I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1711 Kill the young patriarch!

A terrifying aura surged and exploded from Wang Mang's body.

The tyrannical and chaotic evil spirit was like an abyss like an ocean, making the people watching the battle feel a little suffocated.

The berserk breath caused Wang Mang's long hair to flutter wantonly.

The Patriarch of the Seventh Young Master who was opposite him squinted his eyes subconsciously.

Looking at Wang Mang, who looked completely different from just now, the Patriarch of the Seventh Young Master couldn't help but look a little ugly.

This kind of breath is definitely not mediocre!

This also proves that he has lost a powerful supporter!

But that's the end of the matter, we can only talk about defeating it!

As soon as he thought of this, the Patriarch of the Seventh Young Master's eyes froze and his figure flashed towards Wang Mang.

Seeing the figure approaching at high speed, Wang Mang's face became extremely cold, and the three supreme avenues in his body swept out immediately.

The three avenues and long rivers were like the Nujiang River, rushing towards the attacking Seventh Young Master Patriarch.

Seeing this situation, the Patriarch of the Seventh Young Master quickly stopped and used Dao Yun to resist the incoming attack.


With a muffled sound, the forces of both sides collided immediately.

The strong aftermath surged out with bursts of strong winds, shattering the ground under his feet in an instant.

The aura of the battle between the two was mighty in the sky, permeating the entire Qifen clan.

In an instant, it attracted everyone in the Qifen clan.

On weekdays, the elders, who are busy with everything, rushed towards this place one after another, and even the patriarch who was practicing was alarmed.

The strength of the two auras is close to the eternal realm of the older generation.

They are very familiar with the breath of the patriarch of the Seventh Young Master, but whose is the other one?


At this time, in the battlefield of the two.

The patriarch of the Seventh Young Master's face was no longer indifferent as before, and was filled with endless astonishment.

"How can it be!"

"The area is immortal!"

His eyes widened, and his words were full of puzzlement.

Not only him, but even the other members of the tribe who were struggling to stabilize their figures below were full of surprise.

Resist the eternal realm with the indestructible realm!

The following cutting, so possible!

At this moment, everyone felt that their original concepts had been severely impacted.

What's more, the Dao heart collapsed directly, and the road was broken since then. Of course, this is all a later story.

At this time, Wang Mang, who was standing on the ground, was extremely confused in his heart.

Hearing that name after a long absence, I thought I could face it calmly.

I never thought that I would be so upset in an instant.

Wang Mang took a deep breath, looking at the Patriarch of the Seventh Young Master with killing intent in his eyes.

He knew that no matter what, he had to go through it.

It's time for a quick fight!

The next moment, a snow-white long sword suddenly appeared in Wang Mang's hand.

The sharp sword energy covered the aura of the two of them in an instant.

The Patriarch of the Seventh Young Master, who was maintaining Dao Yun opposite Wang Mang, suddenly rang the alarm in his heart.

You will die if you hit it!

This absurd idea, in normal times he would absolutely dismiss it as an illusion to appease himself.

But looking at Wang Mang who was holding a long sword with a majestic killing intent, he knew that this was not an illusion!

However, as the strongest young patriarch of Qiling Clan, this honor does not allow him to back down.

With this in mind, the Patriarch of the Seventh Young Master suppressed the strange feeling in his heart, and tried his best to admit that he was not so nervous.

Afterwards, he slowly stretched out his right hand, and as the space rippled, a pitch-black sickle suddenly appeared in his hand.

Although in front of that mysterious long sword, the sickle in his hand seemed very insignificant.

But it would also make him feel more at ease.

Looking at his body, a gleam of red flashed across Wang Mang's eyes.

The next moment, the three supreme avenues were suddenly blessed in the Sword of Cutting Heaven.

Immediately, Wang Mang's figure flashed, and he swung his long sword and approached the patriarch of the Seventh Young Master.

The razor-sharp sword light continuously cut out from the divine sword.

Seeing this situation, the Patriarch of the Seventh Young Master also used the magic weapon and Dao Yun together to resist the incoming sword light.

Seeing Wang Mang's approaching figure, he was also anxious.

If he was hit by this long sword, the consequences would be disastrous!

Although I don't know the specifics of this long sword, but just judging from the power it exudes, it must be the seventh-rank top grade!

I really didn't read the almanac when I went out today, so I met such a freak!

Seeing Wang Mang getting closer and closer, the Patriarch of the Seventh Young Master showed a hint of anxiety on his face.

If this battle is defeated, then one's fame in the first life will be ruined.

As for death, he didn't think about it, even if Wang Mang looked murderous now.

Among the Qifen clan, who would dare to kill him, the Patriarch of the Seventh Young Master?

What's more, there are two elders watching from the side.

Looking at the divine sword in Wang Mang's hand, the patriarch of the Seventh Young Master's eyes flashed.

There is a way!

The next moment, he said loudly: "The magic weapon you use is higher than mine, it's not fair."

"This battle doesn't count!"

While speaking, he also withdrew the dao rhyme around him.

It seemed to be telling Wang Mang, stop now that the competition is over.

But Wang Mang's purpose at this time is to kill him, and then go to the Tianqi Great World.

Seeing that this guy actually canceled Dao Yun on his own initiative, Wang Mang's eyes flashed.

good chance!

The next moment, Wang Mang's speed increased to the extreme, and he slashed the sword in his hand towards the head of the Patriarch of the Seventh Young Master.


A cold light flashed, and a hideous wound appeared on the neck of the Patriarch of the Seventh Young Master, blood spattered into the void.

At the same time, his breath of life began to pass away rapidly.

The terrifying sword energy continuously destroyed every inch of meridians in his body.

Now he is close to falling completely.

At this moment, a Dao of Devouring suddenly poured into his soul.

This time, his only chance of life was wiped out.

Feeling the gradually blurred consciousness, the Patriarch of the Seventh Young Master covered his neck, and the voice of unwillingness sounded intermittently:

"how dare you."

As he was dying, he still didn't understand why this person dared to kill him.

Isn't he afraid of being hunted down by the Qiling clan?


With a muffled sound, the patriarch of the Seventh Young Master fell down, and at the same time, his breath disappeared completely.

His eyes widened like bull's eyes, staring at Wang Mang's back.

Do not rest in peace.

At this time, several terrifying auras suddenly appeared in Wang Mang's perception.

There are two elders who are nearby, and there are other elders who are rushing over.

The aura erupted by the elders was like an erupting volcano, violent and majestic.

In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color and the wind and clouds surged, and the deep killing intent locked on Wang Mang.

At this time, everyone watching the battle was shocked and speechless.

I thought it was a crushing battle, but I never thought that this person could compete with the young patriarch.

When the young patriarch announced the end of this competition, they were still feeling that there was another real dragon in the seventh clan.

Never thought that the development of things far exceeded their expectations.

Since this person is in the Qifen clan, he directly beheaded the young patriarch!

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