I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1563 A corner of the future! Kurohiko ready to run!

Not only that, in his field of vision, Wang Mang and the man in white robe were suddenly enveloped by several extremely strange black air.

The black air isolated his soul from probing, making it impossible for him to understand what happened.

The strangeness and unknownness attached to the black air made him feel palpitations.

Just when he wanted to step out of the void to see the situation, he unexpectedly found that he couldn't get out!

That's right, an invisible force blocked this space.

The incomparably thick Dao Yun gushed out from his body, bombarding the surrounding void frantically.

But these Daoyun attacks seemed to have sunk into the sea, and they couldn't make any waves at all.

Just as he was bombarding continuously, an incomparably terrifying force suddenly appeared in his perception.

Feeling this unknown force, Hei Yan's pupils shrank and his brows twitched wildly.

In this force, he felt the mysterious power of time and time!

Not only that, but the fleeting force of cause and effect on top of it made his face change even more!

"Come on, not... the power of the future?!"

At this moment, Hei Yan only felt that his cognition had been severely impacted.

The uncontrollably trembling body also explained the monstrous waves in his heart.

Fortunately, this power comes and goes quickly.

With the disappearance of this force, everything around has returned to its original state.

Looking at the two people who were still in place, Hei Yan rushed out of the void without hesitation.


At this time, on the vast, boundless river of time.

Countless power of time flows in it.

If you look carefully, there are thousands of thin silver threads in the endless power of time.

These strands of thin lines contain the past, present and future.

Numerous causes and effects evolved into mysterious yellow light clusters surrounding it.

The eternal light that never goes out shines on the long river of time.

The refracted light seems to illuminate the past and present!

On an unreachable shore.

A vague figure eroded by all kinds of causes and effects stands in it.

This stalwart figure is surrounded by unknown mysterious power.

In the long river of time, the majestic and endless power of time, mysterious and mysterious cause and effect bombarded this blurred figure one after another.

Facing these taboo levels of power, this figure remained motionless.

The unknown power around him erupted with an annihilation of the divine power against the two taboo powers.

In everyone's perception, the irreversible power of time and causality was actually blocked by this!

All of a sudden, three mighty forces that could be called taboo collided together like this.

Several strands of aftermath that annihilated everything spread wildly.

In an instant, time reverses its cause and effect.

Time is long, and it is extremely chaotic!

Seeing this, the unknown figure moved!


This roar seemed to contain the supreme truth, absolute will.

The mighty power that annihilates the ages is blessed in it.

In an instant, cause and effect dissipate, and time stops.

The power of a roar can crush the ages!

If anyone is here, they will definitely be shocked to the point of death by this scene.

In the mysterious and vast river of time, the incomparable mysterious power of cause and effect is invincible!

"Hehe, time? That's all!"

"Huh? Who is spying on me?"

This stalwart figure slowly looked towards one place.

In an instant, the incomparably bright Shenxia, ​​like an ancient star, burst out from His eye sockets.

All of a sudden, ten thousand paths resonate,

This Shenxia just crossed time and looked towards an ancient history!

"Forget it, too much intervention is not a good thing."

An indistinct voice slowly came out of His mouth.

There was endless strange and ominous turbidity in the breath, and it was slowly spit out.

A tiny, invisible turbid air attacked wherever his eyes could see.

At this moment, six indescribable auras broke through the long river of time and shot directly at this figure!

"Intervene in time, you know this is a felony!"

An angry sound that spanned the ages, exploded impressively and caused turbulence for a long time.

These six indescribable auras burst out with endless and transcendent mighty power.

Seeing this, the vague figure started to move.

With a wave of his arms, endless strange and ominous black air burst out instantly.

At the same time, a halberd that could cut through the heavens and worlds slowly appeared in His hands.

"Six immortals, it's useless to talk too much, let's fight!"


At this time, in the endless sanctuary.

With a twist in the space, Hei Yan's figure suddenly appeared beside Wang Mang.

Seeing the unscathed Wang Mang, Hei Yan patted his whole body with some fear.

Hei Yan breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that Wang Mang was not missing any arms or legs.

Seeing Elder Heiyan's weird behavior, Wang Mang frowned.

"Elder Heiyan, are you sick?"

Hei Yan was startled by Wang Mang's words.


Then he realized that he was terrified towards Wang Mang.

"What just happened?"

Staring at Wang Mang, Hei Yan said angrily.

Hearing this, Wang Mang rubbed his forehead and muttered speechlessly:

"It's neither light nor heavy."


"It's okay, nothing happened."

After hearing his words, Hei Yan glanced at Wang Mang suspiciously, then turned his gaze to the man in white robe.

Looking at the man in white robe who seemed to have lost his soul, Hei Yan frowned slightly.

After feeling his breath carefully, Hei Yan's expression changed dramatically.

The next moment, Hei Yan grabbed Wang Mang and left quickly.

Wang Mang, who didn't react for a while, was just taken away by him.

After Wang Mang reacted, Hei Yan had already taken him to a mountain range ten thousand meters away.

At this moment, Elder Heiyan suddenly stopped:

"Should it be safe?"

While speaking, he carefully looked around.

After seeing that there was nothing strange around him, he quickly released Wang Mang.

After that, he kept groping around.

After a while, a space kit appeared in his hand.

Following the turmoil in the space, a teleportation altar appeared in front of the two of them.

Seeing this, Wang Mang realized what Elder Hei Yan was thinking.

This is, I was frightened by the black mist just now, and I am going to run away with Wang Mang!

For a moment, the look of struggle on Wang Mang's face was fleeting.

That strange black energy made him fearful too.

After all, Wang Mang saw clearly the miserable state of the white-robed man.

It is impossible to say that you are not afraid.

However, thinking that there are still many lives in this world that have not been devoured, Wang Mang felt unwilling for a while.

If you go back to the Abyss Nine Clans with Hei Yan, you don't know when the next time you come out.

In addition, the weird black energy did not hurt Wang Mang.

After pondering for a moment, Wang Mang still opened his mouth and said:

"Elder Heiyan, I won't go back until all the creatures in this world are devoured."

As soon as the words fell, Elder Hei Yan, who was still looking for something in the space kit, froze for a moment.

But soon he continued to move, and said:

"No, that black air is too terrifying."

"This world is weird!"

"You go back with the old man first!"

The unquestionable tone of the words made Wang Mang frown.

"That black air won't hurt me."

"And I still have a kind feeling?"

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