In this way, Hei Yan chanted for half a stick of incense before slowly raising his head.

At the same time, the wooden token in his hand also appeared in Wang Mang's field of vision.

And this wooden sign was simply engraved with Wang Mang's name.

Seeing this situation, the corners of Wang Mang's mouth twitched involuntarily.

Grandma, it takes so long to engrave a name, this old guy must have done it on purpose!

Seeing Wang Mang's displeasure, Hei Yan's eyes suddenly revealed a smile.

No matter how you say it, he doesn't agree with such an adventurous way!

After handing the wooden sign to Wang Mang, Hei Yan said to himself:

"I wanted to let you go, but who knew it would happen so suddenly."

While speaking, Hei Yan's face suddenly showed bitterness.

Looking at his slightly wrinkled face, Wang Mang was silent.

After a while, Wang Mang spoke slowly:

"I owe a debt to the Abyss Octave, and I will pay it back."

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Hei Yan smiled lightly, and said calmly:

"That's unnecessary."

"It's just that the patriarch will talk about you from time to time."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Mang fell silent for a while.

Afterwards, Wang Mang turned around and walked away.

"There will be a day when we meet again."

Wang Mang waved his hand and said without looking back.

Seeing Wang Mang's back gradually drifting away, Hei Yan cursed with a smile: "This kid."

At this time, the other people in the hall also looked at each other in blank dismay.

The information revealed in the conversation between the two just now is not small.

The young man just now turned out to be a member of the former Abyss Nine Clans.

The most important thing is that after the betrayal, since he has survived unharmed until now.

This is undoubtedly unbelievable for these top powerful people.



As Wang Mang walked out of the hall, countless eyes immediately fell on him.

When they saw the wooden plaque hanging from Wang Mang's waist, everyone was stunned and then showed the expressions they should have.

In their hands or waists, most of them have a stone token.

Their names are engraved on them.

Everyone present had such tokens, except Wang Mang.

Seeing everyone's eyes and facial expressions, Wang Mang was also a little surprised.

What are you doing looking at yourself like that?

But when Wang Mang glanced at the stone tokens on their bodies, he understood something.

Suddenly, a warm current swept across Wang Mang's heart.

Thank you very much.

Wang Mang looked back at the hall, his eyes showing a hint of emotion.

Soon this touch of emotion was replaced by indifference.

I saw that Wang Mang's figure disappeared in place in a flash.

When he reappeared, he had already reached the edge of the crowd.

At the same time, he used the space avenue to hide his figure.

At this moment, a system prompt sounded in Wang Mang's mind:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! mission accomplished! Rewards have been distributed to personal items! 】

Hearing this, Wang Mang became more interested.

"The system opens personal information!"

The next moment, the system's voice also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Open personal information successfully! 】

As soon as the voice fell, the personal information panel suddenly appeared in front of Wang Mang:

Host: Wang Mang.

Cultivation realm: Immortal Realm, the fifth level of heaven (Great Supreme Tianjiao).

Yuanshen Realm: Immortal Realm Level 6 (Shen Yuan Value 200/3000 Immortal Realm Level 6)

Realm of the physical body: level two of the immortal realm (refining the supernatural body, 48/100 Dacheng level).

The special extreme state of the physical body: not activated.

Realm special extreme state: the power of double extreme state.

Primordial Spirit Special Extreme Realm: Domineering Extreme Realm (cannot be upgraded).

Comprehensive Combat Strength: (Three Heavens of Eternal Realm).

Divine pet status: Unborn (6000/10000).

Supernatural powers: Aspect of gods and demons (seventh-tier top-rank), ultimate territory (seventh-tier mid-tier special!), constant time body (seventh-tier mid-tier!)

Weapons: Slaughtering God of War (top seventh-tier mid-tier), Slaughtering Great Halberd (top seventh-tier mid-tier), Heaven-cutting Sword (top seventh-tier), seventh-tier mid-tier top divine weapon x42

Items: talent value 5.01 million, seventh-level middle-grade God's Blessing Talisman x2, seventh-level middle-grade Bound Talisman 1, seventh-level middle-grade Marriage Talisman x7, seventh-level middle-grade Bad Luck Talisman x4, seventh-level middle-grade Breaking Yuan Talisman x1, Seventh-level middle-grade physique pill x1, ancient copper coffin of the ninth generation (battle damaged), a quarter of the secret fragments, a thread of the original source of devouring Taoist rhyme, the body's extreme enlightenment volume x1, fragments of karma and magical powers x6. Environment's entourage x1, armor: overalls, split headgear. Forbidden Consumable Weapon: Supreme Orb! Eternal treasure chest x1! Eternal blind box x1!

Dao crystal value: 118 billion/80 billion (sixth heaven of immortality).

Garbage bin: None.

【Ding! The Dao crystals needed to improve the realm are enough! Do you want to start lifting? 】


Wang Mang refused without thinking.

Now this is the time to start improving, and the day lily is cold when I wake up.

Wang Mang was dazzled by looking at the many things in his personal belongings.

Then, he spoke to the system and said:

"Keep the ancient scriptures of the universe, the divine blessing charms, and the marriage charms, the volume of enlightenment in the extreme state of the physical body, and the fragments of karmic magical powers."

"Yes, there are followers."

"Others that are not of great use to me should be exchanged for Dao Crystal."

As soon as the voice fell, the system's voice also sounded:

【Ding! checking! 】

【Ding! Start the exchange! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 20 billion Dao crystals! 】

Seeing that three quarters of his personal belongings were missing, Wang Mang also nodded slightly.

At this moment, a slightly immature voice came to Wang Mang's ears.

"What are you doing standing here alone?"

As soon as the words fell, Wang Mang tensed up and took a few steps back.

I saw that the young man wearing the straw hat was staring at him straightly.

For a moment, Wang Mang was also extremely surprised, and approached directly beyond his perception.

If such a method is used for a sneak attack, it is absolutely impossible to guard against!

Didn't I rewrite the surrounding space, how did this person come to my side?

"How did you get here?"

Wang Mang said very puzzled.

At the same time, several great powers in the body began to gain momentum.

In such a situation, caution must be exercised.

"Ah? Aren't you just standing here?"

"Strange question."

The straw hat youth murmured with a puzzled face.

Wang Mang stared straight at him, and quickly asked in his heart:

"System, what's the situation with this person?"

As soon as the voice fell, the system's voice also sounded:

【Ding! Answer the host: This person's physique is a void body! 】

After hearing the words of the system, Wang Mang suddenly realized.

One of the fifteen physiques born with affinity with the space avenue, the void body!

There was one among the nine abyss clans before.

No wonder he could easily come to his side.

I just don't know how much the person in front of me can exert the power of this physique!

At this moment, the system voice sounded again:

【Ding! The current situation of the host has been detected! Give the host a long-term mission! 】

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