered around Wang Mang were extremely strong.

Such a situation is not much worse than that of the Abyss Temple.

(Ahem, it’s still before the code word twelve o’clock)

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