I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1706 Plan! The system releases tasks!

Suddenly, Shen Yuan Xuanming thought a lot.

And Wang Mang beside him didn't speak any more, just waiting for his choice.

In Wang Mang's view, stepping into the Eternal Realm is also a good choice.

After all, with Abyss Xuanming's talent, it's really hard to do anything big.

Wang Mang also understands that he wants to change his life against the sky by relying on the way of the corpse.

But now the path of corpses is too vague to be found, and there is no better choice.

After being silent for such a long time, Shen Yuan Xuan Ming showed a struggling look on his face, and said with some embarrassment:

"It can't just be done halfway."

While speaking, his eyes became brighter.

"If you don't even have this bit of perseverance, how can you talk about pursuing the supreme avenue."

All of a sudden, Abyss Xuanming realized something, and he was no longer diffused before and became extremely firm.

Seeing the change in his temperament, Wang Mang was also a little surprised.

Is this the enlightenment in the heart of the legend?

Unfortunately, I don't seem to have experienced this feeling.

Sensing the growing determination in Abyss Xuanming's body, Wang Mang was also aware of his choice.

"Whatever you choose, I will support you."

While speaking, Wang Mang patted him on the shoulder and gave him a positive look.

The pursuit of strength is everyone's right, since he is regarded as a brother, he should be unconditionally supported.

What I said before was nothing more than exhortation.

The choice is still in his own hands.

After hearing Wang Mang's affirmative words, Shen Yuan Xuanming also nodded.

"No matter how much time it takes, I will definitely seek the inheritance of the corpse path."

After hearing his self-affirming words, Wang Mang also chuckled and didn't say any more.

"I don't know what your plan is now?"

Looking at Abyss Xuanming, Wang Mang also asked.

As soon as these words came out, the aura surrounding Abyss Xuan Ming stagnated.

"I don't know, but I'll try my best to find out."

The next moment, Shen Yuan Xuanming's firm words sounded again.

Hearing this, Wang Mang also shook his head.

Determination alone is not enough.

Without a plan, there may not be any results if you waste eternity.

For a moment, Wang Mang couldn't help thinking.

How can I find the person named Liang Qi?

The grave robber is wanted...

In an instant, Wang Mang's thoughts began to flow continuously.

After half a stick of incense, Wang Mang's eyes lit up.

Isn't tomb robbers' favorite thing is tomb robbers?

Because of being wanted, he dared not appear in the open.

Then, in the world farther from the top world of Qiling, the birth of ancient tombs is spread.

It must be able to attract the tomb robber.

After all, staying away from the top world of Qiling also means staying away from the jurisdiction of the Qiling clan.

At most, it is the prestige of the Qiling clan, which can make people take care of one or two things.

As long as the publicity is in place, the person named Liangqi will definitely be attracted!

With this in mind, Wang Mang also expressed his thoughts to Abyss Xuanming.

After listening to Wang Mang's thoughts, Shen Yuan Xuan Ming's eyes suddenly brightened.

good idea!

After thinking about the feasibility of this plan, Shen Yuan Xuanming also showed a smile on his face.

"This method can."

As soon as the words fell, Shenyuan Xuanming took out a map from nowhere and began to observe.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang also asked curiously: "The map of Qiling Starfield?"

Hearing this, Shen Yuan Xuan Ming nodded, and continued to compare the distances between each world and the Qiling top world.

Seeing his serious expression, Wang Mang stopped disturbing him.

After about a stick of incense time.

After Abyss Xuanming drove the power of the Dao to leave a mark on a corner of the map, he said suddenly:

"You're done!"

Seeing this, Wang Mang took the map he had put on the table and looked at it.

I saw a white mark that was particularly conspicuous in the corner of the outermost edge of the map.

Obviously this white mark was inscribed by Shen Yuanxuan, and a few large characters beside the white mark appeared in Wang Mang's eyes.

Apocalypse big world.

After putting the map on the table, Wang Mang walked slowly to the window in the room.

Looking at the pedestrians coming and going below, Wang Mang also weighed in his heart.

The dao crystals that this top world can harvest must be much more than the world.

The difficulty is also a bit higher!

Even if he has a savings talisman, doesn't the Qiling clan, who are the top power, not have one?

At that time, I can only entrust my hope in the bronze coffin of the ninth generation.

But the bronze coffin, even I didn't figure it out.

Is there really a chance of winning against the top power?

Moreover, the system did not release any tasks about the bronze coffin.

According to past experience, this bronze coffin is not actively aggressive.

Unless the system issued a task to put XX into the bronze coffin, it would not take any action.

After much deliberation, Wang Mang still decided to temporarily leave this spiritual enlightenment top world.

It is obviously a very irrational behavior to completely entrust your life to the bronze coffin.

If the bronze coffin fell off the chain, wouldn't he be cold?

Just when Wang Mang was about to speak to Abyss Xuanming, the system's voice sounded impressively:

【Ding! The current situation of the host has been detected! Give the host the following task options! 】

[Mission 1: After actively offending the Qiling Clan, live for three months! 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it! 】

[Task Reward: Eternal Treasure Chest x1, Eternal Blind Box x1, Dao Crystal 10 billion! 】


[Task 2: Randomly kill a young patriarch of the Qiling clan! And leave this world safe and sound! 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it! 】

[Task Reward: Eternal Treasure Chest x1, Eternal Blind Box x1. Dao Crystal 20 billion! 】


[Mission 3: Kill all the young patriarchs of the Qiling clan! 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it! 】

[Task Reward: Eternal Treasure Chest x1, Eternal Blind Box x1, Dao Crystal 30 billion! 】


After hearing the system's sudden release of three tasks, Wang Mang held back the words that had just come to his lips.

Grandma, the system, you are making me die!

After complaining in his heart, Wang Mang began to think.

Of these three tasks, the first one is definitely the easiest in terms of difficulty.

The difficulty of completing the second task is not high, and the rewards are quite generous.

As for the third one.

Wang Mang thought about it, but still ruled him out.

Kill all the young patriarchs at once, let alone whether it can be completed.

Even if it is completed, it will be difficult to escape alive!

It's not like that, it's all courting death.

After a while, Wang Mang also made a choice.

"System, choose task two!"

As soon as the voice fell, the system's voice also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Choose success! Please complete the task as soon as possible to get the reward! 】

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