I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1779 The History of the Universe!

In the world of black mist.

Wang Mang was like a statue, sitting motionless on top of the black mist.

In his eyes, it had lost its previous brilliance and was replaced by a trace of turbidity.

The next moment, a silver light flashed on Wang Mang's right arm, and his whole body was covered by the phantom of the clock.

Boom! Boom! Boom...

The quaint and heavy bells sounded leisurely, faintly echoing in the world full of black mist.

This scene has been repeated countless times in the past hundred years.

Wrapped in the thin thread of time, Wang Mang slowly raised his right hand.

Looking at the arm and then at the still black mist, Wang Mang's eyes showed no waves.

"System, is this the time you said has not come yet?"

Wang Mang whispered helplessly.

If it was before, he would definitely not have this attitude.

But time has worn away Wang Mang's temper.

In the past hundred years, he can only use the cooling time of the constant time body to tell how long it has passed.

At the same time, he also maintained his physical condition at its peak.

A hundred years is neither long nor short, and it is extremely tormenting for Wang Mang.

For the few supreme beings at the edge of the universe, it was just a blink of an eye.


At this time, at the center of the second ring universe.

A huge body pierced through the two poles of the universe impressively.

Even the future Milky Way star sea is like dust in front of this body.

Dense runes intertwined with powerful gods permeated this body.

Tens of thousands of powers of the Great Dao were conceived in his body.

Looking at this majestic body, the six supreme masters injected their own strength very skillfully.

In an instant, the six taboo mighty forces poured towards this body continuously like a galaxy in the vast universe.

Compared with the huge body, these six forces are like a mayfly shaking a tree, but it makes the body tremble.

The engravings of the six highest realms appear on its body respectively.

All of a sudden, a look of pain suddenly appeared on the vague and formless face of this cosmic level creature.

Seeing such a situation, the six supreme beings continued to inject their own strength.

In this way, endless epochs have passed.

With the continuous injection and modification of the six supreme powers, the body of this body is close to exploding.

The supreme power of the six realms and the power of the avenue bred by chaos occupy every inch of this body.

Seeing this situation, the six supreme beings standing in nothingness stopped the output of power.

"The time is almost here." The voice from the end of time sounded slowly.

After hearing His words, Daogui Ruins, who had been taciturn all this time, also said aloud:

"Let's see me next."

As soon as the words fell, the immeasurable divine light erupted from Dao Guixu's body.

The endless power of 'transcendence' turned into a stretch of starry sky, continuously pouring towards the body of that cosmic level creature.

All of a sudden, the power of the avenue in his body began to riot under the guidance of the power of transcendence.

With the passage of time, the power of the avenue mixed with the power of transcendence suddenly separated from the power of the ordinary avenue.

At the same time, this body has reached the limit of tolerability.

The mysterious runes on it began to flicker frantically.

Seeing this situation, Daoguixu quickly withdrew his transcendence power.

This made the body that was about to explode temporarily calm down.


"Dao Yun came out."

The voice of returning to the ruins from the avenue slowly sounded.

Hearing this, the faces of the surrounding Supreme Leaders all showed vague smiles.

"Give the right to use this rhyme to it."

"Otherwise, if there is no hope, the will of the universe will not work so hard."

"Hehe, it makes sense, such diligent idiots are rare."


Several supreme leaders discussed calmly, not shying away from the 'weird' not far away.

Listening to what they were talking about, 'Weird' was not interested at all, but stared at the black mist beside him.

At this moment, the voice of Zhuguozhicai sounded impressively: "Okay, the time is ripe, let's push the last one together."

As soon as the voice fell, several supreme beings nodded one after another.

The next moment, taboo-level supreme power swept out of their blurred bodies one after another.

Every gesture reveals the divine power of suppressing the ages.

With the supreme power of the six realms re-injected into this body like the universe.

An incomparably bright light suddenly flashed out of it.

All of a sudden, dense cracks appeared on this body.

At the same time, an extremely chaotic atmosphere continuously leaked out from these cracks.


The next moment, the roar of shocking the universe suddenly exploded.

The gorgeous flames illuminated the icy universe.

The bursting huge body erupted with endless power and rhyme of the Dao.

The body of the cosmic level creature disappeared immediately.

Its cells turned into billions of stars, and its blood vessels evolved into endless galaxies.

The runes that were originally on the body were also sprayed all over the universe.

And the very weak consciousness contained in that huge body was also pulled out by Dao Guixu alone.

Looking at the consciousness surrounded by the twilight in his hands, the Great Way Returns to the Ruins has once again injected the power of transcendence.

The infinite space on the side is not idle either, and the invisible power of space radiates from the whole body, completely enveloping the entire universe.

Suddenly, two invisible frames appeared in the empty universe.

Respectively, void, space!

After that, End of Time also began to exert its strength.

The silver-white power of time, like a cosmic storm, is constantly spreading in all directions.

Everywhere he looked was completely enveloped by the power of time.

The supreme nature of passing is beginning to take hold, affecting the only matter that is present in the universe.

Afterwards, several other great masters also began to exert their strength continuously.

For a moment, the characteristics of the Supreme Power enveloped the entire universe.

This also makes the universe start to move slowly.


At this time, in a colorful and mysterious space.

Several calm voices of discussion sounded slowly:

"Oh? Did those guys restart the universe again?"

"Hehe, it should be. After all, it is not difficult for them."

"Enviable mighty power!"

"Speaking of which, what is the use of this road to heaven?"

"If you can really become the eighth step, why didn't you see those people who set foot on the road to heaven during this operation?"

"The matter has come to this point, it is useless to say these things, even if you break your head, you have to try it."

"Isn't the so-called 'weird' an alternative eighth step?"

"The supreme characteristic of immortality is comparable to the taboo power of the eighth level."

"But he obviously doesn't have the supreme aura!"

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