I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1781 Return to the special world!

After hearing the system's words, Wang Mang stood up quickly.

At the same time, a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

"Can we go out now?" Wang Mang said in disbelief.

The sudden surprise made Wang Mang a little unbelievable.

He can't wait to get out of this ghostly place!

After a while, the system voice sounded again:

【Ding! Also ask the host to use the power of the avenue to disperse the surrounding black mist! 】

After hearing this sentence, Wang Mang's eyes suddenly brightened.

Afterwards, he also hastily mobilized the power of the Great Dao in his body.

In an instant, different colorful expressions appeared from all parts of Wang Mang's body.

Several strands of avenue power intertwined with each other, forming a sea of ​​stars, like the continuous stretch of the ancient sky, fiercely pressing towards the surrounding black mist.

The radiant light glowed from this sea of ​​stars, making the gloomy world of black mist more radiant.


With the sound of a roar, the star sea evolved from the four powers of the avenue immediately bombarded the surrounding black mist.

I saw that the rhyme in this sea of ​​stars exuded immeasurable power, glowing with extremely bright rainbow light.

The avenue of space and the avenue of time combine with each other to outline an invisible framework.

The Dao of Karma turned into hundreds of millions of black and yellow thin lines, and turned into the phantoms of countless stars.

The extremely dark Devouring Avenue acts as the background board of the galaxy, evolving into a cold and mysterious nothingness.

Under Wang Mang's control, the four powers of the Great Dao played different roles in an orderly manner, evolving into this sea of ​​stars.

The simple and heavy atmosphere, combined with the invisible vast artistic conception of this sea of ​​stars, gave it a sense of reality.

As the sea of ​​stars fell completely, the black mist that filled Wang Mang's surroundings instantly dissipated.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was also taken aback.

That's it? !

For a moment, a touch of warmth slowly leaked from the corners of Wang Mang's eyes.

How many times? It finally worked!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Wang Mang, who was dazzled by joy, also looked up to the sky and laughed.

When the black mist dissipated, the layer of haze condensed in Wang Mang's heart also disappeared.

At this moment, the disappearing black mist suddenly returned and appeared beside Wang Mang again.

Seeing this situation, the smile on Wang Mang's face disappeared immediately.

But soon Wang Mang discovered the difference.

There was only a wisp of black mist that reappeared, and it didn't want to permeate the whole world like before.

Moreover, this black mist is still twisting crazily.

It's just like the monster that was wrapped up by the Dao of Devouring before.

A few breaths of time passed, and the black mist that appeared on Wang Mang suddenly formed a figure.

Staring at this blurry figure, Wang Mang's pupils contracted for a while, and an ominous premonition filled his heart.

Wang Mang just stared at the figure surrounded by black mist, not daring to act rashly.

At this moment, a low figure came out from this blurred figure:

"Now you are safe."

After hearing this sentence, Wang Mang frowned immediately.

After a moment of silence, Wang Mang still asked the previous question:

"who are you?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the blurry figure in front of him suddenly moved.

He suddenly stretched out his hand towards Wang Mang's forehead.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang quickly retreated violently.

But at the next moment, Wang Mang suddenly found himself unable to move, as if he had been cast a hold spell.

Then the hand of the black mist became bigger and bigger in sight, and Wang Mang gritted his teeth immediately.

"Now I'm going to take something back"

Putting his hand on Wang Mang's forehead, he said calmly.

As soon as the words fell, a thin black mist immediately leaked into Wang Mang's body.

Suddenly, Wang Mang's expression changed.

He wanted to resist, but he couldn't control his body at all.

After a few breaths of time passed, Wang Mang's whole body trembled, and the control of his body returned.

In an instant, Wang Mang quickly retreated towards the rear, and at the same time, his body was covered by divine thoughts.

After a while, Wang Mang also showed a suspicious expression.

Is there anything missing from me?

Immediately, Wang Mang also looked at the blurred figure.

Hmm, still can't see clearly.

Just when Wang Mang was full of doubts, this vague figure spoke again:

"I'm giving you a chance."

As soon as the words fell, a great sense of dizziness swept over Wang Mang's mind.

The feeling of familiarity came inexplicably.

Afterwards, Wang Mang only felt the world spinning, and the surrounding scenes gradually became blurred.

This situation lasted for a few breaths before disappearing.

When Wang Mang came back to his senses, the surrounding area still became nothingness.

"Look carefully, this is the last time I will help you"

The moment the sound came, Wang Mang was about to turn his head to look, but was attracted by the surrounding scene.

Six vague figures stand in the universe.

Just by taking a look at it, Wang Mang can feel a sense of oppression.

The most important thing is that Wang Mang felt the supreme aura from them!

Compared with when I used the Supreme Dao, it is more than a billion times richer!

Then I saw that the six supreme beings displayed their supreme power one after another.

The bright and gorgeous divine light flickered immediately, illuminating the entire universe.


In this way, Wang Mang watched the scene where the six supreme figures restarted the universe.

Of course, Wang Mang, the person involved, didn't know that this was the scene of the universe being restarted.

Seeing the shock on Wang Mang's face, he said in a dumbfounded voice:


The next moment, the surrounding scene changed, and Wang Mang had already returned to the special world.

Looking at Di Qi in front of him and the surrounding scene, Wang Mang was stunned for a moment.

Is this the specially made world of Starfield Emperor's Sign?

At this moment, a familiar voice came to Wang Mang's ears again:

"I am in control of my destiny, victory is inevitable,"

After hearing these words, Wang Mang came back to his senses.

Looking at Di Qi's face, Wang Mang showed a trace of suspicion in his eyes.

What's happening here?

Logically speaking, at least hundreds of years have passed.

When he came out of the world of black mist, Wang Mang was already ready for things to change.

It's good now, not only is it not a few hundred years behind.

Instead, it was the eve of the fight with Di Qi.

Could it be a fantasy here?

Wang Mang subconsciously looked at the personal information panel.

There is no change, I have indeed spent hundreds of years in the world of black mist.

The next moment, Wang Mang suddenly appeared beside Di Qi.

Squeezing his face and patted his body, Wang Mang murmured to himself:

"This texture is no different from real people."

"its not right!"

Facing Wang Mang's series of actions, Di Qi's face suddenly became gloomy.

The next moment, his hand violently pushed away Wang Mang's extended hand.

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