Seeing Gouzi being sent flying by Wu Ya's blow, Wang Mang suddenly had an idea in his heart that it should be like this.

But there is always something wrong in the dark.

After his eyes stayed on Wu Ya for a moment, Wang Mang asked slowly:

"What happened during this period of retreat?"

"I seem to feel something moving in a daze."

Hearing this, Wu Ya's complexion changed slightly, but Wang Mang didn't notice it for just a moment.

He smiled slightly, and said inexplicably:

"What movement?"

"It's probably the movement of chaos. Speaking of which, the formation around the courtyard has not been maintained for a long time."

"Let's not talk about it, I'll go and stabilize the barrier formation around the courtyard first."

After finishing speaking, he flew into the air directly.

Looking at his back, Wang Mang frowned.

I always feel that these two guys have something to hide from me.

That's all.

Throwing away the extra thoughts, Wang Mang also showed a smile on his face.

There is no other reason, this retreat is not just a breakthrough in the soul.

What's more, the fusion of several original original divinity in the body and the swallowing Daoyun has reached a new stage.

When using his perception, he can clearly notice that the previous few supreme dao rhymes have disappeared.

At the same time, the original divinity that has evolved to the highest level seems to have returned to the original stage. It does not have the powerful characteristics of the highest level, but it is extremely mysterious.

Wang Mang didn't know how to describe this form of power.

It seems to contain everything, but it is a little different.

I can't say it specifically, but it gives you this feeling intuitively.

It was cloudy and foggy.

According to the current observation status, it seems that Devouring Daoyun has something more, and it is still merging with several original original divinities.

But when he observed carefully, Wang Mang felt that the progress of fusion had stagnated.

Very strange.

Wang Mang, who had withdrawn from the observation state, glanced upwards by accident.

My heart can't be calm for a long time.

All the changes, I don't know it.

It seems to be destined, it is accidental and inevitable.

The self who has a system, the more he develops, the more he feels involuntary.

"A marionette?"

Wang Mang frowned tightly and clenched his fists involuntarily.

After a while, he took a deep breath and released the Devouring Dao Yun.

In an instant, the dark abyss of devouring Dao Yun gushed out of his body.

The strange and ominous breath, like freezing ice, caused the surrounding temperature to drop suddenly.

Ruouowu whispered, lingering around Wang Mang.

Manipulating a ray of Devouring Dao Yun to stop in front of his eyes, Wang Mang began to observe carefully.

In terms of color, it is still as dark as ever.

But it looks very different from before.

In the past, it just gave people the feeling that it was always pitch black.

Now, it looks like staring into the abyss.

Gives a feeling of bottomlessness.

There is a touch of unfathomable mystery contained in it, which has not been discovered by Wang Mang.

"Is this change good or bad?" Wang Mang murmured worriedly.

After all, he has used several Supreme Dao Rhymes, and he knows the power of the former.

Reality-distorting properties, absolute power, infinite power.

Before being able to fight across the great realm, it mainly relied on those supreme forces.

Now that such power has completely disappeared, he is naturally a little worried about gains and losses.

Even in the chaos, the supreme power has been weakened to the extreme.

But it is undeniable that apart from them, other forces may not be as strong as them in the chaos.

This chaos is also very strange, it can actually weaken the supreme power.

That is the power of the Creator God!

For a while, Wang Mang thought a lot.

There are joys and worries in my heart.

But what he cares most about is the unknown changes in several forces in his body.

However, he could only watch the mutation happen in his body, but he was powerless to stop it.

Ask the system, the answer is always, insufficient authority.

In the past, the system was like the omnipotent, omniscient and omnipotent, under certain conditions.

But since arriving in the second ring universe, there are more and more unknown things.

Especially lately, it's almost all about insufficient permissions.

If you don't know, you don't know why it is insufficient authority.

Or do you know but don't tell yourself?

Does it mean that there is a higher level above the system?

His recent series of changes are all inseparable from the manipulator.

So the answer is insufficient authority.

The moment this idea appeared, Wang Mang almost concluded that his own inclinations were inseparable.

All signs are traceable, and all changes are too unknown.

I am just a user of the system, so what is myself to the system?

Host? carrier? train staff...

Many thoughts, like meteors passing by, left a deep impression on Wang Mang's mind.

At the same time, Wang Mang's fear of the system has reached its peak.

According to the recent situation, judging from the performance of the system, it should not be too far from when everything surfaced.

You have to prepare yourself.

Otherwise, when the day comes, the system I rely on the most has betrayed me, and I have nowhere to cry.

Just as Wang Mang was contemplating, the howling of a dog suddenly struck.

I saw the dog limping into the courtyard.

Cursing indignantly:

"There is no limit to the days of the dog, and the attack is neither light nor heavy."

"You'd better not have time to sleep."

Wu Ya, who was pretending to protect the formation outside the courtyard, suddenly turned dark.

This dead dog.

Looking at the messy dog, Wang Mang suddenly thought of something.

Lift it up.

Gouzi, who was still greeting Wu Ya's family and casting spells on the void, suddenly calmed down.

Looking at the smiling Gouzi, Wang Mang asked expressionlessly:

"Tell me all your memories, and everything you know."

Hearing this, Gouzi's smile faltered suddenly, and his heart beat secretly faster.

"Master, what are you talking about?"

Facing Wang Mang's gaze, it asked tentatively.

The latter stared at it closely, and said indifferently:

"All the memories in your head, remembering is everything."

Gouzi was born in chaos, so does the initial memory instilled by the system also start from chaos?

Wang Mang, who has such a guess, naturally wants to ask clearly.

After all, they know very little about Chaos itself, and the omniscient system has also failed.

At this time, Gouzi's limited brain capacity and countless memories are crazily emerging.

But soon disappeared again.

This caused him to forget what he was about to say just as he was about to say something.

After a while, it slowly said:

"There are countless Chaos Beasts in Chaos, and..."

Gouzi described many pictures in his mind.

But the more Wang Mang listened, the more irritable he became.

He basically knows all of these things.

No need to re-listen at all.


Wang Mang asked eagerly.

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