I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1733 Defeat the Patriarch of the Second Young Master!

The icy air filled the air, and countless ice crystals shot towards Wang Mang.

Looking at the incoming ice crystals, Wang Mang turned a blind eye and his face was still very calm.

Just when these ice crystals were less than one meter away from Wang Mang, a black avenue of power suddenly emerged from Wang Mang's body.


With a muffled sound, these ice crystals were all blocked.

At this time, the Dao of Devouring in front of Wang Mang was looming, like walking on thin ice.

People can clearly see Wang Mang after devouring the Dao.

Indifferent! Incomparably indifferent!

From the beginning to the present, it is a face that does not change color!

Seeing that his attack hadn't worked, the patriarch of the second young master showed a solemn look on his face.

Just this little power of the Great Dao completely resisted his own attack.

It seems that the power of this person's Dao is not inferior to mine!

No, his ranking of Dao power should still be above Xuanbing Dao.

I am the Ninth Heaven of Immortality, while the person opposite is only the Fifth Heaven.

Accepting his attack so lightly can only show that the power of the mysterious ink-colored avenue far exceeds that of the Xuanbing avenue.

It seems that you need to be serious.

With this in mind, the patriarch of the second young master did not hesitate, and the power of the Great Dao in his body exploded without any spare effort.

The next moment, a blue gleam emanated from his body.


All of a sudden, bursts of subtle voices entered Wang Mang's ears.

I saw a blue wave of ice rapidly spreading from under his feet towards the surroundings.

"Huh." He exhaled bursts of cold air, and whispered: "Freeze Warlock. Frozen."

The moment the voice just fell, the entire arena was frozen.

At this time, the arena suddenly turned into a piece of ice that was white and blue.

On top of it, endless frost floats slowly.

Not only that, but even the ground under the arena was affected and began to slowly melt.

Covered in frost, two figures stood on the ring.

"This is my home game now."

The Patriarch of the Second Young Master was covered with a layer of faint white clouds, and looked at Wang Mang calmly.

At this time, around the soles of Wang Mang's feet, a few Dao of Devouring were constantly revealing, resisting the ice tide that wanted to spread over.

Now the entire ring is only the ground under Wang Mang's feet, which is still normal.

After secretly running the power of the Great Dao, Wang Mang frowned involuntarily.

The speed of the power of the avenue slowed down.

At this moment, Qing Yi, who was watching the battle under the ring, shouted impatiently:

"Wang Mang, how long are you going to play?!"

"Forget what I told you earlier?"

As soon as these words came out, no matter it was the patriarch of the second young master on the stage or everyone watching the battle, there were strange expressions on their faces.

The patriarch beside him also reminded him speechlessly:

"Patriarch Seventh Young Master, pay attention to your image."


Qing Yi glanced at the latter indifferently.


At this moment, Wang Mang, who was on the stage, also chuckled lightly after hearing Qing Yi's words.

"Okay, that's all for the show."

"Someone is urging."

Hearing this, the patriarch of the second young master suddenly showed anger on his face: "What big talk!"

As soon as the words fell, the frost that permeated the arena suddenly surged.

The next moment, the patriarch of the second young master rushed towards Wang Mang.

Followed by the frosty cold air all over the sky.

The endless power of the Xuanbing Dao lingers around his body, and there are endless visions of frost embracing around him.

Even if this kind of power is not much weaker than the powerhouse of the first layer of eternal realm.

Seeing this situation, the corners of Wang Mang's mouth raised slightly.

The next moment, his eyes froze, and an invisible ripple erupted from the primordial spirit.

boom! bara...

In an instant, a divine sense that dominates the world suddenly appeared on the ring.

For a moment, the Patriarch of the Second Young Master, who was attacking Wang Mang, only felt that Yuanshen had been hit by a heavy hammer, and his whole body was shocked and stopped in place.

The Xuanbing Avenue and a series of frost visions around him suddenly disappeared.

"Absolute Realm of Primordial Spirit!"

"Damn it, how is it possible!"

"Obviously the indestructible realm, how to do it!"

"The second young patriarch's defeat is not wronged."

"Young people are terrifying."


Hearing the exclamation of several patriarchs, Qing Yi also raised his head proudly.

Although he was a little surprised now, he didn't show it.

How can I say that Wang Mang is also the young patriarch of the Qifen clan now, so of course the patriarch himself has to behave calmly.

That way you won't lose your identity.

The young patriarchs behind the patriarchs looked at Wang Mang on the ring with seriousness.

Is the primordial spirit in a special extreme state?

Only one patriarch of the Seventh Young Master left, and another even more perverted one came.

Thinking of this, the faces of several young patriarchs also showed gloomy colors.

Only a few patriarchs showed strong unwillingness on their faces.

The invisible fire in his eyes seemed to be unable to be suppressed.


Looking at the Patriarch of the Second Young Master who bowed his body and covered his head, Wang Mang's eyes showed a hint of mischief.

Still refuse to admit defeat?

Under the gaze of everyone, Wang Mang walked slowly to his side.

Seeing the Patriarch of the Second Young Master with a painful face, Wang Mang kicked him off the ring casually.

The next moment, the domineering divine sense also dissipated.

Seeing the calm Wang Mang, all the patriarchs were a little dazed.

Only Qingyi cheered softly:

"Nice job!"

With Qing Yi's shout, everyone came back to their senses.

Looking at the condescending Wang Mang, the patriarch felt dazed for a while.

The world has changed!

"The second young patriarch has lost."

A patriarch's announcement sounded slowly.

For a while, everyone was speechless for a long time.

Tianjiao, who has awakened the special extreme state of the primordial spirit, is no longer comparable to the immortal state.

The only thing that can resist the power of the extreme realm of the primordial spirit is Dao Yun, or another force of the extreme realm of the primordial spirit.

"Patriarch, how about I am right."

Qing Yi said to him as if nothing had happened.

Hearing this, the patriarch also nodded, and said thoughtfully:

"Indeed, the five heavens of the Immortal Realm have awakened the Primordial Spirit Extreme Realm. Such talent has already crushed the young patriarchs present."

"But the Yuanshen Extreme Realm is not invincible."

"In the campaign of the emperor of the star field, there are many arrogances with eternal realm."

"If he meets him, he won't have any advantage in the special extreme power of his primordial spirit."

After hearing this, Qing Yi was not annoyed and followed his words and said:

"That's right."

"It happens that a young patriarch is in the eternal realm, otherwise let him compare with Wang Mang."

As soon as the words came out, the head of the clan also agreed and praised:

"It makes sense."

"Lin Yi, go and try the depth of the Patriarch of the Seventh Young Master."

Hearing this, a young patriarch who was already eager to try, immediately stepped into the ring.

Seeing this situation, the patriarch also laughed dumbfounded.

"Don't mind the seventh patriarch, this child is like this."

After hearing his words, Qing Yi smiled disapprovingly, and said:


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