I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 2089: Jiang Ye, who has a lot to say, directly goes to kill the nine abyss tribes?

Jiang Ye glanced at Wang Mang speechlessly and said angrily:

"Fellow Daoist Wang, there are some things you shouldn't say nonsense."

"I only have the authority to inspect and report."

"The rest of the matters still need to be decided by the God of Creation."

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly showed a look of contempt on his face.

Behind him, Wuya and Gouzi also had their mouths twitching crazily.

A good authority only has inspection and reporting.

The power of time that almost wiped them out that day also falls under the scope of the inspection report?

But this guy looks like he doesn't want to get involved in this matter, why is he here again.

Wang Mang frowned:

"Then you can continue checking, and we won't interrupt you."

After that, he greeted the two people and one dog behind him and prepared to leave.

But before he took a few steps, Jiang Ye stopped him.


Wang Mang slowly turned around and looked at him with a half-smile, and asked, "Any advice?"

Jiang Ye chuckled helplessly and stopped beating around the bush.

"My authority is indeed as stated, but my strength is not."

"The power of time itself is the embodiment of the probabilistic power of time."

Wang Mang was thoughtful and seemed to be interested:


Seeing his attitude, Jiang Ye took a deep breath and then continued:

"My affinity for the power of time is not enough yet, but in time, once I understand it to that extent, I will be able to travel through and observe the timeline."

Hearing this, Wang Mang couldn't help but have a strange look in his eyes.

The corners of his mouth raised for a moment, but his expression remained calm.

"not enough."

A smile appeared on Jiang Ye's face and he continued to say as if nothing had happened:

"However, it is inevitable that there will be some surprises during the first time-traveling inspection as usual."

"Even if I am the leader of all the divine envoys, I am afraid I cannot avoid it."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Mang suddenly narrowed his eyes.

He seemed to be weighing it. After thinking for a moment, Wang Mang said:

"Barely, but I need to know the purpose of your business."

Hearing this, the smile on Jiang Ye's face became even bigger, and he said happily as if he was joking:

"This matter is neither long nor short, it all depends on when it can reach that level."

"I heard that Fellow Daoist Wang also had quite a lot of experience in the way of time. Why don't we share some knowledge?"

Wang Mang gave Jiang Ye a strange look:

"Haha, I did master it for a while before, but that is also a thing of the past, and the insights have long been forgotten."

"But I heard that there seem to be many treasures in the second-ring universe that can increase your understanding of the Tao."

“I just don’t know if it’s useful for people at this level.”

Jiang Ye smiled happily and patted Wang Mang on the shoulder with a natural expression.

"I'm just a bit bored when I'm alone in enlightenment, so I just complain."

"It does cause trouble to fellow Daoist Wang, but don't mind."

Wang Mang also had a smile on his face and said casually: "It doesn't matter, we have something else to do so we'll leave first."

At this moment, Jiang Ye didn't stop him and just let a few people leave.

Looking at Wang Mang's back, the corners of Jiang Ye's mouth raised slightly.

At this time, on Wang Mang's side, Wu Ya also slowly asked:

"What were you two talking about just now?"

"Why do you feel there is something in your words?"

Wang Mang quickly looked around, and then used Devouring Daoyun to wrap up the surrounding area.

"Maybe that kid wants me to bring him something from the Second Ring Universe."

"But he may have something to hide, or someone may be watching him."

Wuya nodded clearly:

"I see."

"But at his level, the only thing he can be afraid of is..."

Wang Mang smiled slightly and then speeded up.

"Be careful what you say."

Soon, they were far away from that area.

Knowing this, Wu Ya asked again:

"I knew that you had some friendship with him before, but now it seems that the friendship is not shallow."

Wang Mang, who was leading the way in search of the Chaos Beast King, said without looking back:

"It's okay. He had noticed it before when you rescued me, but he didn't take action."

"If he really goes all out, it's still unclear whether I can leave."

"Another point is that I really need the power of time."

"You have also seen what happened this time, the enemy from another time."

Wu Ya nodded without saying anything.

At this moment Wang Lu suddenly said:

"Master, is there anything in this plan that I need to do?"

Wang Mang frowned. To be honest, he really didn't have Wang Lu's plan.

But it’s not like I have to say anything.

"You should improve your strength as soon as possible. When your physical body reaches the pseudo-eighth level, you can go to the second ring universe."

"I think Wang You must have missed you very much since he hasn't seen you for so long."

Wang Lu nodded respectfully.

"It all depends on the master's arrangement."

On the Second Ring Universe side.

Wang You and Duan Heng have already embarked on a journey across the starry sky.

Looking at Duan Heng who was full of hesitation, Wang You chuckled a few times and said with relief:

"Don't worry, it's not like I haven't been to the abyss world before."

"If anything happens, I will definitely run away with you."

"Except for other things, I have never served anyone in terms of running away."

Duan Heng, who was already nervous when he heard this, suddenly felt ashamed.

Although he also has hatred for the Nine Abyss Clans, he also has a profound self-awareness.

Now that his wings are not fully fledged, he can easily be crushed to death if the opponent finds out.

Seeing that his expression remained unchanged, Wang You couldn't help but feel speechless.

"Don't worry, as the saying goes, it's better to beat a dog to see its master."

"You can now use part of the master's power to deal with most crises."

"If you can't do it, the master will definitely take action."

As soon as these words came out, Duan Heng couldn't help but roll his eyes.

But he really wasn't that nervous anymore.

After all, what others said makes sense.

Although I am rubbish, I can’t stand someone behind me!

Thinking of this, his confidence suddenly increased.

Seeing his change, Wang You's eyes suddenly flashed with light.

After all, he has been imprisoned for a long time and his brain is not working well.

But it's a good idea to see how far the master can go with this kid.

Wang You's abacus is very high. He started planning how to get along with the follower boss a long time ago.

Unfortunately, God was not kind and managed to get Wang Lu, the biggest trouble, away, but he encountered a series of things.

Now there is a dog above me.


Thinking of this, Wang You felt a little sad.

Speaking of which, I was probably the first one to appear.

But if things get done this time, hum.

A smile appeared on Wang You's face unconsciously.

Duan Heng who was standing aside suddenly shuddered.

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