Seeing Wang You's expression of beeping the dog, the smile on Wang Mang's face suddenly became wider.

Immediately afterwards, he also coughed lightly twice, and suppressed a smile to reply:

"With it, wouldn't you be more invulnerable?"

"Isn't it easy to earn points by then?"

"Points are earned, not saved."

Wang You, who heard this, also looked at Wang Mang suspiciously.

Although it seemed reasonable to say it, he still felt that he was cheated.

But I think that the right to interpret everything rests with Wang Mang.

If I don't know what is good and what is bad, I am afraid that the master will directly attack the king.

Immediately he also admitted with a bitter face.

"I know Master, you are right."

"The points are earned."

While speaking, a smile uglier than crying appeared on his face.

Looking at his face, Wang Mang almost didn't laugh out loud.

Look how happy the kid is smiling.

Although the appearance of this guy is roughly the same as his own, but with the baptism of time, there are some differences between the two of them now.

The most obvious one is that Wang You has a strong breath of wage earners.

Not surprisingly, Wang Mang is probably an evil capitalist.

After bestowing the armor on him, Wang Mang subconsciously glanced at Wang Lu who couldn't help smiling.

After thinking about it, I seem to be a little too partial to Wang You.

Although he cheated Wang You from time to time, as his master, as long as he gave an order, the followers had to complete it.

It's just that Wang Mang didn't want to get along with them in this way.

This also created the situation where Wang You would be presumptuous towards Wang Mang from time to time.

But fortunately, I cleverly proposed points.

Tsk tsk tsk, dream is such a wonderful goddamn bastard.

Keke strayed.

Thinking that Wang Li didn't have any equipment, Wang Mang immediately decided to continue opening the box to see if he could get good equipment.

A bowl of water still needs to be leveled, right?

Then he also silently said to the system in his heart:

"Continue to open the blind box for me."

As soon as the voice fell, the system's voice sounded immediately:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Obtained Dao Crystal 5 billion. 】

It's not painful or itchy. For Wang Mang now, 5 billion is just a sprinkle of water.

A few minutes later, the sound of the system drawing a prize sounded for the second time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get Chaos Chains. 】

! !

Wang Mang's eyes widened.

Although I don't know what this thing is.

But this name sounds very hanging!

"Introduction." Wang Mang looked excited.

[Chaos chain: a chain forged from star meteor black iron, which contains the true meaning of chaos].

[Rank: seventh-tier mid-tier (can be upgraded)].

After hearing the system's introduction, Wang Mang pouted speechlessly.

The name is so awesome, but in the end it is only a seventh-order middle-grade.

But the advantage is that it can be improved, and the potential is huge.

This piece of equipment should be about the same for Wang Lu.

Although it’s a bit stretched now, but our focus is on the future.

After a while, the sound of the system drawing a prize sounded for the third time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Obtain a piece of underwear for the strong in the Eternal Realm. 】

Wang Mang: ...

Even though he wanted to complain a little, Wang Mang held back.

He is not what he used to be now, and so is his state of mind.

But when it came time for the next reward, he couldn't hold back his defense.

As Wang Mang silently recited the non-existent meditation mantra in his heart, the voice of the system's lottery sounded for the fourth time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get a pile of poop from the dog emperor. 】

The moment he heard the words, the corners of Wang Mang's mouth could not stop twitching.

In the end, he also cursed in his heart: "You **** system, what **** does he give me every day?"

"What's the use of telling me the dog emperor's defense?"


The system ignored Wang Mang's fragrant mouth.

Still the voice of the lottery continues to ring:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Obtain the healing stone. 】

After hearing the reward, Wang Mang's voice stopped suddenly.

Then he asked, "What is it, please introduce it consciously."

[Healing Spirit Stone: It can warm and nourish the primordial spirit, and gradually improve the quality and realm of spiritual thoughts. 】

As soon as the words fell, a smile appeared on Wang Mang's face, and the aggrieved look disappeared without a trace.

System: face.

"Okay, this time the stuff is pretty good."

"It's a bit awesome to be able to improve the primordial spirit." Wang Mang was overjoyed.

At this moment, the voice of the system's lottery sounded for the sixth time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Received the title of Outstanding Dancer. 】

[Note: Wearing this title can increase attack by 10%, increase defense by 10%, and increase speed by 10%. 】

[Note 2: All the gains above can only be obtained in the dancing state. 】

Wang Mang was a little confused and scratched his head.

Although these bonuses are very eye-catching.

But when he thought about dancing in battle, he felt something was wrong with the style of painting.

At that time, I am afraid that the enemy will be suffocated to death with laughter.


Wang Mang's eyes flashed, and he suddenly had a better candidate in his mind.

Grandma did not think of it just now?

What's wrong with this thing is, is it tailor-made for Wang You?

With his speed and absorbing armor, let alone dance in battle.

If a child is born during a battle, the enemy may not be able to react.

Now with this 10% speed bonus, it's not safe to take off.

For a while, Wang Mang also said to the system sourly:

"Honestly speaking, is this Wang You your own son?"

"Ma De, all the good things are ready for him."


As soon as the voice fell, the system's voice also sounded:

【Ding! The ownership of all the things issued by the system belongs to the host, and how to divide them later depends on the allocation of the host itself. 】

Hearing this, Wang Mang muttered in his heart: I believe you a ghost.

You didn't mention that the previous Eternal Ancient Breath disappeared.

Although Wang Mang had something to say about this, he didn't say it directly.

Although one's own objects are lost in the system space, this is a very serious matter.

However, the situation was special at the time, so you don't have to worry about it so much.

After experiencing these several times of turmoil, Wang Mang also gradually understood that the system is not omnipotent in this universe where big bosses are everywhere.

At least it can't deal with those few supreme beings.

But it's impossible for that kind of boss to keep watching him.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was inexplicably relieved.

As long as I think of these supreme things, my heart always feels heavy.

Seeing that the system's lottery sound did not sound, Wang Mang naturally knew that the treasure chest was over.

After returning to reality, Wang Mang wanted to give this chain to Wang Lu.

However, a figure suddenly appeared in the altar, which immediately made his expression stiff.

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