I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1723 The matter of the dead body!

Listening to the conversation between the two, Abyss Xuanming at the side was suddenly surprised.

Unexpectedly, the Qiling clan also wanted to recruit Wang Mang brothers.

Ma De, it is good to be talented, and you will be sought after wherever you go.


With this in mind, Shen Yuan Xuanming's perseverance in pursuing the inheritance of the corpse way couldn't help becoming more intense.

Talent is not enough to work hard enough to make up.

At this moment, Wang Mang walked over slowly.

Wang Mang put his arms around his shoulders, and said nonchalantly, "What are you thinking about?"

Seeing Wang Mang's actions, Shen Yuan Xuanming subconsciously thought of the scene just now.

For a moment, his brows twitched, and he joked, "Brother Wang Mang, your hug is a bit dangerous."

Hearing this, Wang Mang also laughed a few times, and said cheerfully:

"Don't talk about me, why are you here?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Shen Yuan Xuanming sighed helplessly, and said bitterly:

"Don't mention it, isn't this covered by the affairs of these two people?"

"I plan to wait until this matter is over, and then start spreading the news."

"Come and have a glass of wine when you have nothing to do."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Mang nodded in understanding.

After contemplating for a moment, Wang Mang continued to speak, "Xuan Ming, are you going to participate in this Starfield King's March?"

Abyss Xuanming glanced at Wang Mang strangely, and complained loudly:

"What do you think?"

"I'm still a little self-aware, this is the stage for you talented guys."

"I won't get involved."

"Ahem, but brother Wang Mang, you hooked up with this..."

While speaking, he turned his eyes to Qing Yi's position a few times, and winked at Wang Mang for a while.

Wang Mang instantly understood what he meant, and then patted the back of his head angrily.

"What are you thinking? It's just a senior."

"The old friend of the patriarch of the abyss."

As soon as these words came out, Abyss Xuanming suddenly realized.

The old friend of the original Eight Patriarchs!

No wonder, this is a relationship!

Tsk tsk tsk, this is the gap between the patriarchs.

At this moment, Wang Mang's voice sounded again:

"Don't you want to know about the matter between Naliang Qi and the Cangyu Dynasty?"

"The patriarch of Qiling Qifen is right in front of you, why don't you ask her."

Hearing this, Shen Yuan Xuanming shrugged helplessly, and whispered to Wang Mang:

"I've asked it a long time ago, but I don't know anything about it."

"What do you say, she doesn't ask about the young patriarch's affairs."

"Why is there such an irresponsible patriarch!"


At this moment, a pleasant voice came to the ears of the two of them:

"Brat, who do you say is irresponsible?"

Hearing this, Shen Yuan Xuanming answered without thinking:

"Of course it is..."

Halfway through speaking, she froze for a moment.

Why is this voice so familiar?


As soon as this thought came to this point, bursts of cold sweat suddenly broke out on Shen Yuan Xuanming's forehead.

The next moment, he quickly pretended to be indifferent, and said to Wang Mang:

"By the way, the patriarch of Qiling Qifen Clan is good-looking and nice-sounding, and he is so conscientious."

"What a rare and good senior!"

Looking at Abyss Xuanming, who was full of desire to survive, Wang Mang also chuckled, and helped cover up:

"It makes sense."

"I also think so."

Qing Yi at the side looked at the two people who sang together, and also sneered, saying:

"I heard what you just said."

Hearing this, Shen Yuan Xuan Ming panicked, pretended to be stupid and said:

"Huh? Brother Wang Mang, what did we just say?"

"Didn't you say that Mei Shengtian, the head of Qiling Seven Clans, is a rare senior?" Wang Mang said with a blank expression.

"Oh yes, my memory is getting worse and worse recently." Shen Yuan Xuanming gave Wang Mang a compliment in his heart!

Qing Yi's eyes kept shifting on the two of them, and then he said slowly:

"This is not an example."

"By the way, I heard that you want to fall into the corpse path."

Qing Yi stared straight at Abyss Xuan Ming, with a look of inquiry in his eyes.

The way of the corpse is the leader of the evil ways recognized by the entire second ring universe.

It is an evil and crooked way that is cast aside by all living beings and is in opposition to all living beings.

When the lineage of the Exterminating Corpse Dao was suppressed back then, the six top powers also contributed a lot.

Starfield Dynasty is the main force on the surface, but behind the scenes, the six top forces are actually fueling the flames.

On that day, the six top forces all received orders from the Supremes.

And the meanings are similar, destroying corpses.

Although I don't quite understand the meaning of this, the supreme order cannot be disobeyed.

It happened that the six star field dynasties were too powerful at that time, and it was not what they wanted to use the corpse path to weaken the major star field dynasties.

In this way, the lineage of the Dao of the Corpse was wiped out under the calculations of the six top forces.

Now there is actually a junior who wants to fall into the path of corpses, which makes Qingyi have to take care of it.

The most important thing is that this person is also Wang Mang's brother.

What if Wang Mang is brought into trouble?

Wang Mang is Brother Mu's beloved apprentice, an important bridge for him and Brother Mu to live a happy life.

Can't be spoiled.

Defects in character and heart can be made up the day after tomorrow.

But falling into the corpse path is not enough.

This is a big taboo!

With this in mind, Qing Yi hurriedly pulled Wang Mang aside, and preached:

"The things in the corpse path are not as simple as they appear on the surface."

"Don't learn from him!"

After hearing this, Wang Mang couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and said speechlessly:

"Shouldn't you tell him that?"

"What's the use of telling me."

Hearing this, Qing Yi was also taken aback.

Then he quietly sent a voice transmission to Wang Mang: "His desire for power is no longer something that can be persuaded with words."

"And as one of the young patriarchs of the Abyss, he still resolutely embarked on this road."

Wang Mang glanced at Shen Yuan Xuanming without leaving a trace, and nodded slowly.

Although it can't be seen on the surface, it is not difficult to see his determination from Shen Yuanxuanming's series of actions.

Qing Yi was worried that he, like Shen Yuan Xuan Ming, would take the initiative to seek the power of the corpse.

But she obviously thought too much, and her own powerful background is completely unnecessary.

After thinking up to this point, Wang Mang nodded to Qing Yi, and then walked towards Abyss Xuan Ming.


At this time, on the top floor of Tianhe Pavilion.

All the experts in the Eternal Realm, sit in the chairs and look at the extremely gloomy Yun Daohe.

Tang Gu, who was beside him, was not much better, and his face was full of astonishment.

Mo Xiaoyou died just like that?

For a moment, he couldn't help scolding Wang Mang in his heart.

Grandma's, why don't you marry her and then provoke her.

It's fine to provoke, and kill people directly.

Now not only failed to embrace the thigh of the top power, even the long-cherished wish to join forces with Tianhe Pavilion has also turned into a bubble.

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