I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1735 Abnormal mutation emerges! Swallow Avenue Riot!

On the arena at this time.

A deep and extremely deep breath permeated every corner.

The jet-black devouring avenue, like an undercurrent constantly gushing out of Wang Mang's body.

All of a sudden, gusts of wind blew from nowhere.

Endless wailing accompanied by turbid evil spirits appeared in everyone's eyes.

Seeing the vision on the ring, everyone watching the battle below was also in an uproar.

Such a strong evil spirit and resentment, how many creatures have been slaughtered?

It's no worse than those of the older generation, right? !

The patriarch stared at the ring with deep eyes, and said to Qing Yi:

"Seven patriarchs, it seems that you, the newly established young patriarch, are quite difficult."

"I didn't expect that at such a young age, he would be a cruel and merciless person."

After hearing his words, Qing Yi suddenly chuckled and replied disapprovingly:

"There's nothing wrong with being cruel."

"Which strong man didn't come out of the sea of ​​corpses and blood."

"Yeah." The patriarch also showed approval in his eyes, and said without changing his face:

"Yes, this son already has the qualifications to become a peerless powerhouse."

"It's just a matter of time before it grows up."

From now on, the patriarch truly recognized Wang Mang.

Top talent, paired with such an indestructible heart, will become a great weapon in the future.

As for where it can be seen that Wang Mang has a rock-solid Dao heart.

That is naturally the vision of these evil spirits.

How could a person with a weak heart not change his face under such karmic interference.

Hearing the praise from the chief of the clan, the corners of Qing Yi's mouth suddenly raised slightly.

The talented young generation represented by Tianjiao.

However, there are often some flaws in Tianjiao's heart.

This is also the reason why countless arrogances have been born in the entire second-ring universe since ancient times, and only a few of them can finally prove to the Eternal Nine Heavens.

It can be said that the current Wang Mang is not much different from the real Daoist. Except for the lower realm, other aspects are perfect.

This is why Qing Yi is so optimistic about Wang Mang.

Compared with before, he wanted to win over Wang Mang only because of his relationship with Shen Yuanhu.

After what happened in the Great World of Apocalypse, Qing Yi finally confirmed that Wang Mang's talent and character are fully qualified for the position of young patriarch.

A whole world of creatures can be killed if they say so!

Even though he was a little worried that Wang Mang would lose himself in the killing.

But judging from Wang Mang's subsequent performance, such worries are completely unnecessary.

At the same time, this also made Qing Yi more affirmed whether Wang Mang's Dao heart was firm or not.

As for the innocent civilians in the Great World of Apocalypse, they are not within her scope of consideration.

Slaughtering the world, although this kind of behavior sounds crazy, but if you need it, you will definitely not be soft.


At this time in the arena.

Lin Yiman's eyes widened in horror, as if he saw something terrible.

At the same time, his body was trembling faintly.

After casting the original thought of intention just now, he immediately pulled Wang Mang into the illusion.

The composition of the illusion is a part of Wang Mang's memory outlined by his avenue of desire.

He saw endless mountains of corpses and seas of blood, flesh and blood.

Even though the illusion is false, the experience of the five senses is no different from the real one.

The rich blood and pungent smell are still fresh in his memory.

How did this person in front of him manage to face these things with a blank face?

Not only that, when in the illusion.

Wang Mang's body became more and more blurred, and finally became a blurry mass of pitch black.

That's right, it's just a blur of pitch black.

I don't know what seemed to interfere with his vision, making the latter incomparably blurry in his vision when he looked at Wang Mang.

Even so, he could intuitively feel the darkness.

Incomparable and indescribably dark.

At the same time, his illusion was swallowed by darkness in an instant.

But why did the thing in the illusion directly shatter his illusion?

With such doubts in mind, Lin Yi also showed a hint of puzzlement in his eyes.

At this time, Wang Mang's whole body was surrounded by the Dao of Devouring, somewhat similar to the 'darkness' he observed in the illusion.

But the degree of mystery and weirdness is far less than that.

What kind of special existence is this?

At this time, Wang Mang had lost the whites of his eyes, leaving only darkness lingering.

The Dao of Devouring in the body is also undergoing crazy transformation.

The Devouring Dao, which used to avoid the three supreme avenues, is actively washing away the other three supreme avenues in Wang Mang's body at this moment.

In an instant, the other three supreme avenues also launched a frenzied counterattack.


Wang Mang, who immediately noticed the abnormality in his body, also involuntarily swears.

What is this for?

When being pulled into the illusion by Lin Yi, Wang Mang only felt a sudden darkness in front of him.

Then there was the sound of shackles breaking.

Then the Dao of Devouring in the body rioted uncontrollably.

Observing the movement of the four great powers in his body, Wang Mang also swallowed with difficulty.

Grandma, this is to use my body as a battlefield!

With such a weak body, whether he can bear it is a question!

After thinking up to this point, Wang Mang was extremely anxious for a while, and quickly said in his heart:

"Brother System, quickly think of a way!"

At the moment of life and death, Wang Mang didn't care about his face, so he directly asked the system for help.

As soon as the voice fell, the system's voice also sounded:

[Ding! Answer the host! Insufficient permissions! 】

! ! !

"You horse!"

After hearing the system's reply, Wang Mang immediately cursed.

This system has never been reliable at such a critical moment.

Sensing the situation in his body, Wang Mang was very anxious.

In a few breaths, the power of the Dao in his body will collide!

As for shot control, he has already tried it.

The power of the avenue, which is usually driven like an arm, is not under his control at this moment.

What the hell, I should be regarded as the most statusless cultivator.


"Constant time body!"

For a moment, Wang Mang also hurriedly said silently in his heart.

After a while, his body did not change for a long time.

For a moment, Wang Mang couldn't help but froze in place.

What about the thin line of time? What about clock ghosts?

Is this a failure?

It's over!

The next moment, before Wang Mang could react, a sharp pain came into his mind.


Afterwards, Wang Mang clutched his stomach and suddenly fell to the ground of the arena.

Seeing this situation, Lin Yi not far away was also a little confused.

What is this? Touch porcelain?

Looking at Wang Mang's painful expression,

For a moment, Lin Yi was also at a loss.

Now is a good time to win Wang Mang, but...

After thinking about it, Lin Yi shouted loudly to the crowd below the ring:

"Seniors, come and take a look."

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