I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1702 Secrets of the Universe! Abyss Xuan Ming!

Now the system suddenly tells him that there are still people who can be on an equal footing with the six top powers.

For a moment, Wang Mang couldn't help being suspicious.

After a while after Wang Mang raised a question, the system voice sounded again:

【Ding! Eternal Consummation is different from Immortal Consummation. The Consummation of Eternal Realm is above the Nine Heavens and belongs to a special realm! 】

【Ding! And the emperor of the universe not only completed the eternal realm, but also the three special extreme realms! 】

【Ding! In terms of strength, it is only under the will of the universe! 】

After hearing the system's series of explanations, Wang Mang nodded thoughtfully.

The Eternal Realm is complete, and there is also a Tripolar Realm complete.

I checked, it seems that this Eternal Realm is not as simple as I thought!

There is still a long way to go...

After a moment of emotion, Wang Mang came back to his senses, and said to the system again:

"Open the eternal treasure chest!"

As soon as the voice fell, the system's voice also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully opened the eternal treasure chest! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get 2 billion Dao Crystals! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Obtain the seventh-level middle-grade top-level magic weapon x3! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Obtain 200 points of Shenyuan! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get Karma Shard x1! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get the seventh-order middle-grade marriage symbol x1! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get advanced pet experience card x1!]


After the sound of the system's lottery drawing ended, the corners of Wang Mang's mouth twitched uncontrollably.

Grandma, can't you have something nice?

"How many fragments of causal magic power does the system need to synthesize?"

As soon as the voice fell, the system's answer sounded impressively:

【Ding! Answer the host! Just make up 10! 】

Hearing this, Wang Mang also nodded lightly.

After opening all the blind boxes of treasure chests, Wang Mang's thoughts also returned to the sea of ​​consciousness.

Seeing the unchanged altar in front of him, Wang Mang also closed his eyes.

At this moment, a long-lost voice from Yuanshen resounded:

"Compatriots, compatriots, where is this going?"

This voice reverberated in Wang Mang's mind like thunder, making him tremble all over.

For a moment, Wang Mang was taken aback, and his heart beat faster.

After a while, Wang Mang remembered that there was still a remnant soul of an ancient god in his body.

"Top Big World."

The startled Wang Mang replied angrily.


"Compatriots, it's not good to go to the top big world."

"That place is the territory of natural enemies!"

After hearing the words of the ancient god, Wang Mang also said with great interest: "Isn't it just the will of the top world, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

As soon as these words came out, the remnant soul of the ancient god residing in Wang Mang's body immediately fell silent.

After a while, His voice slowly sounded: "Compatriots, have you misunderstood something?"

"Our ancient god lineage doesn't pay attention to the will of the world at all."

"Those six top powers are the orthodoxy left behind by those six."

"In the lineage of the ancient gods, this is a forbidden place."

Hearing this, we were also surprised.

"The six you mentioned earlier?"


Wang Mang, who got the answer, was also surprised.

After digesting for a while, Wang Mang finally realized.

At this moment, Wang Mang suddenly continued the dialogue with the system today.

Then he opened his mouth and said:

"By the way, what was your state when you were born?"

"Eternal Realm Nine Heavens, or Consummation?"

Before Wang Mang thought that the perfection of the eternal realm was the ninth heaven, so he naturally regarded this congenitally perfect ancient god as the ninth heaven of the eternal realm.

After a systematic explanation today, Wang Mang found out.

After Wang Mang asked for a long time, the voice of the ancient god slowly sounded:

"What... what is a realm?"

. . . .

After hearing this sentence, Wang Mang was also speechless for a while.

Congenital perfection, either the Nine Heavens or the realm of perfection.

No matter which one it is, Wang Mang is extremely envious.

This is the darling of heaven and earth.

What kind of arrogance, can it be compared with this thing?

After thinking about it, Wang Mang asked in a different way:

"Have you ever met someone in the top big world?"

"Well, I looked at it from afar with some curiosity before, hehe."

The somewhat shy voice of the ancient god echoed in Wang Mang's mind.

It's like a child who quietly did something wrong and was caught by his parents.

Hearing this, Wang Mang also felt a chill.

The giant treasure has a sense of sight!

"So what do you think of the strongest person in the world?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the ancient god remnant soul replied without thinking:

"It looks like it should taste really good!"

"But I saw you there too."

"Speaking of which, I was attracted to you because I felt a little breath from you, my compatriot."

? ? ?

After hearing his answer, Wang Mang was stunned.

These few sentences contain a lot of information.

tasty? I am also here?

Could it be the top world of the abyss?

"You don't feel threatened at all?"

Wang Mang asked with a confused face.

"Um no."


After hearing this, Wang Mang probably knew what kind of state the ancient god was born with.

The Eternal Realm is complete!

This guess not only refreshed Wang Mang's understanding of the perfection of the Eternal Realm, but also gave Wang Mang a new understanding of the ancient gods.

Naturally awesome, no explanation.

All of a sudden, Wang Mang had a clear understanding of the six natural enemies he mentioned earlier.

Such powerful ancient gods were killed, how strong are those six?

The more I think about Wang Mang, the more shocked I feel.

Forget it, at this stage, I probably don't even count as ants in the eyes of others.

What's better than worrying about it here?

The most important thing now is to improve your strength!

After thinking up to this point, Wang Mang stopped talking and slowly closed his eyes.

"Top big world, this is the right stage!"

Following Wang Mang's murmur, the teleportation altar suddenly fell into silence.


At this time, in Qiling's top-level world.

People come and go in a huge city.

From time to time, several strong men pass by here.

In the crowd, a figure in a black robe stood out from everyone.

The hood on the black robe covered more than half of the man's face.

Under the black hood, is a slightly vicissitudes of the face.

If Wang Mang was here, he would definitely be able to recognize this person.

It was Abyss Xuanming who came to Qiling Starfield to seek opportunities.

After coming to the Qiling Starfield, he traveled through many worlds.

However, they only got the news that the Cangyu Dynasty was destroyed by the head of the Seven Young Masters of the Qiling Clan.

As for the information of the two men, there is no trace.

And Abyss Xuanming can only come to this top world of spiritual enlightenment to try his luck.

Now he wanders in the territory governed by the Seven Factions every day.

"Without you, I realized that it would be difficult to achieve great things by myself."

"Oh, if only you were here."

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