I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1727 Abyss Xuanming leaves again!

Qing Yi talked about many past events in a series.

The two people on the side were also amazed.

Never thought that the past of this senior would be so ups and downs.

Among them, what surprised Wang Mang the most was the incident between Qingyi and Shen Yuanke.

It turned out that the seemingly honest Eight Patriarchs did such crazy things when they were young and frivolous.

In Qing Yi's description, after the two clans learned about her relationship with Shen Yuanhu.

The Qiling clan naturally disagreed.

After all, if you marry in the past, you are a member of the Abyss Nine Clans.

With Qingyi's talent, the Qiling clan is naturally unwilling.

As can be imagined later, Qing Yi was locked up.

After hearing the news, the young and frivolous Abyss Skeleton broke into the Qiling Clan.

Needless to say, the young Abyss Skull was suppressed until the Nine Abyss Clans came to redeem them.

For a moment, Wang Mang also chuckled involuntarily.

"By the way, what's going on with the rumors about the Immortal King of Time?"

Thinking of Baisha's corpse, Wang Mang said curiously.

Wang Mang had also heard the rumors that the Eternal Immortal Physique fought against the Qiling Clan and finally retreated unscathed.

Now that the person involved was right in front of him, Wang Mang asked directly.

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Qing Yi was startled.

Abyss Xuanming at the side also had a look of curiosity on his face.

As one of the young patriarchs of the Abyss Nine Clans, he is very clear about the background of the top powers.

He has also heard a little about the Eternal Immortal Physique, one of the fifteen physiques.

The mysterious power of time, strange and unpredictable means.

Both sides are outstanding, and what happened in it must be extremely exciting!

How can one not be curious?

Facing the curious gazes of the two, Qing Yi also pondered.

After a long time, she opened her mouth and said:


"I'm not very clear, I was not the patriarch when the incident happened."

"The only thing I remember is that the eight patriarchs and the eternal fairy body went to the frontier of the universe together and a great battle broke out."

"Later, the previous eight patriarchs had their own injuries, and the Eternal Immortal Physique did not appear in the Qiling clan anymore."

"That's all I know."

As soon as these words came out, the expectations on the faces of the two were suddenly replaced by disappointment.

I thought the story would be so ups and downs, that's it?

Seeing the expressions of the two, Qing Yi was immediately annoyed.

"What's your expression?"

As soon as the words fell, the faces of the two of them suddenly returned to their previous indifference.

Without giving her a chance to make trouble, Wang Mang said again:

"Where is the destination of this altar?"


"Direct access to the top world of Enlightenment!"


At this time, in the clan land of the top eight families of the abyss.

The entire Octave was as peaceful as ever.

There are not a few people who are diligently cultivating, or lying down every day, drunk and dreaming of death.

Compared with Wang Mang's environment, this place is obviously a peaceful place.

In the palace of the patriarch at this time.

Shen Yuanke sat cross-legged on the throne, staring blankly at the front, his thoughts drifting far away.

If so many things hadn't happened back then, maybe that kid Wang Mang wouldn't have left either.

But that kid's character is destined not to be in the comfort zone,

It's a pity, they were all ready to be stocked, but such an accident happened unexpectedly.

At this thought, Shen Yuankui also rubbed his brows and sighed lightly.

The battle of the emperor of the star field is imminent, but there is no one from the eight clans.

Looking at the current Eight Clans, the only Tianjiao who can make a move is the Abyss Temple.

But it's just a matter of getting it.

Compared with other young patriarchs of the same clan, Abyss Temple is still a lot worse.

"Walking around and back to the original point."

Sitting cross-legged on the throne, Shen Yuankui sighed bitterly.

After pondering for a moment, he called Hei Yan over.

"Master Patriarch, what are your orders?"

Elder Heiyan cupped his hands and spoke quite calmly.

Compared with other elders, Hei Yan's relationship with Abyssal Skull is obviously better.

The relationship between superiors and subordinates is mixed with many years of friendship.

"Who do you think is the most suitable member of the clan to participate in the Conquest of the Emperor of the Star Field?"

Abyss Xuanming, who had no thoughts, also threw this question to Hei Yan.

I want to see what he thinks differently.

As soon as these words came out, Hei Yan also pondered, and whispered: "Are you a candidate to participate in the Conquest of the Emperor of the Star Field?"

After thinking for a moment, Hei Yan also showed a touch of helplessness on his face.

At the beginning, it was a piece of shit luck that Wang Mang, a piece of jade in the rough, was taken back to the Abyss Eight Fen Clan.

I thought that the Bafen clan would rise just like this, but I never thought that these changes would happen.

Since the appearance of Wang Mang among the Eight Fen Clans, the original Tianjiao seems not enough.

At this thought, Hei Yan also gave a helpless wry smile, and said:

"Patriarch, don't you already have an answer to this question?"

"Apart from Abyss Temple, who else is competent?"

Hearing this, Shen Yuanke also nodded clearly, and sighed:

"That's the only way to go. It would be great if that kid Wang Mang was still around."

As soon as these words came out, Hei Yan suddenly sighed.

"God is jealous of my eighth family."


Time flies, and half a day is fleeting.

The teleportation altar where the three of Wang Mang were located also arrived at the top world of Enlightenment.

The majestic landing immediately attracted the Eternal Realm powerhouses guarding around.

Of course, after seeing Qing Yi's face, the coming Eternal Realm powerhouse was taken aback for a moment, and then withdrew after paying respect.

It is worth mentioning that among the Eternal Realm powerhouses who came this time, there are three.

One of them, Wang Mang, happened to know him.

It was Mo Yong who Wang Mang met when he first came to the World of Enlightenment.

Wang Mang now clearly remembers the look in Mo Yong's eyes just now.

First surprise, then surprise, and finally admiration.

At this moment, the voice of Abyss Xuanming came to Wang Mang's ears impressively:

"Brother Wang Mang, let's just leave now, I'm going to continue looking for my chance."

Hearing this, Wang Mang was stunned for a moment.

The so-called chance, of course he knows, is the path of the corpse.

Looking at the resolute Abyss Xuanming, Wang Mang nodded as if nothing had happened.

"If you need help, use the sound transmission symbol to contact me."

Hearing this, Shen Yuan Xuanming chuckled suddenly, patted Wang Mang on the shoulder, and said:

"I will definitely not be polite to you."


"Take care of yourself."

"Take care of yourself."

Seeing his back gradually leaving, Wang Mang's eyes showed a hint of doubt.

For some reason, when he saw the back of him leaving this time, Wang Mang always felt that this parting was forever.

For a while, Wang Mang was also in a daze.

At this moment, someone suddenly patted himself on the shoulder.

"Let's go, why? Don't you still feel reluctant?"

Turning his head to look, he saw Qing Yi said with a faint smile.

Wang Mang shook his head, but did not answer him.

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