I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1764 Points Leaderboard!

As soon as the voice fell, the mushroom suddenly rose from the ground.

Followed by a huge body.

Looking at the strangely shaped thing in front of him, Wang Mang suddenly became speechless.

The mushrooms that were originally exposed on the ground were obviously only a small part of the thing's body.

This is a very large mushroom.

According to preliminary estimates, these mushrooms are at least tens of meters high.

Most importantly, its shape is surprisingly similar to something.

At the same time, its incomparably thick body exuded a majestic vitality from time to time.

The rich life essence caused a half-green and half-transparent light to fill its surroundings.

Looking at this unknown thing, Wang Mang also quickly said in his heart:

"System, what is this?"

As soon as the voice fell, the system's voice also sounded:

【Ding! Answer to the host: This species is called Life Mushroom. 】

[Life Mushroom: Plants belong to monster beasts, born with a huge life energy, usually like to hide their huge bodies in the ground and only expose the small mushrooms on the top of their heads. 】

[Ding! At the same time, it will emit a special breath, attracting some weaker creatures to mate. 】

[Strength evaluation: Eternal Realm Second Heaven! 】

After hearing the introduction of the system, Wang Mang was also a little dumbfounded.

The world is really big and full of wonders.

There are even such wonderful species!

"Small ants, dare to ignore me!"

Just when Wang Mang was in a daze, the rich voice of Life Mushroom came out impressively.

At the same time, the life essence permeating its body began to surge.

The strong breath shattered all the towering trees in a radius of several miles in an instant.

As a result, a large open space suddenly appeared in the lush forest.

The powerful impact made Wang Mang's deep-space Taoist robe dance wildly and make a sound of hunting.

Staring at the radiant Life Mushroom, Wang Mang suddenly smiled.

This power is still full.

The next moment, the smile on Wang Mang's face disappeared, replaced by endless indifference.

Then the power of the great way, which was so dark to the extreme, erupted from his body.

In an instant, it was as if night fell suddenly, and the surroundings suddenly lost their luster.

The Dao of Devouring flowed out from Wang Mang's body continuously, covering the sky and covering the earth.

A strange and ominous atmosphere permeated the air.

Sensing the strangeness around him, the whole body of Life Mushroom trembled involuntarily.

The life essence that originally flowed around it was also defeated in the face of the Dao of Devouring.

Not only that, but the Dao of Devouring is constantly assimilating and devouring everything around it.

Including its huge body!

All of a sudden, the life mushroom also began to twist wildly.

Trying to get rid of the Devouring Dao attached to him.

But no matter how it set out, it was in vain.

With the means of monsters, it is basically impossible to dispel the Dao of Devouring.

And the life essence is completely useless in front of Devouring Dao.

Seeing the life mushroom struggling constantly, the corners of Wang Mang's mouth raised slightly.

After a while, the Life Mushroom completely lost its movement under the encroachment of the Devouring Dao.

The next moment, Wang Mang suddenly remembered the system's prompt:

【Ding! The monster that devours the second heaven of the Eternal Realm! Get 200 million Dao Crystals! 】

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded nonchalantly.

Afterwards, he also took back the Dao of Devouring.

Looking at the mess around him, Wang Mang's eyes showed a trace of loneliness.

"Suddenly, I feel that this campaign of the emperor of the star field is a bit boring."

Wang Mang stared ahead, just staring blankly.


At this time, in the outside world.

Looking at Wang Mang, who is at the top of the ranking list, all the top powers and everyone who came to watch the battle were in an uproar.

What's the situation, is there something wrong with the standings?

To be ranked first by an unfamiliar name!

The standings at this time are:

First place: Wang Mang!

Points: 60000!


Second place: Emperor Shengming!

Points: 30000!


Third place: Abyss Sky!

Points: 28000!


Fourth place: Shenxuan Zhougu!

Points: 25000!


Fourth place: Gu Aye.

Points: 22000!


Fifth place: God...


Staring at the ranking on the standings, everyone sitting in the spectator seats also started talking:

"Fuck, who is this Wang Mang? Why haven't I heard of it before?"

"It's a bit unexpected!"

"By the way, why doesn't this crystal screen have this person's perspective?"

"That's right, it's too unprofessional!"

"The performance of Abyss Sky Vault is as stable as ever!"


At this time, in the box of the Abyss Nine Clans.

After the leaderboard came out, the other eight clans except for the eight clans were dumbfounded.

Wang Mang!

For this name, they are both familiar and unfamiliar!

When this name appeared, everyone thought of the young man who shined in the patriarchal competition back then.

However, this young man's face was extremely vague in their impressions.

In the area of ​​the Octave.

The moment the ranking list appeared, a look of joy appeared on Shen Yuankui's face.

The bad boy who was mercenary at the beginning has now grown to the point where he can stand on his own.

Emotions of relief were revealed in his heart.

At this moment, Hei Yan beside him jokingly said:

"How is it? The old man has a good vision."

"This kid really can become a master!"

After hearing Hei Yan's somewhat frustrating words, Shen Yuankui suddenly burst out laughing.

The reason why Wang Mang was recruited at the beginning was because of Hei Yan's remarks during the meeting.

Originally, Abyss Skull didn't take it seriously, so he let Heiyan handle it by himself.

Unexpectedly, a few days later, he really brought the man back.

This led to the next series of things.

"It's a pity that I couldn't keep the family."

Shen Yuanke also laughed and teased Hei Yan.

Hearing this, Hei Yan smiled awkwardly.

"I shouldn't have let this kid out in the first place."

"It's wild to go out."

Hei Yan murmured seriously.

As soon as these words came out, Shen Yuanke, who was the patriarch, chuckled lightly and didn't say much.


At this time, he was in the box of the Shenxuan clan.

After seeing Wang Mang on the leaderboard, several patriarchs gathered together to discuss.

"It's this kid, I didn't expect that he would dare to appear with great fanfare!"

"That's right, they just don't take us seriously!"

"The lord has said that the hole cards on this kid will disappear before the start of the Starfield Emperor's March."

"Yes, this kid's black mist hole card must have disappeared."

"When it's over, let's kill this fellow together!"

"It makes sense, compared to beheading it, it shows the majesty of the Shenxuan clan!"

"That's the decision!"


(First update today, make up tomorrow!)

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