Hei Yan stared at Wang Mang's face, and after a while, he seemed to think of something, and suddenly laughed.

I saw him smiling and saying:

"You don't need to worry about that."

"If they are beaten to the ground, it can only show that their temperament is just like that."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Mang shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently: "Got it."

Looking at Hei Yan's figure, Wang Mang spoke again:

"Master Patriarch, is he alright?"

Wang Mang's eyes drifted to the distance, as if he saw that serious man.

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Hei Yan chuckled suddenly.

"The patriarch is fine."

"I just think of you from time to time."

Hearing this, Wang Mang shook his head inexplicably.

Just like that, both of them fell silent.

A gentle breeze passed by, and Wang Mang's long hair fluttered wantonly.

After a moment of silence, Kurohiko said slowly:

"Boy, don't be too reckless with this Starfield Emperor's March."

"The top power is not as simple as you think."

Hei Yan looked at Wang Mang with burning eyes, and his words were full of concern.

Hearing this, Wang Mang took a deep look at him, and replied as if nothing had happened:

"Understood, I have my own measure."

Seeing that Wang Mang didn't care, Hei Yan also smiled helplessly.

Knowing that Wang Mang would not listen to advice, Hei Yan didn't say much.

"Okay, I won't talk to you kid anymore."

"The old man has something else to do."

Hei Yan looked at the position of the hall, and said without looking back.

Following his gaze, Wang Mang also pointedly said:

"This time, will the Abyss Nine Races attack me?"

Hearing this, Hei Yan still said without turning his head:

"Don't worry, the patriarch of the Abyss Nine Clans will help you."

"Other top powers, maybe."


As soon as he finished speaking, several Dao rhymes burst out from Hei Yan's body, tearing apart the space.

After a few breaths, his body completely submerged into the space and disappeared.

After a while, his voice came slowly:

"Be careful."

Staring at the direction he left, Wang Mang chuckled.

This smelly old man.

Immediately afterward, Wang Mang also sat cross-legged on the ground, waiting for the start of the Starfield King's March.


In the palace at this time.

Six top elders of great power gathered together.

Looking at the five people who were silent, Hei Yan, who had just returned, was a little confused for a while.

What is the situation?

They don't talk, do they? I don't say either!

Just like that, Hei Yan sat cross-legged on the seat, his eyes kept switching on several people, and he remained silent.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the hall was extremely dull.

Except for Hei Yan, the other five people were all frowning, full of melancholy.

In the end, Hei Yan couldn't stand the weird atmosphere, and spoke first:

"Everyone, what's the matter?"

"If there is anything, let's talk about it and solve it together."

As soon as the words fell, several people glanced at Heiyan one after another.

Still did not speak.

Before Hei Yan came back just now, they had proposed to kill Wang Mang together.

But the two disagreed life and death.

Either trifles within the clan or secrets that should not be passed on.


Time flies, and soon the day will pass.

At the same time, the march of the emperor of the star field also started today.

In front of the hall, there are huge crowds of people, and there are figures everywhere.

Noisy and noisy discussions can be heard endlessly.

Wang Mang, who was in the no-man's land, also stood up slowly.

"Has it finally started?"

Wang Mang's deep voice sounded slowly.

There is indifference between words.

The place in front of the hall was overcrowded, but the area where Wang Mang was located was empty.

It is conceivable that yesterday's battle left an indelible shadow in the hearts of these people.

Even now, few people dare to approach Wang Mang.

After all, they all came to participate in the Conquest of the Emperor of the Star Field.

No one wants to lose their life by accident.

At this moment, there was a violent shaking sensation.

The whole ground began to shake.

All of a sudden, everyone was in an uproar, and the power of the Great Dao erupted from the whole body.

Tens of thousands of great powers appeared at the same time, making the scene extremely spectacular.

Countless faint auras flickered one after another, like stars all over the sky.

As time went by, this light became stronger and stronger.

All kinds of powers of the Great Dao emerge in endlessly, and each person showing a little bit is also very majestic in terms of quantity.

In an instant, the area in front of the hall was like a sea of ​​avenues, and the endless power of the avenues flowed to occupy every area.

Feeling the power of the Great Dao slowly revealed, Wang Mang frowned suddenly.

The next moment, a smear of darkness surged out of Wang Mang's body.

Then the endless Devouring Dao broke out.

The abyss devoured the avenue like a sea, like a black tide crazily covering the surroundings.

A strange and ominous atmosphere permeates this area.

At the same time, the power of the avenue flowing from the front of the hall was also infected by the sudden darkness.

The terrifying black avenue is constantly eroding the power and space revealed by the avenue!

The people suspended in mid-air also felt terrified when they saw the darkness.

Endless wind lingers around, and blood mist rises everywhere.

Such a scene, just by looking at it from a distance, makes countless people terrified.

Great horror!

Those who were watched by Wang Mang's eyes all felt chills on their backs and broke out in cold sweat.

The soul is trembling!

As if being targeted by the great terror in the abyss.

"is that a lie!"

"It's so possible!"


Words like this kept coming from people's mouths.

In an instant, thousands of people chose to withdraw from the Starfield Emperor's Campaign.

How could such a terrifying power be defeated!

Instead of competing with such a person to die, it is better to quit early to save your own life.

With the departure of these people, there are only a few more than 20,000 casual cultivators left in this session.

At the same time, there are still people who are constantly quitting.

Wang Mang also felt very sorry for those who had withdrawn from the center of the darkness.

These people are all Dao Crystals!

The next moment, Wang Mang quickly retracted the Dao of Devouring.

In an instant, the darkness receded, revealing Wang Mang's tall and straight figure.

At the same time, Wang Mang could clearly feel that the Dao of Devouring in his body had grown a lot.

At a glance, the area originally covered by the Devouring Avenue has become a deserted land.

There is no great power flowing, and the dense space cracks are disappearing at an extremely fast speed.

Even the ground sank a few inches!

Looking at the mess, Wang Mang's eyes were filled with light.

I didn't expect Devouring Dao to become so tyrannical without knowing it.

This kind of power, as well as the vision that comes with it, is not weaker than the Supreme Avenue at all, right? !

For a while, Wang Mang was also very satisfied!

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