I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 2068 The Explosive Chaos Beast King!

When I looked at my arms again, those black lines had disappeared.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang's pupils suddenly shrank.

Damn it, grandma, that ghost thing won't penetrate into your body, right?

Wang Mang's face darkened, he no longer cared about the Chaos Beast Emperor, and quickly scanned his body with his soul.

After a while, Wang Mang slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

There is no change in the body, it seems that the body's ultimate recovery power has been activated.

Without these twists and turns of worries, Wang Mang's eyes suddenly looked at the Chaos Beast King, with a touch of cruelty and anger.

Good guy, you are playing tricks on me, right?

A red light flashed in Wang Mang's eyes, and he ducked around the Chaos Beast King's fluttering body.

Then grab a tentacle and pull it!


The pained Chaos Beast King roared angrily, and all the tentacles on his body struck towards Wang Mang.

Likewise, purple-black brilliant light erupted again around its irregular body.

Wang Mang grinned, and his arms grabbing the tentacles immediately began to exert force.

No matter how whipped he was by several tentacles, he showed no sign of letting go.

As time passed, the roar of the Chaos Beast King became louder and louder.

The terrifying and boundless mental shock spread continuously towards the surrounding area.

As the strength of his arms almost reached its limit, Wang Mang gritted his teeth and looked extremely ferocious.

Long hair fluttering wildly.

"Cut it off!"

Wang Mang roared and exerted his power to the extreme.

At the same time, the tentacle he was pulling was also stretched tightly.

It seemed as if it would break apart in the next second.

You must know that this Chaos Beast King is different from ordinary Chaos Beasts.

In the past, the tentacles of the Chaos Beast were like limbs, with joints connected to the body.

But the Chaos Beast King didn't. Several tentacles seemed to be derived from his body, completely connected by flesh and blood.

If this tentacle was torn off by Wang Mang, a large piece of flesh and blood would also be pulled out of its body.

This is why Wang Mang couldn't pull it off even though he tried so hard.

Several people watching the battle from a distance also had expressions of surprise on their faces.

Compete with the Chaos Beast for physical body, and compete with the Divine Envoy for strength.

Brother Mangzi, should we be awesome or be awesome!

And looking at the Chaos Beast King's wailing appearance, Wang Mang has the upper hand!

In this regard, a few people could only say something silently in their hearts.



With a hoarse roar, one of the tentacles of the Chaos Beast King was torn off by Wang Mang.

At the same time, the Chaos Beast's chaotic mental state also turned into an extremely furious state!

His red eyes stared straight at Wang Mang, as if he wanted to tear him into pieces.

The purple aura displayed on its body becomes brighter and brighter, as if it contains some kind of law.

Constantly washing away the surrounding chaotic turbidity.

The spiritual radiation that is almost substantive is like the rolling surging of the Nu River, rendering the surrounding area into a disaster area.

In this range, even the filthy chaotic turbidity will be affected by this spiritual radiation and turn into a pile of garbled things!

The three of them retreated further away consciously.

Purple light flickered, and some of the matter around Wang Mang seemed to have become a chaotic and invisible area at the same time.

The majestic mental impact was like flying sharp knives, constantly stimulating Wang Mang's soul.

An unimaginable and strange force tried to invade Wang Mang's soul and assimilate him into a member of chaos.

Wang Mang couldn't help but frown as he felt the strangeness coming from the Devouring Avenue wrapped around Yuanshen.

Because his soul was affected, his vision began to become a little blurry at this time.

"Hmph! Ant, if I say I'll kill you with my body, I'll kill you with my body!"

Wang Mang snorted coldly and increased the power of the Chaos Hungry Ghost, and the Devouring Daoyun around the Yuanshen suddenly became more brave.

The spiritual radiation that had already materialized suddenly began to be swallowed up.

His vision returned to normal, and the surrounding mental radiation had no impact on him at all.

Looking at the Chaos Beast King whose tentacles began to twitch randomly, Wang Mang's eyes were full of determination.

"Give me a good shout!"

After saying that, his whole body suddenly glowed with a blood-red light!

It was the blood in his body that surged!

At this time, Wang Mang was like a real dragon resurrected, with a terrifying aura spreading out from every part of his body.

There seemed to be a vast ocean surging faintly, and the roaring waves!

The red divine blood flowing in the meridians in the body is like a burning sun, constantly providing Wang Mang with extremely terrifying physical power!

Looking at Wang Mang in such a posture, he fell into the scarlet pupils of the furious Chaos Beast King and was surprised for a moment!

Then he was filled with endless rage.

"Roar!" The Chaos Beast King roared, and the purple divine light around him was overwhelming, even the deepest darkness could not cover it up at all!

Feeling the surging blood in his body, Wang Mang's fighting spirit rushed straight to the Tianling Gai, and a powerful voice burst out from his mouth!

"Come die!"

Facing the tentacles of the Chaos Beast King, Wang Mang punched out without reservation!

The indescribable and endless divine power seems to destroy the world and last forever!

The nothingness in the chaotic world was shaken with cracks!

After punching out, everyone in the five realms of Chaos Realm looked towards this place.

It's a pity that the chaotic turbid air is the most filthy derivative of all time, and cannot be seen except by the Creator God.

Even though they wanted to know what happened, they couldn't see through the layers of turbidity to where it happened.

In the battlefield at this time, Wang Mang fell into a state of excitement.

The blood all over his body became more and more solid, and there was an explosion of great power in every move.

The Chaos Beast King was also beaten to calm down by Wang Mang.

Maybe he couldn't be called calm, but he wasn't in the furious state just now.

Facing Li Ze's heavy fist like a pear blossom, the Chaos Beast Emperor suddenly let out a series of wails.

At this time, its irregular body was already riddled with holes.

As the Chaos Beast King began to retreat steadily, the terrifying spiritual radiation of the soul also disappeared.

Likewise, the body-tempering brilliance derived from his body was successfully intercepted by Wuya Gouzi and the others.

This Chaos Beast King is worthy of his powerful strength.

The tempered body brilliance that emerged from it was extremely thick.

It is almost twenty times the size of an ordinary Chaos Beast.

Without the scruples of the Tempered Body Glory, Wang Mang followed his heart when fighting.

The advantages of having a top-level physique transformed to the pseudo-eighth level were fully revealed at this moment.

Even the Chaos Beast King, who is very powerful against the physical body, can suppress it.

Almost crushing the blaster!

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