"I don't know what you two are doing here?"

One of the Eternal Realm asked.

It is estimated that they dare not do it directly due to the mystery of the two, and even have a more respectful attitude.

Even if they can't perceive the news of the two.

But the terrifying aura that they glimpsed just now made them let go of their pride in being strong in the eternal realm.

It was an extremely terrifying breath of death.

Wang Mang glanced at Wu Ya beside him, seeing that the latter did not seem to speak, he also said slowly:

"Give you a chance to survive and join our forces."

What Wang Mang said was so direct that the corners of Wu Ya's mouth twitched when he heard it.

What's more, the eyes of those Eternal Realm powerhouses looking at the two of them were also a little uncomfortable.

But of course they dare not show it outright.

Even if you are unhappy, you can only bury it in your heart.

Then one of the Eternal Realm powerhouses replied with a smile:

"My lord, the few of us will spend our whole lives in this world..."

"Family has roots here, too."


Before he could finish speaking, a dark aura pierced his chest.

"Lorry is so wordy." Wang Mang said softly, and at the same time slowly withdrew the rhyme of swallowing Dao.

Except for Wu Ya, the pupils of all the people present were stunned.

It was killed in seconds!

All of a sudden, the sound of swallowing saliva resounded everywhere.

There is no way to post it, such a scene is too terrifying.

The powerhouses in the Eternal Realm are nothing like ripples in the second ring universe.

There can only be 10,000 people in the universe at the same time.

Several Eternal Realm powerhouses looked at Wang Mang with fear in their eyes.

Afterwards, a green-haired Eternal Realm tentatively asked tremblingly: "My lord...don't know the name of your power?"

This time Wu Ya finally spoke: "Our..."

He talked a lot about Barabara, but the core meaning was similar to what he said to Wang Mang before.

After hearing Wu Ya Ji Wei's unreliable words, several people obviously hesitated.

But after facing Wang Mang's extremely oppressive gaze, they still dare not refuse in the end.

"My lord, I am willing to join."

"I do too"

"Me too..."

A smile appeared on Wu Ya's face after hearing several people express their opinions.

"Very good now we have three more people in our power"

"Are there any other eternal realms in this world besides the few of you?"

Hearing this sentence, Wang Mang looked at Wu Ya like a fool.

When my perception covered the whole world just now, I already knew the situation of this world.

How did this style of painting change?

Wang Mang thought to himself.

Why does it feel like this guy's IQ and dignity are dropping crazily.

"There are only a few of them." Wang Mang frowned and said in a low voice.

Suddenly Wang Mang felt his eyes go dark, and the next moment there was a big pain in his head.

Wu Ya came to Wang Mang in an instant, and then gave the back of his head a shudder without hesitation.

"Boy, I have tolerated you for a long time."

"Now I'm your boss."

You must know that Wang Mang was defenseless just now, so it was very painful to be slapped like this.

Although it is said that the God Refining Hegemony Body is extremely hard, it is still not as good as compared to Wu Ya's fake eighth-level body.

In an instant, Wang Mang's eyes were bloodshot.


Wang Mang shouted angrily, and several strands of supreme Dao rhyme erupted from his body again.

The terrifying atmosphere made the sky crumble.

The next moment, his punch containing the five supreme dao rhymes also slammed fiercely towards Wu Ya's face.

Facing Wang Mang's angry blow, Wu Ya, who had been prepared for a long time, smiled lightly.

An invisible ripple rippling from his forehead, drifted straight towards Wang Mang.

For a moment, Wang Mang only felt a wave of Mo Min's stuff suddenly impacting his soul, causing the latter to be in turmoil.

The primordial spirit is affected, so naturally his movements will not remain unchanged.

I saw Wang Mang's right arm was slapped by Wu Ya, and his whole body completely deviated from the originally planned attack target.

When the primordial spirit is in turmoil, it is natural to exert strength easily.

Wang Mang, who had no successor, was once again found an opportunity by Wu Ya, and he was knocked out.


A crisp sound sounded, and Wang Mang fell into the ground uncontrollably.

Dust and sand all over the sky slowly rose.

This scene also stunned the three newcomers.

Wang Mang, who was enough to instantly kill them with one blow, is being teased like this now?

At this moment, the ground suddenly began to shake.

A great traction force continuously spread from Wang Mang's surroundings towards his surroundings.

In an instant, countless distorted strip-shaped forces visible to the naked eye surged towards Wang Mang with everything around them.

The huge traction force made several Eternal Realm powerhouses feel unstable.

The three people who wanted to use Dao Yun to resist this situation were surprised to find that the moment their Dao Yun left their bodies, they drifted towards Wang Mang uncontrollably.

Without Dao Yun's blessing, the three of them were already bound by the great traction and began to approach Wang Mang's position.

The closer you get to this traction, the stronger it becomes.

Now that the three of them couldn't worry so much anymore, they hurriedly asked Wu Ya for help:

"My lord, save us!"

"We are willing to pledge our allegiance to the death."

Wu Ya frowned, and with a wave of his hand, the bodies of the three disappeared in place.

"Does this kid want to destroy this world?" Wu Ya murmured.

The next moment, his body suddenly appeared beside Wang Mang.

The devouring force that was enough to distort the void continued to attack Wuya.

But as if everything was in vain, no matter how devouring Daoyun bombarded him, he was easily blocked by the invisible obstacles around Wuya.

Just as he was watching, a palm protruded from the darkness.

Wu Ya, who knew Wang Mang's meanness, had expected to grab Wang Mang's outstretched palm.

"This devouring force can obviously be used as the main defensive force, why would you use it to attack?"

Wu Ya observed the Devouring Dao Yun around him, with envy in his eyes.

It's obviously just devouring Dao Yun, but there are more unusual things in it?

Interestingly, the intensity is even comparable to the highest.

In the eyes of most people, the ominous and strange aura is a good thing that cannot be obtained in Wu Ya's eyes.

For people in his realm, there is no need to estimate the power used, as long as it is strong, it is good power.

After secretly scolding Wang Mang for being violent, his hand plunged into the depths of Devouring Dao Yun.

The supreme power dare not have too many ideas, but this strange power is worth a try!

In an instant, a monstrous power that surpassed the heavens and the earth exploded from Wu Ya's hands.

Complicated and blurred lines appeared in Wang Mang's sight.

At the same time, Wang Mang only felt that something was about to leave him.

Unknowingly, bursts of black mist spread out from the void and covered the entire world.

A terrifying aura wafted through the black mist.

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