I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1795 The army strikes!

Invisible ripples surged out from Wang Mang's primordial spirit.

The overbearing divine sense is incomparably vast and shakes the sky!

The vast ocean of spirit has rendered the surrounding area tens of miles.

This area seems to have a gravity field, and all the people and things in it are affected to varying degrees.

All the people below the Eternal Realm collapsed and passed out except those who had completed the Immortal Realm.

Those who have completed the Immortal Realm also had their knees bent, making it difficult for them to stand.

Feeling this terrifying divine sense, a young man with black-gold armor and explosive hair said with a sigh:

"It's really a terrifying divine sense, it's hard to stop anything below the Eternal Realm."

"The current casual cultivators are all like monsters."

Staring at Wang Mang's oppressive face, the expression on the young man's face was extremely indifferent.

Obviously he wasn't overwhelmed by this scene at all.

In the sky not far away, a red-haired young man with a cloak on his back murmured solemnly:

"With such strength, 2 billion is lost."

The cloak behind him was impressively engraved with the words bounty!

At this moment, Wang Mang, who was on the ground, was also carefully sizing up the person who was still standing in the air.

The ones selected through divine sense are undoubtedly the best among these people.

There are probably more than 20 people standing in the air.

Without exception, these people are among the Eternal Realm.

More than twenty people are all from the eternal realm, and now the constant time body has also entered the cooldown period.

Two of them are in the third heaven of the eternal realm.

With such a lineup, it is almost impossible to win with his current state.

Suddenly, Wang Mang's face darkened.

The next moment, Wang Mang seemed to think of something again, and his face became calm again.

"System, take out the follower."

As soon as the voice fell, the system's voice also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! The item was retrieved successfully! 】

In an instant, ripples appeared in the space beside Wang Mang.

A figure stepped out from the space crack.

Glancing at Wang You beside him, Wang Mang also ordered: "Kill them!"

While speaking, two magical weapons appeared in Wang Mang's hands.

After casually throwing the Heaven-Cut Sword to Wang You, Wang Mang stretched his muscles.

As soon as he caught the divine sword thrown by Wang Mang, there was a wave of fluctuation in Wang You's calm eyes.


As soon as the words fell, several waves of speed erupted from his whole body!

With a flash of light, Wang You disappeared in place.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang also clenched the slaughter halberd, and activated the power of the great way in his body.

In an instant, the four avenues surged out of his body.

The supreme and strange aura immediately permeated.

next moment!

The twenty or so people standing in mid-air also attacked Wang Mang together!

Two of them were entangled by Wang You, making them unable to attack Wang Mang.

Facing the oncoming crowd, Wang Mang's whole body tensed up.

Every inch of muscle and cell began to jump for joy.

The terrifying physical body that belonged exclusively to the God-refining Hegemony Body began to glow with bursts of golden glow.

The power of the four avenues hovered around Wang Mang as if they were submitting to the king.

In an instant, the avenue of time flies, and the avenue of cause and effect permeates.

The avenue of space outlines an invisible frame around Wang Mang, wrapping the dark avenue of devouring.

A strange and ominous aura combined with three supreme auras flowed around Wang Mang.


Following a muffled sound, Wang Mang's figure flashed towards the sky with four strands of great power.

There were more than twenty people in mid-air, and their bodies seemed to be exuding Dao rhyme.

The appearance of more than twenty strands of Dao Yun caused the space in this area to vibrate.


A deafening roar shot straight into the sky, and the two sides collided immediately.

More than 20 Dao Yun attacks came out, and landed directly on the power of Dao around Wang Mang.

The gorgeous flames and various dao rhymes erupted immediately.

The huge shock acted on Wang Mang's body through the power of the Dao.

At the same time, the four powers of the avenue are also developing their characteristics, and begin to wear away the aftermath.

Among them, the Dao of Devouring is the most outstanding. The two powerful attributes of devouring and assimilating have shown their power, eliminating nearly 40% of the aftermath of Dao Yun's bombardment.

After a few breaths, the flames that erupted around Wang Mang disappeared immediately.

At the same time, Wang Mang's body covered with the power of the Dao was also revealed.

Staring at the intact Wang Mang, the pupils of more than twenty people around them also shrank for a moment.

Can't even do any damage!

Is it worthy of the Supreme Avenue?

Everyone looked at the young man in the black-gold armor and the young man in the cloak.

These two are the most powerful of the twenty.

The realms are all three heavens of the eternal realm.

"Remember to tell the ethnic group behind you that this order will increase the price."

The red-haired young man in a cloak said to the man in the cloak.

Hearing this, the young man in black gold armor and with an explosive head also frowned.

"Temporarily raising the price, is this the contractual spirit of your bounty club?"

He said very dissatisfied.

As soon as these words came out, the red-haired youth chuckled rather disdainfully.

Then he said again: "You didn't and didn't fully explain the situation of the target at the beginning."

"2 billion is just the initial price for asking me to make a move."

"If there is no price increase, I will turn around and leave now."

After speaking, he also took a look at the explosive head on his body with great interest.

It seems to say that if you have a kind, you will refuse.

Seeing this situation, the young man with afro gritted his teeth.


At this moment, a muffled sound sounded, and everyone hurriedly looked towards the source of the sound.

I saw Wang Mang, who was covered with the power of the Great Dao, punching a man's chest fiercely.

"Don't worry if you fight with me."

Wang Mang withdrew his hand, and then looked at the two leaders in the crowd.

The next moment, Wang Mang violently rose up, brandishing the massacre halberd, and killed the two of them.

The speed was so fast that only an afterimage was left in the original place.


Wang Mang's halberd landed on the chest of the explosive head, splashing sparks.

The slaughter halberd just stopped on the black gold armor on his body.

For a moment, Wang Mang also frowned.

Is it the top armor of the seventh-tier mid-tier?

Just when Wang Mang was about to withdraw the massacre halberd, the young man with afro grinned and grabbed the halberd blade.


His hand was firmly embedded in the blade of the halberd, and blood flowed out at the same time.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang also gave him a strange look.

The next moment, Wang Mang's right arm exerted force violently, pulling back the slaughtering halberd abruptly.

"Hehe, I don't feel any pain."

The young man with an afro said to Wang Mang with a faint smile.

While speaking, he also raised the palm that was scratched by the slaughter halberd.

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