Looking at the half-human, half-Buddha youth, Wang Mang's eyes were also more dignified.

From him, Wang Mang sensed a simple and sacred aura.

The murmur that kept echoing in his ears made a voice suddenly appear in Wang Mang's mind.

Crossing people, crossing robbery, crossing the self.

These words kept ringing in Wang Mang's mind.

For a while, Wang Mang also froze in place, his eyes flashed golden light from time to time.

The aura of harmony should not have appeared on Wang Mang, but at this time it was slowly permeating from Wang Mang's body.

At the same time, Wang Mang's facial expression gradually began to be kind, and he looked like a spring breeze.

"Hehehe, this time the enemy is much weaker than before."

"Mentally, too."

That half of the Buddha's face began to twist, which was so awkward compared with the expressionless face of the other half.

There are two completely different forces pervading his body.

The incomparably powerful Dao Rhyme lingers around his body with a faint golden light.

In the space under the feet, the vision of blossoming golden lotus is born.

"Don't underestimate the enemy, it's not as simple as you imagined, otherwise I won't let you out."

"Hmph, the more I live, the more I go back. Anyway, I can take over this body sooner or later."

"Hehe, you can give it a try."

Just as they were arguing, Wang Mang, who was glowing with Buddha's light, suddenly changed.

Wang Mang frowned like a knife, and the golden light in his eyes was quickly replaced by scarlet.

Bursts of dark avenue power emerged from every corner of his body.

A strange and ominous atmosphere permeated immediately.

Bursts of blood mist flowed out from the Devouring Avenue.

"Oh? Is this trying to convert me?"

A smile appeared on Wang Mang's face, and he turned his gaze to the half-human, half-Buddha youth.

Looking at the two faces that were not in harmony but joined together, Wang Mang squinted subconsciously.

"This kind of evil has never been seen by the Buddha."

"Not bad, not bad, this is decent."

"Buddha, I just love to convert you evil spirits."

The half of the young man's Buddha's face showed an expression of excitement, and bursts of light shot out from one angry eye.


A piercing sound sounded, and a crack appeared in the space.

A figure illuminated by Buddha's light turned into an afterimage and attacked Wang Mang.

Before Wang Mang could react, the afterimage had already appeared beside him.

"So fast!"


After Wang Mang exclaimed, before he even had time to resist, his face was directly pressed by a palm.

The peaceful Buddha light lingering in his palm made Wang Mang in a trance for a while.

This situation caused Wang Mang to glide for several miles with his face dragged.

By the time he realized it, Wang Mang had been pushed dozens of miles away.

The face was firmly grasped by the palm, and Wang Mang quickly drove the power of the great way in his body to attack the palm.

Black, white, yellow, several strands of great power rushed towards the palm of Wang Mang's face together.

Seeing these supreme avenues slowly attacking towards his palm, that half of Buddha's face also revealed a look of great interest.

"It's really incredible, mastering three supreme avenues at the same time!"

"Are all young people this year so fierce?"

While whispering, that lone glaring eye also showed strong interest.

That's right, the tone was full of interest, without even a trace of fear.

This is the highest road!

A burst of auspicious Buddha's light emerged in his hands, isolating several incoming powers of the Great Dao.

The power of the avenue is useless!

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang's heart also trembled wildly.

How can it be? !

"Hehe, although the supreme avenue is powerful, it is still impossible to rebel against this Buddha,"

"Tsk, time is running out."

At this time, that half of Buddha's face revealed a look of pity, while the closed eyes of the other half of the young man's face began to slowly open.

All of a sudden, the palm that firmly grasped Wang Mang's face relaxed a bit.

Immediately, Wang Mang broke free.

"Damn it, you came out at such a time!"

"Huh? At this time, why haven't you solved it yet?"

The pupils in the two and a half faces stared at each other, showing dissatisfaction at the same time.

"Don't worry, the Buddha will not take away your body if you haven't reached the corresponding number of times."

"Hehe, tricky Buddha, the evil of Buddhism, your words are unbelievable."


The two talked to each other, and immediately put Wang Mang aside.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang immediately used the ultimate territory to replace his own position.

The moment Wang Mang disappeared, the two stopped arguing and looked at the place where Wang Mang disappeared.

The next moment, the pupils of the two different faces looked at each other for a moment, and said at the same time: "Chasing!"


As soon as the words fell, the bright Buddha light burst out from his body again.


In another battlefield.

Two afterimages flitted across the sky, colliding with each other from time to time.

Incomparably sharp sword energy, accompanied by space fragments, spurts out from time to time.

If Wang Mang were here, he would definitely be stunned.

This person who fought back and forth with Wang You is really the former red-haired youth.

At this time, the red-haired young man had a solemn face, and his whole body was full of distorted spatial turbulence.

Even if it is the cutting sword that cuts everything, it is difficult to cut through the turbulent flow of space around him.

"Hey, I'm just a helper this time, and I didn't use all my strength before."

"Otherwise your master would have died long ago."

The red-haired young man said helplessly as he resisted the sword light that kept coming.

Wang You, on the other hand, is like a robot, constantly attacking.

He didn't listen to the red-haired youth's words at all.

Seeing this situation, the red-haired youth shook his head helplessly.

The next moment, I saw him posing in a strange posture again, and at the same time, the turbulence in the space around him suddenly became compatible.

In an instant, the turbulent flow of space around it directly merged into a space to express pain.

"Mountains have no cliffs, seas have no edges, and the world is up to me." "Hahaha, goodbye!"

As soon as the voice fell, he stepped into the space channel.

Seeing this situation, Wang You whispered expressionlessly: "Have you run away?"

After finishing speaking, he remained silent.

After a while, his body became lighter and weaker until he completely submerged into the space.


At this time, in a plain.

Wang Mang's body shuttled here impressively.

At this moment, a system prompt sounded in Wang Mang's mind:

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! mission accomplished! Rewards have been distributed to personal items! 】

After hearing the system's words, Wang Mang still didn't stop, and kept changing his position.

In perception, Na Qing was still following him.

But for a while, he couldn't catch up with himself.

Just when Wang Mang breathed a sigh of relief, a monstrous fierceness suddenly entered Wang Mang's mind!

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