I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 2059 Messenger of Destiny.

Wang Mang looked at the Envoy of Destiny jokingly, and the Devouring Dao Rhyme slowly surged around him.

At this time, the envoy of fate gradually became numb.

During the conversation, he has deduced it countless times, but it is still a dead end.

He smiled decadently, and said helplessly:

"It seems that this is my fate."


The power of destiny in the boundary sea began to boil, and it all converged towards the envoy of destiny.


Wang Mang smiled contemptuously, and a deep traction immediately spread out from his body.

The abyss-like gravitational force began to crazily absorb the strong power of fate around it.

Forcibly isolating the envoy of destiny who wanted to gather the power of destiny, Wang Mang said indifferently:

"Hehe, your home court is also a good energy supply for me."

As the power of destiny failed to condense, the envoy of destiny suddenly showed a smile.

Wang Mang frowned and was a little confused. Just when he was about to continue speaking, the envoy of fate suddenly said:

"So that's how it is, that's how it is."

"Your ability has completely restrained Jiehai's abundant energy."

"Whether the envoy wants to rely on Jie Hai to defeat you, he will definitely become your defeat."

Wang Mang snorted coldly, and urged the Chaos Hungry Ghost with all his strength.

"When you try to attack me in vain, you have a way to kill yourself."

"You always have to pay back when you come out to hang out."

After all, the phantoms of hungry ghosts filled Wang Mang's surroundings with vortices.

The power of destiny, which is so rich to the extreme, keeps sinking into the vortex.

The advanced level of the chaotic hungry ghost suddenly began to move slowly.

The Messenger of Destiny, who was already ashamed, felt the pulling force acting on his body, and his complexion suddenly darkened.

The battle of the pseudo-eighth rank is like this, the body also has the power in the body.

Things like supernatural powers have been completely omitted.

It fully fulfilled the sentence that the road is simple.

When you can destroy a planet with a random blow, what magical powers do you need?

The power of the God of Destiny is even far above that.

But he met Wang Mang, a being who could devour energy and was almost immortal.

Even as the messenger of the Supreme God, he was helpless and could only wait for death.

The terrifying traction was like a bottomless pit, tearing at his body all the time.

Once a little power of destiny overflows, it will be absorbed in an instant.

Even if the power of the entire boundary sea is not enough to fill the opponent's vortex.

The envoy of destiny frowned, and suddenly became infinitely curious about the vortex.

Some kind of supernatural power? Or a real place.

The vortex is just a medium between the handover?

The next moment, he suddenly flew towards a vortex beside Wang Mang.

His sudden action also made Wang Mang stunned.

Just when the envoy of destiny was about to enter the vortex, a force of destiny suddenly erupted from his body, temporarily counteracting the traction.

At this time, the Angel of Destiny, who was extremely close to the vortex, suddenly had a bright light in his eyes, and looked straight into it.

In an instant, his expression changed wildly, from shock to fear to indifference, and his expression kept changing in a short period of time.

At this moment, Wang Mang suddenly appeared behind him.

"What are you looking at?"

Following the gaze of the other party, Wang Mang squinted his eyes, unable to see clearly in the turbidity of the vortex.

The God of Destiny shrugged casually, and said very calmly:


He changed his tone, and said in a surprised tone:

"I didn't expect that your vortex is connected to this place."

"That's right, there is no other existence behind the odd number that can compete with the envoy."

"Should have thought of it earlier."

Wang Mang's eyes flickered, canceling the traction around here.

"Oh? Why don't you tell me in detail, maybe I can let you go."

The envoy of fate shook his head lightly, and said with a faint smile:

"My fate must end today."

"I can't live."

Having accepted his fate, he is now very open-minded.

Hearing that Wang Mang was not annoyed, he said slowly:

"Fate cannot be changed?"

The God of Destiny, with a calm expression on his face, said calmly:

"What can be changed is not fate."

"At most try to arouse the mercy of fate, let him take care of you a little bit."

After hearing the words, Wang Mang thought for a moment, then joked:

"It seems that you haven't worked hard enough, otherwise He wouldn't have stood by."

As soon as these words came out, the envoy of fate burst out laughing.

Said meaningfully:

"Maybe I did not work hard enough, but the old man may not be able to make a move."

While speaking, he suddenly exerted strength and rushed towards the vortex.

Wang Mang's pupils shrank, and immediately canceled the vortex.

The Angel of Destiny also rushed to nothing.

At this moment, Wang Mang suddenly discovered that there was an incomparably bright light around the Angel of Destiny.

The dazzling light made Wang Mang unable to look directly at it.

A vast and infinite aura emanated from his body.

Xuanzhiyouxuan's power of destiny has become different from just now.

Wang Mang stretched out his hand to block most of the light, frowned and said:

"Who are you?"

At this time, this aura has completely surpassed the previous God of Destiny.

Suddenly, an ethereal voice came.

"You can call me Messenger of Destiny."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Mang was startled, and instantly distanced himself.

"Don't do these useless actions, I have no malice towards you."

The ethereal voice sounded again.

At this time, the Envoy of Destiny had already turned into a human-shaped Destiny Matter, which looked like a blue little light man.

It looks so timeless and mysterious.

The azure destiny radiance illuminates the entire sea of ​​destiny, and light and shadow intertwine to form the afterglow of divinity.

Just taking a look at it is unforgettable forever.

There is a boundless aura from the entire boundary sea.

"The eighth-level master of fate?"

Wang Mang stared at the other party vigilantly, and was already thinking about how to get out.

"My things have been stored in your body for a long time, and it's time to return them now."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Mang ran away without hesitation.

Although he has roughly guessed what he said.

But Wang Mang said that with me there is only in and out.

Wang Mang breathed a sigh of relief when the other party didn't come after him.

But soon he discovered that no matter how fast he traveled, he couldn't leave the Sea of ​​Destiny.

The surrounding environment is always the same, but I am indeed moving.

"Give it back to me, your fate is not enough for you to have it."

"Keeping it will kill you sooner or later."

Misty voices came from all directions.

Realizing that he couldn't escape, Wang Mang immediately released the Devouring Dao Yun to wrap himself up.

At the same time, directly release the Chaos Hungry Ghost to the maximum extent.

The profound traction force appears to constantly involve Weilan's destiny.

Strangely, this time, the power of destiny was not affected at all.

Never move.

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