I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1721 Sudden betrayal! Wang Mang caught off guard!

As soon as the voice fell, the system's voice sounded again:

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! Choose success! Please complete the task as soon as possible to get the reward! 】

After hearing the system's words, Wang Mang also pondered.

He has heard of the sign of the emperor of the star field more than once.

I didn't pay much attention to it before, after all, participating in this kind of bird thing is not as good as devouring life.

But now that the system has issued tasks, Wang Mang has to plan ahead.

After pondering for a moment, Wang Mang squeezed his chin subconsciously.

Anyway, this mission is just to participate as a passer-by, so it's okay to quit after participating, right?

Very good, another wave of whoring!

At this time, Mo Xiaoyou, who was beside Wang Mang, was still describing his own experience to Wang Mang.

Seeing Wang Mang's dazed look, Mo Xiaoyou's beautiful eyes burst into murderous intent.

Then, she tentatively said, "Do you still remember when we first met?"

"At that time, I didn't know that the courtyard had been allocated to you by my father."


There was a flash of reminiscence on her face, and she said a lot of things about the two of them back then.

But the killing intent in his eyes became more and more intense.

Seeing Wang Mang who hadn't responded for a long time, the power of the Great Dao in Mo Xiaoyou's body began to flow indistinctly.

Do you really think you are stupid?

Even though Wang Mang's explanation can be said to be seamless, even the black fog was involved.

However, Mo Xiaoyou had personally witnessed the scene of Wang Mang devouring the corpse.

In the combination, Wang Mang's massacre followed.

The death of his father and grandfather is absolutely inseparable from Wang Mang.

Pretend to believe, just because you can't beat it.

Now is your chance.

A few breaths of time passed, and the Tao rhyme accumulated in her body became stronger and stronger.

If it wasn't for Mo Xiaoyou's deliberate suppression, she would definitely be surrounded by visions.

The next moment, Mo Xiaoyou's eyes froze, and the majestic killing intent was no longer concealed, but unscrupulously vented out.

The Tao Yun that had been accumulated for a long time erupted from her abdomen in an instant, and blasted towards Wang Mang without sparing any effort.

At the same time, Mo Xiaoyou, who was well aware of the wide range of the outbreak, retreated violently into the distance.

The terrifying Dao Yun bombardment shattered the space and suddenly appeared in front of Wang Mang.

When Wang Mang came back to his senses, this radiant dao rhyme bombardment was already close at hand.

The dazzling beam of light occupied Wang Mang's entire line of sight.

Dangerous alarm bells kept ringing in Wang Mang's mind.

Wang Mang, who hadn't figured out the situation yet, subconsciously used the constant time body.


With the sound of a deafening roar, the entire Sky Crane Pavilion suddenly vibrated.

The terrifying airflow immediately shattered everything around it, and even the supporting pillars began to crumble.

If this continues, the collapse of Tianhe Pavilion is only a matter of time.

At this moment, the protective formation arranged in the Sky Crane Pavilion was activated immediately.

At the same time as the formation was activated, many Dao rhymes emerged from it.

With Dao Yun's blessing on the support pillar, the crumbling Sky Crane Pavilion stabilized again.

Sensing the sudden situation below, Qing Yi and Shen Yuan Xuanming couldn't stand anymore, and rushed towards Wang Mang's position at the same time.

Looking at the brilliant flame in front of him, Qing Yi's pretty face suddenly darkened.

The expression of Abyss Xuanming beside him also changed suddenly.

This kind of dao rhyme breath is close to the fifth heaven level of the eternal level!

The unsuspecting Wang Mang brothers are afraid...

Reminiscing that Wang Mang might have encountered an accident, Shen Yuan Xuan Ming suddenly turned his head to look at Mo Xiaoyou who was pale but still laughing not far away.

Damn woman!

The next moment, Shen Yuan Xuanming directly took out the order of the young patriarch and pointed it at Mo Xiaoyou.

In an instant, a terrifying aura leaked from the token.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this moment, a simple and heavy bell sounded melodiously.

Hearing the movement, Abyss Xuanming subconsciously looked towards the place where Dao Yun's bombardment erupted.

All I saw was a phantom of a big clock that appeared at an unknown time and was still shaking.

In the phantom shadow of the big clock, hundreds of millions of silver threads emerged.

The strong power of time surges, and the power of retrospect rewrites the surrounding time against the sky and the earth.

Seeing this situation, Qing Yi on the side couldn't help but widen his eyes, and murmured in disbelief:

"This... is this the power of time?"

"Is that possible?"

You must know that going back in time to rewrite the ending is a big cause and effect,

Not to mention Wang Mang, even the peerless powerhouse of the Eternal Level Consummation can hardly bear such karma.

After a few breaths, Wang Mang's body was condensed from billions of timelines.

Seeing the unscathed Wang Mang, the two people who came here became stunned.

It would be acceptable if Wang Mang was killed directly, or avoided by other means.

But what the hell is this straight back in time?

Of course, with Abyss Xuanming's current state, he couldn't understand the tricks in it.

However, the method of reorganizing his body shocked him greatly!

Mo Xiaoyou, who was not far away, saw the restored Wang Mang, and was stunned as if struck by lightning.

This blow not only consumed all the dao rhyme storage in her body, but also pulled a quarter of the dao carrier origin in it.

If they are attacked head-on, those below the Eternal Realm Fourth Layer Heaven will undoubtedly die.

How could he be unscathed? !

At this time, Wang Mang, whose consciousness had returned to his body, stared at Mo Xiaoyou lightly, his face was surprisingly not angry, but very calm.

Even though this is the case on the surface, the plundering factor in Wang Mang's body has begun to erode his sanity.

"Xiaoyou, what does this mean?"

Wang Mang asked in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, the three people around had different reactions.

Abyss Xuanming silently withdrew the order of the young patriarch who was ready to go.

Qing Yi's eyes kept switching between the two, as if wanting to see something.

A sad smile appeared on Mo Xiaoyou's pale face.

"I'm not stupid, you know what happened back then."

"The two of us have long been sworn enemies."

After hearing this, Wang Mang's face was covered with frost.

The scarlet in his eyes flickered uncontrollably, strange and beautiful.

"That is, no matter what, you can't go back to the past?"

Wang Mang took a deep breath, as if he was confirming something.

Hearing this, Mo Xiaoyou let out a shameful laugh, and mocked, "Do you think it's possible?"

"I was ignorant in the past. I knew that Grandpa Mo Gu shouldn't have let you join the Mo clan."

The words were filled with strong hatred.

The two people around heard an uproar.

What happened, what the hell is this Mo tribe?

Compared with Qing Yi's confusion, Shen Yuan Xuan Ming guessed a little.

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