I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1601 Repel the incoming Eternal Realm powerhouse!

All of a sudden, the attacking people retreated towards the distance one after another.

Staring at them, Wang Mang didn't intend to stop just like that, anyway, it's not too late to use up all this power.

With his eyes fixed, countless devouring avenues rushed from his body towards the phantom.

With the blessing of the power of the Dao, the phantom behind him began to slowly raise his hand.

In an instant, a tiny vortex suddenly appeared above Wang Mang's head.

An incomparably deep devouring force began to drag the dao rhyme in the surrounding space.

The rainbow-like Dao Yun began to slowly flow towards the vortex under the traction of the devouring force.

At the same time, the space returned to normal again.

All of a sudden, the altar under Wang Mang's feet began to vibrate crazily.

As the space around the altar began to gradually distort, a space passage through the sky and the earth appeared impressively.

The teleportation altar also began to rise gradually.

Staring at the dozen or so people who were getting smaller and smaller in sight, Wang Mang gritted his teeth and withdrew his demonic appearance.

The next moment, the scene around the altar suddenly changed.

At the same time, the teleportation altar completely disappeared in the top world of the abyss.

Looking at the empty wasteland, the faces of the dozen or so Eternal Realm powerhouses who were trying to plunder Wang Mang were extremely gloomy.

After a long silence, one of them said slowly, "How strong are the inheritors of the ancient gods?"

After someone spoke, other Eternal Realm powerhouses also expressed their thoughts:

"Could it be that this is the power inherited by the ancient gods after breaking the curse?"

"That's not right, let me see, there must be other big secrets in this son."

"I see the same thing. It is impossible for a mere inheritor of the Immortal Realm 2nd Layer to be able to shake a dozen Eternal Realm at the same time."

"It makes sense. By the way, don't you look familiar with the vision phantom of Wang Mang's inheritance of the ancient gods?"

"Hiss, from what you said, it seems that it is really just that I just can't remember it."

"Wait for me to remember, the supreme being who fought against the will of the universe across time before!"

"Yes, yes, they are quite similar."

"No matter what, go back first, and report to the patriarch."



At this time in the teleportation altar.

Wang Mang sat cross-legged on the altar and closed his eyes to rest his mind, while the abyss Xuanming beside him was driving the power of the Dao into the altar.

Looking at Wang Mang, Shen Yuan Xuanming opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't say it.

At the beginning, he had seen Wang Mang perform the inheritance of the ancient gods.

But compared with the current one, the difference is not a star and a half.

Immortal Realm 2nd Heaven, repel more than a dozen Eternal Realm!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe it even if he was killed.

For a moment, he looked at Wang Mang with envy in his eyes.

They are also young patriarchs, why doesn't he have such a chance?

At this time, Wang Mang was concentrating on observing the origin of the famous Dao, and did not notice the gaze of Abyss Xuanming at all.

Wang Mang frowned when he saw the black stripes covering an increased area on the origin of the name and self.

Before, it was only covering one-tenth, but now it is almost two-tenths.

If this continues, one day my origin will be completely covered.

It seems that this power should be used as little as possible in the future.

After all, what if what I said was true?

Even if it is fake, the threat of this black streak is even greater at present.

At this moment, a piercing pain came from his arm.


Looking at his right arm, Wang Mang's pupils shrank for a while.

I saw dense black lines appearing on his right arm.

And these black lines flowed continuously on his arms as if they had life.

At the same time, the pain in the arm became more and more intense.

For a while, Wang Mang's face gradually distorted, and his expression became even more ferocious.

Abyss Xuanming on the side was startled when he saw Wang Mang suddenly going crazy.

At this time, Wang Mang was like a maggot, constantly rolling on the ground.

From time to time, he stretched out his hand and smashed at the altar, and from time to time, he drove the power of the avenue to bombard his right hand.

At this moment, Shen Yuan Xuanming suddenly felt that it was not a wise choice to come out with Wang Mang.

First, he shot and killed the contestants who had defected from the nine tribes of the abyss, and then encountered more than a dozen strong people in the eternal realm.

I thought that this journey should be safe and sound.

His grandma, this Wang Mang did not know what illness he had.

If things go on like this, this teleportation altar will have to be dismantled by this guy.

Now they are in the space passage, if the altar is destroyed, the two of them will definitely fall into the turbulent flow of space.

Ma De, Wang Mang is a supernatural being, even if he falls into the turbulence of space, he will not be in danger of his life.

But he is different!

With this in mind, Shen Yuan Xuanming gritted his teeth and walked quickly towards Wang Mang.

"Brother Wang Mang, what's wrong with you?"

After getting close, he also saw clearly the abnormality of Wang Mang's right hand.

Seeing the dense and strange black lines, Shen Yuan Xuan Ming swallowed, and said with difficulty: "What the hell is this?"

"No matter, first control him."

While speaking, many powers of the Great Dao circled towards Wang Mang.

Suddenly, Wang Mang stopped, no longer twitching.

However, the power of the abyss Xuanming can no longer be recovered.

Just when the power of the Great Dao was about to hit Wang Mang.

Wang Mang raised his right hand abruptly.


With a dull sound, the power of the Great Dao suddenly came into contact with Wang Mang's palm.

Seeing this, Shen Yuan Xuanming immediately prepared to withdraw the power of the Dao.

Before he could move, the scene in front of him made him freeze in place.

I saw that Wang Mang's palm slowly shrank, and the power of the great way in it also disappeared.

At the same time, the black lines on Wang Mang's right arm flashed for a moment, then slowly disappeared.

After being stunned for a long time, Shen Yuan Xuan Ming regained his composure.

Staring closely at Wang Mang, he tentatively asked: "Brother Wang Mang?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang ignored him, but raised his right hand and began to observe carefully.

Just now, a strange memory suddenly appeared in his mind.

Supreme Devouring Hand. Remnant.

It can devour any form of power and release it in an instant.

According to the guidance in memory, Wang Mang slowly stretched out a finger.

The next moment, a ball of energy condensed into a circle appeared on Wang Mang's fingertips instantly.

Abyss Xuanming at the side looked straight.

Is it still a great opportunity to co-author?

As Wang Mang crushed the energy ball, Shen Yuan Xuanming asked slowly, "Brother Wang Mang? Are you alright?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang glanced at him indifferently, and said indifferently, "Yes."

"Haven't you arrived yet?"


Hearing this, Shen Yuan Xuanming quickly looked around.

Scratching his head for some unknown reason, Abyss Xuanming asked Wang Mang, "By the way, where is the destination of your teleportation altar?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang said with a puzzled expression, "Destination?"

"This teleportation altar has no designated destination."

"Anyway, it will be sent to the intermediate world for us immediately."

Hearing this, Shen Yuan Xuanming froze in place.

"Then what did you promise Abyss Sky?"

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