Two supreme avenues fell around the young man.

The radiant glow began to glow, illuminating the area wrapped by the Devouring Avenue!

Passage, cause, and result, these three most lethal characteristics began to obliterate the lines and the power of the avenue that pervaded the youth.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang also sneered, standing where he was and making no new moves.

In Wang Mang's view, just two casual blows from the Supreme Dao were enough to kill this young man.

After all, the lines around the young man and the power of the avenue are disappearing rapidly.

From the corner of the eye, he caught a glimpse of the vague smile on Wang Mang's face, and the young man in trouble gritted his teeth.

A gleam of frost flashed across his eyes.

"Use all the energy in the simulator to bless my Dao power!"

The young man resisted the two supreme avenues with all his strength, and murmured in a voice that he could only hear.

After a while, there was an inexplicable look of determination in his eyes.

"Yes! I am willing to bear all the consequences, even if I die!"

This time, the young man yelled directly.

After hearing his inexplicable words, Wang Mang was also very confused.

What plane are you doing?

The next moment, Wang Mang's pupils suddenly shrank!

Could it be! This person also has a system!

This kind of self-talk is almost exactly the same as when I communicate with the system.

When you are in yourself, you usually read it silently in your heart!

Combined with the young man's indiscriminate attitude, Wang Mang also agreed with his guess even more!

Just as Wang Mang was thinking about it, a biting chill suddenly permeated the air.

Wang Mang, who came back to his senses, also saw the scene he will never forget in his life!

The surrounding avenues of devouring and the two supreme avenues beside the young man are covered with a layer of frost!

Not only that, but Wang Mang could even feel that the power of the Dao in his body was gradually slowing down.

How is it possible, as the power of the Dao, his own is the Supreme Dao!

Facing Wang Mang's unbelievable expression, the young man let out a deep breath of cold air.

"Freeze time and space."

As soon as the words fell, a touch of blue suddenly rippled from the young man's body.

Wherever the azure light passes, everything turns into ice crystals.

The Devouring Avenue, the two supreme avenues, and the space avenue that has filled Wang Mang's side have not escaped the fate of being frozen.

From the outside, this dark area has been quietly covered by ice crystals.

The three people in the same area immediately became ice sculptures.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang immediately wanted to take a step towards where they were.

Just when he was about to move, he suddenly fell on the slippery ice.

"Are the limbs frozen too?"

Feeling the hands and feet that gradually lost consciousness, Wang Mang said lightly.

The next moment, the figure of the young man suddenly appeared around Wang Mang.

Looking at Wang Mang, who was having difficulty even moving, a smile suddenly appeared on the young man's face.

His arm was aimed at Wang Mang's head, and the terrifying Xuanbing Avenue gathered rapidly.

Staring at Wang Mang, who looked indifferent and didn't feel any fear of imminent death, the young man also frowned.

After a few breaths, as the power of the Dao in his hand was accumulated, his brows suddenly relaxed.

"I, just, yes, god, fate!"

The young man spoke word by word, with a winner's smile on his face.

Hearing this, Wang Mang slowly raised his head to look at him, and at the same time raised the corners of his mouth slightly.


The next moment, Wang Mang suddenly became an ice sculpture.

At the same time, his smile just stayed on his face.

Seeing the smile on Wang Mang's face, the young man's gaze became more and more dazzling.

"damn it!"

The young man raised his feet and swept across Wang Mang who had turned into an ice sculpture.

Bark! boom!

Several crackling sounds sounded, and Wang Mang was completely reduced to powder.

"Huh!" Seeing this, the young man breathed a sigh of relief. The nightmare figure who had been oppressing his nerves before was beheaded by his own hands!

At this moment, from the corner of the eye of the young man, he suddenly caught sight of the three people who had been frozen into ice sculptures.

After looking at Wang Mang's original location and confirming that there was nothing unexpected, he then walked towards the location of the three of them.

Two breaths later!

The young man had just taken a few steps when something strange came from behind him.

Boom! Boom! Boom...

Bursts of simple and heavy bells rang leisurely.

Turning his head to look, he saw a phantom of a clock suddenly appearing where Wang Mang was originally.

Hundreds of millions of thin threads of time are constantly fighting in the phantom of the clock.

The silver-white light was so dazzling that the young man squinted his eyes subconsciously.

After a few breaths of time passed, Wang Mang's figure was instantly reorganized by the thin line of time.

Looking at the revived Wang Mang, the youth's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Sure enough, you won't die so easily!"

The young man nodded, his eyes froze.

After hearing his words, Wang Mang stretched his muscles indifferently.

"Trying to kill me is a stupid thing to do."

Wang Mang said this sentence very calmly, and specially emphasized the word stupid.

As soon as the words fell, four strands of great power surged out from Wang Mang's body.

The four powers of the Great Dao are intertwined with each other, and behind Wang Mang, a vast sea of ​​stars has evolved.

However, due to the Xuanbing Dao, the progress was extremely slow.

This situation made Wang Mang frowned.

The next moment, Wang Mang's aura suddenly soared.

The wild and ancient atmosphere continuously permeated from Wang Mang.

The vast and majestic artistic conception seems to have returned to the beginning of the universe.

As Wang Mang's aura climbed to the extreme, a phantom that penetrated the world suddenly appeared.

The majestic phantom of the ancient god appeared behind Wang Mang.

The two pairs of huge pupils were filled with endless radiance, as if they were staring at the eternity.

After casting the appearance of god and demon, Wang Mang's body also returned to normal.

The passage of the power of the avenue is no longer slow.

Looking at Wang Mang's figure like a demon, a trace of fear appeared in the young man's eyes.

This is such a situation, such a scene!

I have died here countless times!

The next moment, the fear in his eyes disappeared and was replaced by endless madness.

If you die, you will pull a back!

As soon as he thought of this, the mysterious ice avenue all over the young man's body began to surge crazily.


I saw him clasping hands together and shouting frantically: "Heng Guji!"

As soon as the words fell, the whole specially made world shook violently.

A touch of azure light, sweeping the whole world.

Wherever it went, it had already turned into ice cubes.

The breath of chaos continuously surged out from the young man's body.

The gray air of chaos began to permeate from the void.


At this time, at the end of the long river of time.

"Restart the power of the universe?"

"The curse of a group of losers!"

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