I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1768 Devouring Fantasy Earth Dragon!

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the fantasy dragon not only didn't get angry, but nodded very earnestly, saying:

"My lord, you are so right!"

"Xiaolong has eyes but doesn't know Mount Tai, and I hope you have a lot of adults."

While speaking, it also lowered its huge dragon head, trying to keep its posture as low as possible.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang looked indifferent on the surface, but he was filled with emotion in his heart.

This is the benefit of power.

As long as you have unparalleled strength, anyone who sees me will nod and lower their eyebrows!

Wang Mang's mouth slightly raised as he looked at the fantasy earth dragon who was completely different from just now.


With a muffled sound, Wang Mang disappeared in place, leaving only a fragmented space.

When he reappeared, he had already come to the head of the Phantasmal Earth Dragon.

The moment Wang Mang appeared, the fantasy earth dragon couldn't help it!

The next moment, his dragon body twitched impressively, and quickly flew towards the sky.

Rolled up the endless wind.

At the same time, those majestic dragon horns flickered with immeasurable divine light, and a terrifying attack was condensed in them.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang's eyes flickered with gloomy light, and his face remained calm.

However, the mysterious runes on his body began to flash faintly.

Then Wang Mang's figure disappeared in place again.

Seeing this, the fantasy earth dragon who had been staring at Wang Mang quickly became vigilant about his surroundings.

At this moment, it suddenly felt some resistance on its head.

As its senses were opened, it suddenly found Wang Mang's figure.

At this time, Wang Mang was standing on its dragon head, holding the pair of dragon horns with both hands.

All of a sudden, the Phantasmal Earth Dragon began to writhe crazily, trying to shake off Wang Mang on its head.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang chuckled suddenly.

The next moment, the hands holding the dragon's horn slammed hard.


With a clear cracking sound, Wang Mang immediately flew upside down.

At the same time, he held a pair of dragon horns in his palm.


The body of the fantasy earth dragon flying in the air began to twist wildly.

Pale golden blood flowed out from the top of the head continuously,

The severe pain made its dragon eyes covered with bloodshot eyes.


The next moment, it roared and rushed towards Wang Mang angrily.

The fierce wind permeated its whole body!

Seeing the imaginary earth dragon attacking, and looking at the dragon horn in his hand, Wang Mang chuckled disdainfully.

Then, his body stopped abruptly and stood in mid-air.

At the same time, he raised his right hand.

Endless divine power gathered in the right arm, making the surrounding space a little unbearable and began to slowly shatter.

After a breath, the fantasy earth dragon suddenly struck.

The huge body is like a fast-moving train, containing unparalleled power and influence!


With a muffled explosion, ripples appeared everywhere!

The body of Phantasmal Earth Dragon stopped abruptly, his head pressed against Wang Mang's right fist, and then his body began to float uncontrollably.

The terrifying force fell on the dragon's head, causing it to lose consciousness instantly.

The uncontrolled body also fell straight towards the ground.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang followed immediately.

boom! bang...

The huge dragon's body fell on the ground and stirred up endless dust, crushing countless towering trees!

After arriving here, Wang Mang's eyes suddenly brightened.

It's time to harvest!

The next moment, the incomparably dark Devouring Dao suddenly emerged from Wang Mang's body.

In an instant, the huge body of the fantasy earth dragon was wrapped up.

Under Wang Mang's control, the Dao of Devouring began to show its power, continuously devouring and assimilating its body.

But the speed is very slow.

The defense of these dragon scales is really not covered. The time of half a stick of incense has passed, and Devouring Dao has not been able to break through the scales on its surface.

If it goes on like this, it's terrible that every few days and nights can't be swallowed up.

With this in mind, Wang Mang also walked to the side of the dragon.

It has to be said that the vitality of this fantasy earth dragon is still very majestic.

Even though it has fallen now, the majestic vitality that has not dissipated has far surpassed the Eternal Realm Monster Beast encountered before.

Except for the Xuantian Turtle!


Wang Mang's hands violently tore apart the dragon's body.

Then Wang Mang took out the Heavenly Sword again, and divided the dragon's body into several large pieces.

After doing all this, he continued to use the Dao of Devouring to wrap up these remnants.

Sure enough, this made the speed much faster.

After the time of the two sticks of incense passed, the dragon's body had been completely devoured.

Among them, the system's notification sound rang one after another.

Wang Mang made a rough count, and after devouring the fantasy earth dragon, he obtained 800 million Dao crystals!

At this moment, the voice of the ancient god resounded in his mind:

"Compatriots! The soul power stored before is almost exhausted!"

After hearing the ancient god's words, Wang Mang also frowned.

So fast?

"How long can it last!"

Wang Mang asked regretfully.

Grandma, I just killed a fantasy earth dragon, and it hasn't killed the Quartet yet.

After a while, the voice of the ancient god sounded again:

"It can still support the time of three sticks of incense!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang also sighed, and said helplessly:

"Okay, take it back."

As soon as the words fell, Wang Mang suddenly felt the vast power in his body passing away.

After a few breaths, the mysterious runes around Wang Mang also disappeared.

What disappeared together was the black-golden cyclone and the ancient aura.

The next moment, severe soreness and pain swept through Wang Mang's whole body at the same time.

Wang Mang, who was unprepared for a while, half-kneeled on the ground immediately.

For a moment, Wang Mang clenched his teeth, and beads of sweat leaked from his forehead.

"What's happening here?!"

As soon as the words fell, the voice of the ancient god echoed in Wang Mang's mind again:

"Compatriots, your current body is too weak."

"Bearing such a huge force at once is a huge burden on the body!"

After hearing his words, Wang Mang immediately complained in his heart:

"Grandma, my body is still weak."

"Next time, let me know in advance if there is such a situation."

After a long time, Wang Mang felt a little relieved.

The next moment, he twisted his body with great effort, changed his posture and sat down on the ground.

The time passed by like this, and the sky changed from blue to dusk.

Looking at the boundless sky, Wang Mang showed an inexplicable look in his eyes.

"What a short peace!"

For a moment, Wang Mang was filled with emotions.

Sensing the situation in his body, Wang Mang also frowned.

At this moment, countless auras suddenly appeared in Wang Mang's perception!

Many of them have the breath of eternal realm!

I roughly estimated that there are at least hundreds of people!

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