I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 2087 The entire army was wiped out

It seems that that gentleman has made some progress recently!

Duan Heng was amazed in his heart.

They are so awesome and their strength is still improving. Comparing people with each other is so irritating!

A dense force of attacks bombarded Duan Heng in an instant.

Duan Heng frowned and said helplessly:

"Sir, why don't you take action?"

After saying that, the power bombardment from the sky also fell around him.


The ground shook, and thick smoke gradually flew into the sky.

At the same time, everyone in the sky turned their attention to Duan Heng's original location.

However, according to the famous law of smoke without harm, Duan Heng was obviously not in big trouble.

This is also true. A shallow layer of Devouring Dao Yun emerged around it, resisting and absorbing all the damage.

Seeing that Duan Heng's aura did not weaken at all, the people above the sky couldn't help but be stunned.

Is this okay?

How did a mere ant in the immortal realm do this?

After a while, the smoke gradually dissipated.

Duan Heng's figure also appeared in everyone's sight.

"What a warm welcome." Duan Heng joked expressionlessly.

Although he wanted to kill these ants, he did not dare to do it rashly.

He was afraid that he would disrupt the master's plan.

But what Duan Heng didn't know was that Wang You had no plans.

It was exactly as Wang Mang ordered, using magic weapons to lure some people, and then trap and kill them.

But what Wang Mang ordered was to trap and kill more people from the nine abyss tribes.

Wang You said that his first action was just a test.

The next moment, he also appeared from the void.

His realm is only in the middle of the eternal realm, but his physical body is terrifyingly powerful.

The moment Wang You appeared, those people in the sky all felt uncomfortable, as if they were being targeted by wild beasts.

The sense of oppression brought by the ultimate physical body far exceeds the ninth level of eternity.

Just standing in the air makes it difficult to breathe.

"This posture looks ridiculously strong at first glance!"

A strong man in the Eternal Realm above the sky swallowed his saliva and said in wonder.

All the strong men in their realm have superior intuition and can turn danger into good fortune.

Naturally, I also trust my first instinct very much.

Coupled with Wang You's confident posture while strolling in the courtyard, everything shows that this guy is very powerful!

Wang You grinned and moved his hands and feet on his own under the gaze of everyone.

Everyone in the sky couldn't help but clenched their fists when they saw this scene.

How much do these people look down on themselves!

A strong man from the fifth level of the Eternal Realm was the first to be unable to bear it any longer!

I saw the Tao charm surging all over his body, coloring half of the sky!

"Stop looking down on others!"

An energy ball with a diameter as big as a human suddenly burst out from in front of him and struck directly at Wang You.

Facing this energy ball with an extremely powerful aura, Wang You didn't even look at it but continued to move about on his own.

Just when the attack was about to fall on him, Wang You raised his hand.


There was a muffled sound, and the energy ball was bounced away by Wang You casually raising his hand!

Seeing this scene, the strong man at the fifth level of eternity could not help but be shaken, and said in shock:


It's impossible not to be shocked when seeing the other party defusing his attack so easily!

This is Tao Yun!

The opponent actually didn't even use any strength, and just relied on his physical strength to deal with it.

How strong is this...this physical body?

Even a fifteenth-level physique cannot do this!

Unconsciously, a trace of cold sweat flowed from the forehead of the former fifth-level eternal realm.

Daoyun is the greatest support for a person in the eternal realm.

When it comes to magical powers, except for some special magical powers, all the magical powers of the seventh and lower grades have little effect on the powerful people in the eternal realm.

The Eternal Realm powerhouse instantly retreated into the crowd.

Everyone, look at me, I see you all understand each other's meaning.


The next moment, the leader of the Dragon and Tiger Association spoke without hesitation:

"All of them, retreat to different locations!"

After that, he stood up and flew straight towards the sky.

Seeing this, the other Eternal Realm experts also fled towards several locations without looking back.

Grandma can ignore Dao Yun's body and have a good time.

If you don't want to die, run away.

Seeing that all the main combat forces have fled, these people still don't understand.

After reacting, they all ran away.

Wang You looked at them calmly and slowly put down his moving hands.

"The heat is over!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his body suddenly turned into an afterimage, rushing towards the leader of the Dragon and Tiger Society who was the first to escape.

Only a second passed before he appeared in front of the latter and intercepted the opponent's escape route.

"Hey, long time no see."

Wang You smiled and waved to greet the other party.

Leader of the Dragon and Tiger Alliance braked hard, stopped and murmured in disbelief:

"real or fake?!"

Wang You grinned and said with a smile:

"Replacement guaranteed."

After saying that, he suddenly approached the other party.

The latter's hair stood up all over his body and he wanted to retreat, but Wang You took a step ahead.


Wang You's knife penetrated the opponent's chest.

As if he was afraid that the other party was not dead, he stirred his palm on the other party's abdomen a few times, and then withdrew his palm.

After wiping his palms on the opponent's clothes in disgust, he started the next phase of the pursuit.

Just like that, Wang You, who was in a hurry, completely started the killing mode.

In just ten minutes, all the powerful men in the Eternal Realm were slaughtered by him.

After returning to Duan Heng, he was still full of blood.

After seeing Wang You appear, Duan Heng was a little confused and asked:

"Is this the end?"

Wang You recalled the divine sword from the ruins and said calmly:

"Of course not, I just killed all those in the eternal realm."

"As for those ants that don't even have the eternal realm, I'm not interested."

After finishing speaking, he injected his speed charm into the divine sword in his hand.

Then he continued:

"But even though I'm not interested, I still have to do what the master ordered me to do."

After he finished speaking, the Heaven-Cutting Sword immediately broke away from his hand and poured into the sky.

Dense sword energy burst out from the divine sword.

A few breaths of time fill the entire world.

Wang You stared ahead and said slowly:

"Whether these ants can survive depends on their fate."

"What are you going to do next?"

"Among us, you are the slowest."

Hearing this, Duan Heng, who was originally in a peaceful mood, was stunned.


Wang You gave him a funny look and explained:

"Originally, my progress was the slowest, but looking at it now, I guess I've gone from first to last in the rankings to second to last."

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