I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1754 The Emperor's Death!

This shows that the other party is in the same space as oneself.

For a moment, Wang Mang also showed joy, and the massacre halberd appeared in his hand instantly.

Then the hand holding the halberd exerted all its force and slashed at him fiercely.


As the massacre halberd turned into an afterimage, the sound of piercing the air resounded immediately.

A gust of wind hit, and the big eyes of the straw hat youth narrowed slightly.

The next moment, the massacre halberd stopped in front of his neck.

At the same time, a small stream of blood slowly fell.

Seeing the indifferent young man in the straw hat, Wang Mang also frowned.

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

Wang Mang's indifferent voice sounded slowly.

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the straw hat youth replied with a smile, "Hahaha, aren't we friends?"

His face was full of smiles, and he was not at all worried that Wang Mang's head would move when he exerted force.

Seeing his smiling face, Wang Mang immediately frowned.

The next moment, Wang Mang exerted all his strength on the arm holding the slaughter halberd.


With the sound of the weapon passing through the flesh, the straw hat slowly fell.

A fountain of blood gushed out from the neck of the headless corpse.

Looking at the head lying next to his feet, Wang Mang said seriously, "Are you even smiling when you die?"

"Hehe, we're friends now."

As soon as the words fell, the Devouring Dao suddenly appeared, slowly wrapping the corpse in front of Wang Mang.

Afterwards, Wang Mang looked at the task bar.

[Task: Devour each of the fifteen physiques! 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it! 】

[Mission completion progress: 1/15]


[Task 2: Win the first place in the Conquest of the Emperor of the Star Field! 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it! 】

[Mission completion progress: not completed! 】


Looking at the completion progress of the first task, Wang Mang also nodded.

I thought that the void experience he encountered would be a tough character, but I never thought that he would be a heartless and heartless dude.

Could it be that he is preparing to admire himself with the so-called charisma?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang chuckled and said, "Unfortunately, you are not the protagonist."


At this time, several Eternal Realm powerhouses hidden in the space also felt speechless for a while.

The scene just now can be said to be the most outrageous thing they have ever seen in their lives.

A Tianjiao who has mastered the power of the four avenues at the same time is fighting against a person who has a void body.

In the end, one dared to make such an outrageous request, and the other really dared to do it.

Recalling the scene just now, the corners of the six people's mouths twitched involuntarily.

Looking at the indifferent Wang Mang, Hei Yan was also speechless.

Based on his understanding of Wang Mang, it is not surprising to do such a thing.

But what happened to that Tianjiao with a void body!

At this moment, the five Eternal Realm powerhouses beside Hei Yan broke through the space and attacked Wang Mang.

The speed was so fast that even Hei Yan couldn't react for a while.

Only a few swishes were heard, and there was no one around.

By the time he realized it, the five Eternal Realm powerhouses had come to Wang Mang's side.

Seeing the sudden appearance of these people, Wang Mang was a little confused for a moment.

I saw a few people with cold faces, and there were bursts of coldness in their eyes.

Several scarlet auras lingered around them.

This is the killing intent that has already materialized!

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang, who was a little confused for a while, also hurriedly became vigilant.

The power of the four avenues erupted instantly, and the massacre halberd in his hand was replaced by a snow-white long sword.

At the same time, he is also ready to use the constant time body at any time.

Looking at Wang Mang who was already fully armed, the five Eternal Realm powerhouses also frowned.

It is self-evident what their purpose is.

The Star Field Emperor's March is an activity for the six top forces to demonstrate their authority.

But among the trillions of casual cultivators, there will always be one or two odd numbers.

Just like the emperors who were born before.

The appearance of every emperor is a slap in the face of the six top forces.

But they have nothing to do, after all, the rules are set by themselves.

Wang Mang at this time made them seem to see a rising star.

At this time, it is appropriate to intercept and kill.

For a moment, the five people looked at each other and communicated.

The next moment, the three left abruptly, leaving only the two beside Wang Mang.

It is worth mentioning that one of these two people is from the Qiling clan and the other is from the Shenxuan clan.

After the three Eternal Realm powerhouses left, the two looked at each other, and then turned their attention to Wang Mang.

At the same time, meaningful smiles appeared on their faces.

"I didn't expect that Wang Mang could still meet here."

"Fate is really wonderful."

An elder of the Shenxuan clan said to Wang Mang with a smirk on his face.

As soon as these words came out, the surprise flashed in the eyes of the elders of the Qiling clan beside him.

The latter Wang Mang is also a little unclear.

No impression.

Maybe it was one of the people who intercepted and killed himself in the top world of the abyss.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang raised the corners of his mouth slightly, with a look of contempt on his face.

"Old man, come here if you are not afraid of death."

Although now I have lost the black mist and the bronze coffin.

But others don't know!

What you hit is a bad message.

Thinking of this, the contemptuous look on Wang Mang's face became even worse, as if he didn't pay attention to the two of them at all.

Seeing Wang Mang's confident appearance, the elder was really a little scared.

That black mist is no joke.

Once it is infected, it will definitely not be better.

However, there are people nearby, and timidity cannot be shown.

Thinking of this, the elder chuckled pretending to be disdainful, and said nonchalantly:

"It's just an ant, why do you need me to take action."

"Brother Yu, I will leave this ants to you."

After hearing his words, the mouth corners of the elders of the Qiling Clan beside him also twitched.

The story of Wang Mang has spread among the Qiling clan.

As soon as the coffin was released, even the guardian array was almost shattered.

Although it's not his own strength, but I can't bear the fact that someone has a coffin!

Even the chiefs of the patriarchs can't do anything about such a fierce person, so what can a little elder like himself do?

With this in mind, the elder of the Qiling Clan hastily evaded and said:

"Ahem, the old man watches the sky every day, and the breakthrough is not far away."

"This juncture is really not suitable for indiscriminate killing."

"Brother Min, please take action and kill this official!"

Although both of them wanted to kill Wang Mang, neither of them dared to make a move.

They are instigating each other to make a move.

Looking at the two people who were avoiding each other, the contempt on Wang Mang's face became even worse.

I also sneered in my heart.

If facing the elders of the other three top powers, Wang Mang would still have some headaches.

But it was such a coincidence.

These two people in front of them have experienced their own cards in different periods.

I am a little afraid of myself.

At this moment, the system's voice sounded impressively:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Trigger exclusive special missions! 】

[Mission: The Emperor's Death! 】

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