I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 2006 Battle Beyond Chaos!

Looking at the dog with a gluttonous face, Wu Ya stretched out his hand and rubbed his forehead vigorously.

"Used by your master."

"You let him spit out some essence now, it should be too late."

As soon as this remark came out, Gouzi's enthusiasm for Wuya immediately decreased by 10086.

After breaking free from Wuya's clutches, he ran towards Wang Mang's retreat room without looking back.

Seeing that Gouzi really did what he said, the corners of Wu Ya's mouth twitched.

Immediately after grabbing it from the air, invisible ripples immediately wrapped the dog up.

The dog who was still sprinting didn't react for a while.

After he realized that his surroundings were not right, he had already come to Wu Ya's side.

"Don't stop me, believe it or not, Grandpa Dog messed with you?"

After realizing something was wrong, it immediately threatened Wu Ya.

With his eyes wide open, he spoke seriously.

Facing such an arrogant Gouzi, Wu Ya is preparing to teach him a lesson.

The latter exerted force suddenly and broke free from the invisible ripples.

Wu Ya was shocked, this dog can break free from his own strength!

Without waiting for him to think about it, he saw that the dog who was usually timid towards Wang Mang opened his gluttonous mouth at this moment.

In an instant, there was a strong wind all around.

The chaotic and turbid air that was still lingering outside the courtyard, at this moment, completely rushed towards its mouth.

A fierce phantom appeared behind Gouzi.

"One and two really think your dog grandpa doesn't show off his power, don't you?"

As soon as the words fell, Gouzi's body was immediately covered with dense runes.

Seeing this scene, Wu Ya was not to mention how surprised he was.

Breathe out chaos for your own use.

Are you sure this isn't a Chaos Beast in dog skin?

Where did Wang Mang get such an awesome pet?

Although this dog is a bit rebellious, it is awesome.

"Ahem, Gouzi, would you like to change your master?"

"Not to mention anything else, Chaos Beast is still enough."

Facing such a miraculous dog, Wu Ya couldn't help but start prying the corner of the wall.

Hearing this, Gouzi, who was covered in a halo, suddenly showed contempt on his face.

"Little fake eighth-level, but also want to be my master."

"The key costs five yuan each, do you deserve it?"

Being ridiculed by a dog, Wu Ya obviously couldn't calm down.

This mouth is worse than that kid Wang Mang.

"Hey, I can't deal with you anymore."

The latter rolled up his sleeves and punched Gou Zi hard.

In an instant, the shadow of the fist passed by, surrounded by blue flames.

Facing Wuya Gouzi, he seemed much tougher.

I saw him growl, and the volume of his body soared several times.

The giant jaws full of chaos were full of extremely sharp fangs, and they bit Wu Ya's fist fiercely.

Combined with the phantom behind him, it looks very domineering.


A muffled sound sounded, and the dog flew upside down.

Coincidentally, it just happened to smash the door frame of the room where the retreat is often held.

Gouzi, who was fine at first, suddenly felt a chill behind him.

Looking at the familiar door frame, it suddenly realized something.

After swallowing hard, its limbs seemed to be equipped with electric ponies, and the whole dog turned into a phantom, and ran towards the outside at high speed.

But the reality is far from as good as it imagined.

As a burst of space ripples appeared, it knew its next fate.

Sure enough, he appeared in Wang Mang's hands after a face-to-face meeting.

The dog who was pinched by fate's neck looked more cowardly at the moment.

"Master, it's not all my fault."

"Then what... woo... Take it easy."

Before it could finish speaking, Wang Mang's big brat had already greeted him.

Soon, the sound of iron strikes sounded in the courtyard.

Gouzi, who was still struggling at the beginning, stopped resisting later.

Just let Wang Mang grab it, rolled his eyes, stretched out his tongue, pretended to pass out, and went over.

Anyway, I can't kill myself.

Finally, after a long time, the tired Wang Mang threw the dog aside.

Seeing its dead appearance, the latter couldn't help being speechless for a while.

"Stop pretending, I know you can hear me."

"If you dare to disturb me again later, I promise you won't come out within 100 years."

Hearing this, how can Gouzi pretend to be dead?

He quickly jumped up, put his two short legs on Wang Mang, and howled tearfully: "Master, I know I was wrong."

"I promise it won't happen again next time."

"Master, master~"

Seeing Gouzi's fawning face, Wang Mang only felt a little tingly.

After kicking it away, he warned angrily: "It's best, if this happens again, you will die."

After finishing speaking, he randomly found a room and continued to retreat.

Gouzi heaved a sigh of relief.

"Tut tut."

At this moment, a teasing sound suddenly sounded.

Following the voice, Wu Ya said with a funny face:


Seeing his humble appearance, Gouzi suddenly bared his teeth and grinned.

At this moment, Wu Ya fueled the fire again.

"You were majestic just now, why did you pretend to be dead after being beaten?"

Hearing this, the anger in Gouzi's eyes could hardly be hidden.

However, considering what Wang Mang promised just now, it didn't dare to act rashly.

The next moment, it turned its head slightly and replied proudly: "That is the master I recognize, and I will definitely not be able to fight back after being beaten."

"It's not like some people who only use dirty moves."

"The dog shook his head when he saw it."

Wu Ya, who was still smiling at first, couldn't hold back immediately when he heard this.

"Fuck, come, come, practice in the chaos!"

Hearing this, a successful smile appeared on Gouzi's face.

"Just go, Grandpa Dog is still afraid that you will fail?"

After finishing speaking, it walked away proudly.

Seeing this scene, Wu Ya followed without hesitation.


At this time, Wang Mang, who was concentrating on meditation, was releasing his perception and observing the changes in the power in his body.

Chaos is isolated in the courtyard, and there is no need to use power to wrap the primordial spirit.

Only then can you concentrate on checking your body.

Wang Mang was stunned when he saw that the other supreme daoyuns still lost their luster.

What's happening here?

Wang Mang, who didn't know why, said silently to the system in his heart: "System, what are the conditions of the forces in my body?"

【Ding! Answer the host! Insufficient permissions! 】

Wang Mang: ...

Listening to your words is like listening to your words.

Said a lonely.

Seeing that the several forces in his body were still entangled with each other, Wang Mang gave up observing.

"Let's break through."

As soon as the words fell, the system's voice sounded impressively.

【Ding! deduct……】


At this time, outside the chaos, one person and one dog looked at each other through the chaos.

Although it was just a discussion, both of them had bad intentions at the moment and wanted to make the other party feel embarrassed.

The next moment, two figures criss-crossed each other.

boom! The sound of bang... can be heard endlessly.

The surrounding chaos suffers first, and faults continue to appear!

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