Wang Mang nodded and said slowly:

"That's right, the patriarch died in the Nine Abyss Clans."

While speaking, he took a deep breath.

"And the Qiling Clan."

Abyss Xuanming sighed and finally nodded.

"Can you spare the life of the leader of my Seventh Tribe?"

"His old man treated me very well."

Hearing this, Wang Mang naturally had no objections. After all, among the other clan leaders who had surrounded and suppressed the clan leader, none of them were from the Seventh Branch clan.

"Yes, but you have to convince him yourself. When the time comes to release the power, it will be an indiscriminate attack."

Hearing this, Abyss Xuanming didn't say anything else.

Wang Mang looked at Guichen Tianzun.

"Take this, Guichen."

Wang Mang took out the space bag, which contained one of his clones.

Guichen Tianzun noticed the brocade bag thrown by Wang Mang and asked curiously:

"What's in here?"

Wang Mang raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said calmly:

"What's inside is my clone, which can be used as a container for my power to come."

"I need you to carry my clone around."

Guichen Tianzun nodded and replied respectfully:


Wang Mang nodded, and after giving instructions to these two people, he turned his attention to Wang You.

"Wang You, I have an important task for you next."

When it came to business, Wang You also had a serious expression on his face.

He nodded and said seriously:


Seeing his attitude, Wang Mang felt very pleased.

Sure enough, this guy is still reliable when it comes to business.

"this is for you."

While saying this, Wang Mang also handed the divine sword to him.

"Use this sword as a tactic to attract more people from top powers."

"You can kill as many as you want. It's not difficult with your current physical level."

Wang You took the divine sword and said very seriously:


Wang Mang nodded again and said cheerfully:

"With your speed, no one can stop you if you want to run away."

"Remember, your own life comes first."

Wang You stretched out his hand and wiped the divine sword, revealing its edge.

"rest assured."

"By the way, do you want to bring that guy Wang Lu back? Isn't he also in the top world of the abyss?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang frowned immediately.

Only then did he remember that he had left Wang Lu in the Eighth Clan.

"Almost forgot about this thing."

"Let him come to the world of chaos and experience it."

"While speaking, Wang Mang also said silently in his heart:

"The system takes back the followers!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the system's voice suddenly sounded in Wang Mang's mind.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Retrieval of followers successful! 】

Wang Mang chuckled a few times, thinking in his mind: How could he take it back so far away?

As Wang Mang thought, a ripple in space suddenly appeared around him.

Wang Lu also walked out of it with a confused look on his face.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang suddenly had a smile on his face.

He immediately drove Devouring Daoyun to wrap it up.

Looking at the scene around him, Wang Lu also nodded to Wang Mang and said:


Looking at the other person's face, which was very similar to Abyss Xuanming, Wang Mang said slowly:

"haven't seen you for a long time."

When Shen Yuan Xuanming saw this scene on the side, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

After explaining the situation to Wang Lu, Wang Mang directly led the three of them to the edge of the second ring universe.

After an unknown amount of time, the group of four finally arrived at the location of the cosmic barrier.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang quickly said goodbye to a few people and then urged:

"Okay, go in now, otherwise the will of the universe will come again later."

"Remember that everything is based on your own safety. If the situation goes wrong, just run away."

Several people nodded one after another, and at Wang Mang's urging, they all flew towards the location of the cosmic barrier.

In Wang Mang's sight, the three of them entered the second ring universe without even stopping.

After several people entered, Wang Mang did not pause and headed back directly into the realm of chaos.

At this time, the three people who had just entered the second-ring universe looked at each other and had a discussion.

Wang You: "My mission is to set up a trap to kill you, so I won't be with you. I'll say goodbye."

He cupped his hand, without any hesitation, and turned into a rainbow and slowly disappeared into the starry sky.

Seeing this, Abyss Xuanming also said to Guichen Tianzun:

"Returning to the dust, I have to quietly return to the top world of the abyss. Let's say goodbye first."

Guichen Tianzun nodded without much expression and said slowly:


After hearing this, Abyss Xuanming also left directly across the void.

Guichen Tianzun took a deep breath and released his senses.

After a moment, he also stood up and flew straight towards the perceived planet.

In the realm of chaos.

Wang Mang is leading Wang Lu to kill the Chaos Beast to upgrade.

In the past, it was not easy to kill the Chaos Beast.

Just release the Chaos Hungry Ghost a little, and the Chaos Beast will tear its body apart due to the traction and the power of its own resistance.

At first, Wang Lu would be surprised by the outrageous amplification effect of the tempered brilliance, but as time went by, he gradually became calmer.

It is worth mentioning that there are not only two people in this line.

Gouzi and Wuya also followed.

And Wang Mang is not in a hurry to find other pseudo-eighth levels.

With the idea of ​​​​letting Wang Lu's physical realm rise first, kill him if he encounters him, and forget about it if he doesn't encounter him.

On the way, Wang Mang also discussed matters about realm with Wu Ya.

"Wuya, the path to the pseudo-eighth level is wrong. Even if you can become stronger by devouring other pseudo-eighth-level sources, you will never be able to reach the next level in a true sense."

"At most, it's just a relatively strong pseudo-eighth level."

After hearing this, Wuya was not too depressed.

"Indeed, I should have guessed that."

"But after reaching the perfection of the eternal realm, my cultivation has not improved for a long time."

"In addition to being promoted to the pseudo-eighth level later."

"Even if this path is wrong, it's still better than the eternal realm, isn't it?"

"When the realm is eternally perfect, there is really no hope of improvement."

Hearing this, Wang Mang couldn't help but frown.

What's the right path?

Is the perfection of the eternal realm the pinnacle?

So how can you become the eighth level?

Wang Mang was very confused.

But at least he still has some hope.

Maybe when my realm reaches the Eternal Realm, the next level that can be upgraded is the eighth level?

After all, he is a man with a system.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang also asked the system in his mind:

"System, what is the next state of perfection in the eternal state?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the system's voice also sounded:

【Ding! Answer to the host: The perfection of the eternal realm is the seventh-level peak! 】

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