I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1750 Arrival! The start of the Conquest of the Emperor of the Star Field!

In comparison, Wang Mang still considers himself inferior to Wang You.

It is true that he has mastered several supreme avenues at the same time.

But who is absolutely sure about the future?

And Wang You's supernatural power is equivalent to adding a blue sky road to the future.

Practicing honestly to improve the primordial spirit, a proper future can be expected!

On the other hand, I still have to devour living beings and offend those forces.

In the end, not only did he not end well, but he also got a bad reputation.

People are really more popular than people!

Speaking of Yuanshen, Wang Mang immediately remembered it. It is still unclear what Wang You's Yuanshen realm is.

Random Wang Mang asked, "By the way, what is your current Primordial Spirit Realm?"

As soon as the words fell, Wang You's calm voice came to Wang Mang's ears:

"The Primordial Spirit Realm Eternal Realm Fourth Heaven!"

After hearing this, Wang Mang was completely numb.


It's too awesome, and it's not surprising that the realm of the physical body is also the same.

Compared with Wang You, I am more like a follower.

Staring at Wang You's face, Wang Mang involuntarily squinted his eyes and began to think.

When you reach your destination, you must fight this guy.

With such a powerful configuration, its strength must not be underestimated.

That's it.

Wang Mang withdrew his gaze, and said to the system: "Take back this damn follower!"

As soon as the voice fell, the system's voice also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! The item was retrieved successfully! 】

Then I saw space ripples around the followers.

Until the body became weaker and weaker, and completely disappeared.

After Wang You disappeared from sight, Wang Mang also rubbed his forehead and sighed softly.

This Goobi system actually gave a follower the magic power that should belong to him.

Mahler Gobi Naked Revenge!

It must be so.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang became furious.

"Sabi system, I'm fucked."

"Dog *dong*!"

The aggrieved Wang Mang immediately cursed.

His subordinates are even more hanging than himself, so it feels so exciting.

If possible, he really wanted to withhold Wang You's supernatural powers and use them himself.

"System, I am willing to pay 100 million dao crystals to exchange the magical powers that come with the followers with the ultimate territory!"

As soon as the voice fell, the system's voice also sounded:

【Ding! Are you sure to switch? 】


For a moment, Wang Mang couldn't help being stunned, so easy to talk?

The next moment Wang Mang thought of something, he also asked vigilantly: "Is it infinite speed?"

Then the system prompt sounded again:

【Ding! There are two supernatural powers that come with the entourage, and there is a great probability of switching to the infinite space if they are randomly swapped! 】


After hearing the system's seductive words, Wang Mang suddenly sneered.

There is such a huge probability that even if you think about it with your toes, the chance of getting it must be very small.

With such a routine, he would not be fooled when he was still on Earth.

"The dog is more than the system, and wants to cheat your father."

"No more."

Wang Mang rejected the system with contempt.

Afterwards, he sat cross-legged slowly, and looked at his personal belongings again.

Looking at the high-level pet experience card, Wang Mang remembered that he still has an unborn pet.

"The system uses these two divine pet experience cards!"

As soon as the voice fell, the system's prompt sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully use the advanced pet experience card! Gain 2000 divine pet experience! 】

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded as if nothing had happened.

It's not far from the birth of the god pet.

At this moment, the voice of the ancient god resounded in Wang Mang's mind:

"Where are you going, compatriots?"

Hearing the familiar beginning, Wang Mang also chuckled.

It seems that I am not the loneliest one.

The two in the body are worse than the ancient gods, and much worse than himself.

Both are lonely people!

No, this product does not belong to the human category!

"On the way to the march of the emperor of the star field."

Wang Mang, who had nothing to do, also chose to chat with this ancient god.

Anyway, there is nothing going on now, and I can hear things that I can't touch when I communicate with the ancient gods.

Rare leisure time ah.

Just as Wang Mang was feeling emotional, the voice of the ancient god sounded again:

"What is the sign of the emperor of the star field?"

"Why haven't I heard of it?"

After hearing his words, Wang Mang chuckled suddenly and said:

"You have only been born for a hundred years and haven't heard of it, it's normal."

"Anyway, it was held together by the six top powers."

Hearing the top power, the ancient god in Wang Mang's body was immediately discouraged.

Then I heard him say with some frustration:

"Well, it's the top power again."

"It seems that I can't speak freely at that time."

As soon as this remark came out, Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment and then asked, "What's wrong? Will you be discovered?"

After a while, the ancient god's answer sounded slowly:

"That's not enough."

"But the initial memory tells me that things about the top powers are not accessible."

? ? ?

After hearing his words, Wang Mang also looked confused.

"Then why did you still take the initiative to speak up in the Spiritual Enlightenment World?"

"Isn't it because the situation is chaotic and I haven't come out for a long time to breathe?"

As soon as the words fell, Wang Mang was also speechless and said: "Since you won't be discovered, then just talk casually."

"You are no longer an ancient god, so you don't care about these things anymore."

After the lingering sound of Wang Mang's words dissipated for a while, the voice of the ancient god who suddenly realized it slowly sounded:


"Ho Ho!"


In the next half hour, Wang Mang immediately regretted it.

This guy is just like a chatterbox, asking Wang Mang tirelessly.

Among them, the two questions that Wang Mang remembers most are what is the feeling of human mating.

Another one is what it feels like to defecate in humans.

After prevaricating these two underworld questions, Wang Mang was faced with a steady stream of inquiries from the ancient gods.

For a moment, Wang Mang suspected that this guy was the reincarnation of a village aunt.

This sharp tongue is not bad in comparison.

"shut up!"

Wang Mang, who really couldn't bear it, finally reprimanded him angrily.

In an instant, the voice of the ancient god disappeared.

"It's finally quiet."

Wang Mang let out his breath slowly, and murmured with lingering fear.

At this moment, Wang Mang suddenly felt a jolt.

At the same time, several gleams of light slowly shone in.

This also made Wang Mang squint his eyes subconsciously.


Wang Mang squinted his eyes and said in a low voice.

At this moment, several voices of discussion came into Wang Mang's ears.

"Fuck, this is the illegitimate son of that boss again, and there is actually a designated teleportation altar here!"

"It's amazing, I can still see this thing in my lifetime."

"This is something only the top powers have. It seems that the relationship between the owner and the top powers is very subtle!"

"Me too!"

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