I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1725 The Will of the World Appears!

At this time, Wang Mang walked quickly to the front of the eternal realm powerhouses.

Due to being imprisoned and attacked by Qing Yi's Dao Yun, most of the Eternal Realm powerhouses couldn't even drive Dao Yun out of their bodies.

This led to a situation where these Eternal Realm powerhouses were unable to fight back against Wang Mang's attack.

And Wang Mang was unambiguous, every sword hit the vital point, and then he used the Dao of Devouring to devour them.

All of a sudden, the prompts in Wang Mang's mind sounded continuously:

【Ding! The powerhouse who devours the third heaven of the Eternal Realm! Get Dao Crystal 300 million! 】

【Ding! The powerhouse who devours the fifth heaven of the Eternal Realm! Get Dao Crystal 500 million! 】

【Ding! The powerhouse who devours the first layer of the eternal realm! Get Dao Crystal 100 million! 】

【Ding! devour...]

After a while, these Eternal Realm powerhouses were devoured by Wang Mang.

Following that, Wang Mang also obtained 20 billion Dao Crystals!

Among them, Yun Daohe and Tang Gu are the most valuable, and they both provided Wang Mang with 700 million Dao crystals.

The next step is to elicit the will of the world.

At this point, Wang Mang pondered for a moment, then asked Qing Yi:

"How does the loss of a big world affect Qiling Clan?"

After all, this is in the Qiling Starfield, and Qing Yi is one of the patriarchs of the Qiling clan and an old friend of Abyss Bones.

This world is also under the jurisdiction of the Qiling Clan.

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Qing Yi couldn't help frowning.

"The impact is nothing."

"What's wrong?"

Hearing this, the corners of Wang Mang's mouth raised slightly, and he said nonchalantly, "That's good."

"Presumably, the march of the emperor of the star field didn't start so soon, did it?"

"How about waiting for me for a day or two?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Qing Yi frowned even tighter, and there was a serious look on his face.

"Coffin boy, those ordinary people are of no use to you, and indiscriminate killing will only increase your karma."

"You are still……"

Seeing Qing Yi who hesitated to speak, Wang Mang replied calmly:

"I know what I'm doing."

"Two days later, we are still seeing each other at this place."

After finishing speaking, Wang Mang disappeared in place without waiting for Qing Yi to express his opinion.

Seeing Wang Mang's original position, Qing Yi was speechless for a long time.

At this moment, Shen Yuan Xuanming's voice came to her leisurely:

"Don't worry, Brother Wang Mang is just doing what he thinks is right."

"It's become the norm."

Hearing this, Qing Yi turned his head sideways, and looked suspiciously at Shen Yuan Xuan Ming.

Seeing his indifferent appearance, a look of astonishment appeared on Qing Yi's face.

"Is everything you said true?"

"Has this kind of thing happened many times before?"

As soon as these words came out, Shen Yuan Xuanming chuckled a few times as if nothing had happened, and found a seat to sit down leisurely.

"Everyone is selfish, and their experiences in life determine the degree of selfishness."

"Who is qualified to judge whom?"

"I gave up the past in pursuit of strength, and I failed the patriarch's expectations."

"Brother Wang Mang is the same, even though his current height is something I have never touched."

"But in essence, we are all people along the way."

Looking at Abyss Xuanming with a sad face, Qing Yi flashed behind him, gave him a shudder, and cursed angrily:

"Two little brats, they have experienced more than me!"

"If it's really like what you said, then why do you two call each other brothers?"

"Is there anything on you that Wang Mang can draw?"

As soon as these words came out, Abyss Xuanming still had a faint smile on his face.

It's just that there was a hint of emotion in his eyes.

"Yeah, every personality is predetermined by God, and the experience of a lifetime shapes a constant personality."

"All we can do is try not to let this little bit of poor humanity be completely annihilated by life."

Looking at the very open-minded Abyss Xuanming, Qing Yi's face was complicated.

After a moment of silence, she looked up at the sky, and murmured in a voice that only she could hear:



At this time, in the sky above a city.

Wang Mang stands here impressively.

Seeing all kinds of casual cultivators below, Wang Mang quickly used the Dao of Devouring.

The unwavering face was full of indifference.

The deep-space Taoist robe is automatic without wind, and tens of thousands of Devouring Dao gushes out from it.

In an instant, the city was enveloped in darkness.

Without hesitation, Wang Mang immediately drove the Devouring Dao to devour every creature in the city.

The terrifying Devouring Avenue is like a natural disaster, destroying countless buildings in an instant.

The roar of the building collapsing can be heard endlessly.

The casual cultivators among them were entangled by the Dao of Devouring without even a chance to resist.

There were frightened and distorted faces, and the corners of the mouth were constantly opening and closing as if they were saying something.

The bloody body, the blood that flowed out like an oasis,

The entire city has suddenly become a purgatory on earth from its former prosperity.

Wang Mang turned a blind eye to these shocking tragedies and even increased the frequency of devouring Dao.

In an instant, Wang Mang's mind was filled with continuous prompts from the system.

After doing all this, Wang Mang immediately rushed towards other cities.

Time is running out, I only have two days.


At this time, Qing Yi's body suddenly appeared from the space above the ruined city.

Looking at the Devouring Dao and the rich blood energy left in the ruins, Qing Yi frowned.

The next moment, her perception instantly covered the entire ruins.

Is there no one alive?

Not even a dead body?

The way of devouring is not much better than the way of corpses, even worse.

I don't know if it's good or bad to bring this kid back to the Spiritual Clan.


Time flies, and the day passes quickly.

In just one day, Wang Mang had devoured 80% of the world's creatures.

Without the interference of the strong in the Eternal Realm, the speed is much faster than in the Tianfeng Great World.

Wang Mang stood in the sky above a ruin, looking down at the area indifferently.


At this moment, the blue sky suddenly changed.

The whole sky became cloudy and dark.

Endless thunderclouds surged, and terrifying murderous intent filled the corners of the world.

The world consciousness above all living beings has awakened!

In the boundless sky, a huge face slowly appeared.

The coercion that was as deep as the sea fell on Wang Mang's shoulders.

For a moment, the power of the four great avenues surged, offsetting the incoming coercion.

The Taoist robes of the deep space rattled.

Wang Mang stared straight at the World Will that appeared, with a smile on his face.

finally come.

"Killing innocent people indiscriminately, disturbing the ecological balance."

"In the name of heaven, wash away your sins."

The brilliant sound of heaven exploded, and the lingering sound lingered.

The sharp wind blew violently towards Wang Mang.

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