For a moment, the two stared at each other.

Seeing Jiang Ye with an unbelievable face, Wang Mang was a little embarrassed.

Why did it stop outputting?

Now it's only one-tenth of the way to advance to the Dao Hungry Ghost, so don't stop.

Realizing that he was being tricked, Jiang Ye sneered at the two gnashing their teeth and said to Wang Mang:

"Okay! Good boy, you are the first one to play with me like this."

Jiang Ye's chest kept rising and falling, obviously out of anger.

Seeing that things came to light, Wang Mang simply didn't think too much about it, and directly used the Hungry Ghost of Heaven's Dao to wrap Jiang Ye in an instant.

The terrifying force of migration instantly covered and pulled it.

The power of time in his body overflowed a little uncontrollably.

The sudden change made Jiang Ye, who was burning with anger, suddenly calm down.

"Oh, is this one of the reasons why you can live in peace under the erosion of the power of time?"

Jiang Ye, who looked at the black hole that appeared on his body out of thin air and swallowed Daoyun, said lightly.

It has to be said that under such traction, his body was not affected at all, so one can imagine the strength of his body.

His calm demeanor showed that he wasn't worried about his situation at all.

Or, he didn't pay attention to such a power at all.

The next moment, the silver and white power burst out, directly defeating the Devouring Daoyun on his body.

Before Wang Mang could react, the two supreme characteristics of elapsed and retrospective fell on his body at the same time.

Um? Again?

Faced with such a situation, Wang Mang was overjoyed.

Without hesitation and without hesitation, he used the hungry ghost of heaven to absorb the power of time around him.

A vortex appeared out of thin air, swirling around Wang Mang.

The enormous devouring power constantly involves the power of silvery time.

Seeing his own power being absorbed, Jiang Ye immediately understood why this guy was able to survive the erosion of the power of time without any damage.

Absorb most of the power of time with special devouring power.

Even if the rest is applied to him, it will be offset by that powerful recovery power.

Is that so?

Staring at the mesmerized Wang Mang, Jiang Ye directly stopped the output of the power of time.

Without the follow-up power supply, the power of time covering Wang Mang was swallowed up in an instant.

At this time, Wang Mang's body was revealed again.

He was very dissatisfied and said:

"Why did it stop?"

Obviously, it is only a little bit short, and the Hungry Ghost of Heavenly Dao can advance.

Looking at the expressionless Jiang Ye, Wang Mang provocatively said:

"You can't do it, little pacai."

"Engaging in such a big battle doesn't mean that I can't kill Grandpa and me."

Facing Wang Mang's provocation, Jiang Ye kept telling himself in his heart not to be provoked by this little thief.

"Not bad, the unique combination can directly ignore the damage caused by the power of time."

"But if I don't use my strength, what will you do?"

Jiang Ye smiled sullenly, and began to move his muscles on the spot.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang frowned immediately.

Um? It was discovered.

Is this intended to use physical strength to suppress yourself?

Wang Mang thought to himself, his face was a little ugly.

It's not that I'm afraid, with my own resilience, I don't worry at all when fighting hand-to-hand.

But even though his resilience is against the sky, at a certain moment, the situation in his body will still be exposed.

He was worried that once his original original divinity was discovered, it would inevitably attract the endless pursuit of the other party.

After all, in this chaotic world that eats people, this is not uncommon.

Before he could think too much, Jiang Ye had already made a new move!

I saw the latter stepping on the chaos and jumping up violently.

With a heavy punch, it hit Wang Mang's head directly.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang's scalp suddenly went numb, even if he could recover, even if he no longer felt any pain.

But he didn't want to be punched in the head.

Just when Wang Mang was about to avoid it, a strange force suddenly enveloped him, hindering his movement.

"Stop!" Jiang Ye said calmly,

All this happened so fast that Wang Mang didn't even have time to cast the Heavenly Dao Hungry Ghost!

The Hungry Ghost of Heaven and Dao kept roaring in his heart, and vortices tore apart the chaos and emerged.

But even so, it doesn't help.

When Swallowing Dao Yun had absorbed the power of time and Wang Mang finally resumed his actions, Jiang Ye's fists had already filled his sight.




Like a watermelon bursting, Wang Mang's head exploded instantly.

In an instant, Wang Mang fell down.

But in the next moment, countless flesh and blood tissues occupied his empty head.

In a blink of an eye, Wang Mang's head recovered.

Shaking his bewildered head, Wang Mang quickly stood up.

"Don't talk about martial arts, stop using such dirty tricks when you have a strong body!"

Ignoring what Wang Mang said, Jiang Ye looked at Wang Mang's recovered head with great interest, and said to himself:

"Is it really the power that the physical body can have if the brain is shattered and can be restored in an instant?"

Looking at Wang Mang's body, Jiang Ye's eyes showed greed.

"Let me see what is so magical about your body!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure flashed suddenly, and a punch pierced through Wang Mang's chest in an instant.

It only took a moment, and it was as simple as piercing a piece of paper.

Feeling the flesh and blood tissue constantly wriggling around his arm, Jiang Ye exclaimed:

"What a nice body."

"Since the head can regenerate, what about the heart?"

The next moment, his arm twisted violently to cover Wang Mang's beating heart.

The strong beating made him ignore several abnormalities around the heart.

He smiled cruelly, and looked at the expressionless Wang Mang.

Facing the latter's extremely indifferent expression, Jiang Ye squeezed the heart in his hand instantly with force.

At this time, I was observing Wang Mang's expression, trying to see fear from it.

But to his disappointment, Wang Mang's face was still expressionless.

Even in the next moment, there was a mocking look on his face.

"You think you can kill me like this?"

As soon as the words fell, a terrifying absorption spread from Wang Mang.

The body is the carrier of the Devouring Dao Rhyme, and it needs to go through the hurdle of gushing out of the body when it is used.

Now Wang Mang casts the Heavenly Dao Hungry Ghost directly in his body, and the terrifying gravitational field suddenly roars!

The traction force like a swamp spread across the area in an instant, and even pulled away the passing force that was still acting on Gouzi and Wuya.

what's the situation! !

The sudden scene made both of them look at Wang Mang's position.

Before they could relax, a great traction suddenly struck.

First, the power in the body flowed out, and then the figure approached Wang Mang uncontrollably.

Facing this irresistible traction, Wu Ya was terrified.

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