I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 2076: Kill Wang Mang with one blow!

Duan Heng, who was suspended in mid-air, had a deep gaze, and there was a hint of unbearable color in his eyes.

Those people who are in the same tribe can be said to be the final proof of the existence of the Duan family.

However, these people, without exception, have low intelligence and congenital physical defects.

Why don't you help them get rid of it yourself?

The moment this idea appeared, Duan Heng's whole body trembled, and his pupils showed an expression of disbelief.

He froze in place with some confusion, and subconsciously stretched out his palm.

Looking at the dark power on his palm, Duan Heng said to himself with a clear expression:

"It seems that the cost of obtaining this power is not just as simple as paying your life?"

He took a deep breath, and the slight coolness calmed him down a lot.

He clenched his palm into a fist, and wisps of dark power surged out of his fist. Duan Heng's eyes were extremely determined.

Even if it takes everything, as long as you can get revenge, it's worth it.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a strange movement coming from his abdomen.

The power transmission port contained in the abdomen seems to have something else coming out.

Duan Heng's expression changed, and he was a little confused about what was going on.

As the strangeness in his abdomen became more and more intense, Duan Heng couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

No way, just after gaining strength, you have to sacrifice?

While he was feeling uneasy, the strange feeling in his abdomen suddenly disappeared.

Endless dark power suddenly surged out of his body.

A ball formed by dark power appeared in front of him, and something seemed to be wrapped inside.

Duan Heng stared closely in front of him, but there was no movement.

There was no other reason, because he suddenly discovered that he had no control over these dark forces.

As time passed, the Devouring Daoyun in front of Duan Heng began to slowly dissipate.

Slowly Duan Heng saw the things wrapped inside.

Is it a corpse? !

The latter felt a chill in his heart and was a little confused.

It wasn't until Li Ze's body was completely revealed in front of him that he realized that it was no ordinary corpse.

Although it was lifeless, the ocean-like aura caused several surrounding mountain peaks to tremble.

Just one glance made the hairs on his body stand up.

At this moment, Wang Mang's voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"I'll leave this corpse to you as a trump card. If you are in trouble, just release the corpse."

"Inject the power I gave you into the corpse to activate it."

Hearing this, Duan Heng, who was originally a little afraid of the corpse, felt ecstatic in his heart.

A smile appeared on his face.


There is also a space bag above the corpse.

At this time, in the realm of chaos.

After Wang Mang dropped Li Ze's body, he also concentrated on following the direction pointed by Gouzi, looking for the Chaos Beast King.

As several people hurried on, they finally found Gouzi and smelled the Chaos Beast King.

Just when Wang Mang looked excited, Gouzi suddenly said:

"Master, the aura seems to be a little different this time."

Wang Mang smiled lightly:

"It doesn't matter, strong or weak, it's all the same to me."

No matter what the difference, killing is the same.

Hearing Wang Mang's confident words, Gouzi didn't say anything more.

Although he smelled the scent of the Chaos Beast King, it was a little different from the previous two.

But no matter what, it is impossible to beat the master.

Soon, the group saw the Chaos Beast King fluttering in the chaos.

But this time, when they saw the outrageous body of the Beast King, everyone's expressions froze.

There is no other reason. This Chaos Beast King is at least ten times larger than the two he encountered before.

The most important thing is that the body of this Chaos Beast King is densely packed with countless small Chaos Beasts.

Why is it called a little Chaos Beast?

Mainly because the little chaos beast crawling on it is much smaller than the ordinary one.

It looks dense and dense, making patients with trypophobia feel comfortable.

Similarly, this giant chaos beast king also discovered Wang Mang and his party.

After it roared, the little Chaos Beast on it suddenly rushed towards a few people.

An overwhelming swarm of small Chaos Beasts enveloped this area.

"You guys pay attention, I'll deal with that one first."

Wang Mang didn't have much expression on his face. He just told a few people and flew towards the Chaos Beast King.

Facing the densely packed small chaos beasts, Wang Mang's whole body was filled with the devouring charm.

The ultimate traction force is like a fishing net, constantly absorbing these little chaotic beasts.

These little chaotic beasts couldn't even slow down Wang Mang's flying speed at all.

Just when Wang Mang thought he would be able to successfully approach the Chaos Beast King soon, a sudden change occurred.

The little Chaos Beasts all around suddenly glowed with bursts of spiritual radiation.

Although the spiritual radiation emitted by each small Chaos Beast is very small, with the accumulation of numbers, the surrounding spiritual radiation suddenly becomes thicker.

Although Wang Mang was prepared in advance and wrapped his soul with Devouring Dao Yun, he felt his soul shake at this moment.

It was like being hit by an invisible sledgehammer.

For a moment, Wang Mang's expression turned pale, he immediately stopped and looked behind him.

Can they handle the dog?

Wang Mang's eyes showed a trace of unnoticeable worry.

He was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately spread the Devouring Daoyun around.

Chaos hungry ghost.

With a silent thought in his heart, the ultimate traction suddenly exploded.

Like a siphon, all the little chaotic beasts rushed towards Wang Mang.

Even if the spirit is radiated in the face of this pulling force, it still cannot escape the ending of being swallowed up.

After isolating the surrounding chaos, Wang Mang also released his perception.

After sensing the chaotic auras of the two people and the dog, Wang Mang couldn't help but frowned.

He said to Wuya Chuanyin:

"Stay away, this Chaos Beast King is not simple."

After finishing speaking, he rushed towards the Chaos Beast King again.

Almost at the same time, a huge tentacle struck towards Wang Mang.

The huge force attached to it caused the void to distort for a moment.

Wang Mang's eyelids twitched, and he clenched his fists to meet him without hesitation.


With a loud and muffled sound, Wang Mang flew out directly.

Wang Mang, who was knocked unconscious for a moment by this huge force, quickly stabilized his body after reacting.

There was some blood on his right arm.

Wang Mang's face suddenly darkened when he realized what had just happened.

The blow just now caused his arm to explode.

At the same time, his whole body flew out uncontrollably.

Looking at the roaring Chaos Beast King in front of him, Wang Mang couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

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