I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 2003 Riot! Purple crystals!

If it wasn't for Wu Ya, he couldn't stand it anymore, so he persuaded Wang Mang out loud.

This dog will inevitably be served by Shadowless Palm.

Looking at Wang Mang with a gloomy face, Wu Ya suddenly burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, isn't it the tempered body brilliance, there is no shortage of that thing in the chaos."

"But such a magical creature, if it is broken, it will not be worth the loss."

Hearing this, Wang Mang's anger suddenly subsided a little.

However, Gouzi's eyes were still somewhat unfriendly.

Facing Wang Mang's gaze, the dog also hurriedly said:

"I was born with some malnutrition, master..."

Hearing what it said, Wang Mang couldn't help laughing.

After thinking about it, I really didn't care much about this divine favor.

"This is not an example." Wang Mang said lightly.

Hearing this, Gouzi breathed a sigh of relief.

Grandma, she was almost beaten to death here when she was born.

Thinking of this, Gouzi gave Wang Mang a vague look with his wide eyes.

It's better for this cheap master of my own to avoid causing trouble in the future. If he gets into trouble, he will really hit him!


After solving the stupid dog's matter, Wang Mang also said to Wu Ya:

"Come on, the delay is near enough."

Wu Ya nodded.

The next moment, the two walked through the chaos again.


Such days lasted for a long time, and every day was spent in plundering Chaos Beasts.

During the period, Wang Mang also went up to practice with the Chaos Beast from time to time, but relying on his own strength alone was not enough to take down a Chaos Beast.

As for the dog, since he was whipped by Wang Mang, he has been quite honest, and he has followed behind the two of them honestly during this time.

After these days, Wang Mang also discovered a characteristic of this dog.

That is, at least there is no need to think about finding food to feed in this chaos.

Higher beings are convenience.

I thought that the rest of my life would go on in the rhythm of hunting and killing Chaos Beasts for a long time.

But this trip, the things I encountered immediately put an end to the expected boring life.

In a hunt for Chaos Beast.

At this time, Wang Mang was still practicing against a Chaos Beast.

Chaos rippled around, and the roar of the Chaos Beast resounded continuously.

Wang Mang's body was filled with the dark Devouring Dao Rhyme, and an ominous aura permeated the surrounding chaos.

Wu Ya who was not far away frowned at this scene.

It was the first time I saw that Chaos would be affected by Mo's personal power.

No matter how many times you watch a scene like this, it will be absolutely shocking.

Suddenly, a wisp of purple energy flashed out from the wound of the Chaos Beast.

Seeing Wang Mang, who had exploded his equipment with a single blow with all his strength, his face suddenly became happy.

Purple brilliance? ? ! !

What kind of new species is this?

Suddenly, his heart skipped a beat, and the hairs all over his body exploded.

The long-lost heart palpitations made Wang Mang retreat again and again.

While Wang Mang was retreating, Wu Ya was also on top immediately.

The invisible ripples oscillated and chaotically, twisting the dark purple light rhyme endlessly.

"What the hell is this??" Wang Mang was startled.

Wang Mang, who quickly retreated to Gouzi's side, immediately released a large amount of Devouring Dao Yun to set up a barrier defense,

He had a premonition that what was going to happen next would definitely not be peaceful.

At this moment, a hissing sound at his feet also attracted Wang Mang's attention.

When I looked at it, I saw Gou Zi tensed up, staring at the Chaos Beast as if facing a formidable enemy, growling incessantly.

A pair of eyes widened even more, as if to stare the Chaos Beast to death.

This scene also made Wang Mang curious.

"Dog, do you feel it too?" He asked aloud while setting up barriers.

The moment he heard this, Gouzi immediately withdrew from the state of facing an enemy.

It licked its lips and said solemnly: "Master, something extraordinary has been born."

Hearing this, Wang Mang frowned and glanced at his feet.

"Do you know what it is?"

After thinking for a while, Gouzi shook his head: "I don't know."

"But I think it's better to run away now."

As soon as the words fell, the surrounding chaos suddenly rippled, and countless chaos beasts roared and appeared from it.

For a moment, Wang Mang's scalp felt numb, and he said to Wuya without hesitation:


After finishing speaking, without the slightest hesitation, he grabbed the dog, and his whole body was wrapped in the swallowing dao rhyme, and he fled towards the distance.

It's hard to say whether Wuya can survive the siege of so many chaotic beasts.

But if you don't run, you won't be able to survive.

"Immortal Rita, did you stab into someone's nest?"

At this moment, Wu Ya suddenly appeared beside Wang Mang.

Seeing the return of this product, Wang Mang was faintly relieved.

But when he saw the incomparably gorgeous purple crystal in his hand, Wang Mang was stunned.

Sure enough, the next moment, countless roars came from behind them.

"Next." Wu Ya didn't say much, and threw the crystal to Wang Mang.

Immediately, invisible ripples immediately covered the two of them.


The next moment, the chaos was blasted away, and the figures of the two disappeared in place as afterimages.

After a while, they distanced themselves from the countless Chaos Beasts behind them.

At this moment, Wang Mang felt something pulling his trousers.

"Master, master, give me this thing!" Gouzi stared eagerly at the crystal in Wang Mang's hand, and dripped from the corner of his mouth.

"Take this thing and I promise, I will kill as many Chaos Beasts as you want!"

At this time, Gouzi's eyes were bloodshot, and he looked like a sign of going crazy.

If it weren't for the indelible shadow left by the beating by Wang Mang before, he must have set off to grab it at this time!

But Wang Mang will not do as it wishes.

Just choose to put it back into the system space and calm down.

"System, take back the divine favor."

As soon as the words fell, a space ripple immediately wrapped Gouzi up.

The latter still wanted to struggle, but under that unstoppable force, he still couldn't escape the fate of being taken back.

Wu Ya, who was concentrating on the road ahead, also spoke at this time.

"Boy, this is a good thing, absorb it quickly."

Hearing this, Wang Mang was overjoyed and wanted to devour it greedily.

But soon he calmed down.

The next moment, he threw the purple crystal to Wu Ya.

The latter was taken aback, and immediately reached out to catch it.

"This is your trophy!" Wang Mang took a deep look at Wu Ya.

Hearing this, the expression on Wu Ya's face disappeared immediately.

It's just that his back was facing Wang Mang, so the latter couldn't see it.

After such a quiet meeting, Wu Ya's emotionless voice sounded:

"Don't you want to become stronger?"

Wang Mang took a deep breath and said frankly:

"Of course, no one in this world thinks too much power."

Speaking of which, Wang Mang paused, then asked slowly:

"But I know that there is no such thing as a free dinner, what is your purpose?"

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