I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 860 In my opinion, you are the number one beauty in all the heavens and worlds, throughout t

After fully operating the power of the law of terror, he was still unable to resist this coercion.

Wang Mang immediately gave up resisting, but the pride of the audience, except Wang Mang and the ancient emperor.

At this moment, all these arrogances are kneeling or lying on the ground as if resigned to their fate.

This also made the Tianjiao startled and uncertain, and it can be said that he completely boiled in an instant.

"Wori, this fucking coercion is too strong! I actually put my face on the ground!"

"Don't talk about you, I'm sticking my face to the ground now! It feels a bit cold on the floor!"

"I hate your grandma, who the hell is spitting everywhere? It actually stuck to my face."

"I never thought that I, the majestic legendary Tianjiao, would be lying on the ground under this pressure!"

"Hehe, this is definitely the Supreme Talent, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to have such a terrifying coercion!"

"After all, we are also the top talents in one world, why are there such terrifying talents?"

"That's right! I have never knelt down to heaven and earth, but now it is just coercion that makes me kneel on the ground?"

Judging from the reaction of this group of Tianjiao, it is obvious that they are also encountering this kind of situation for the first time.

But they are not fools after all, and they quickly guessed that the master of this coercion is very terrifying.

Therefore, even if they were forced to kneel on the ground or lie on the ground, no one dared to curse.

Similarly, after Wang Mang no longer resisted the coercion, he immediately guessed that this might be the appearance of the female supreme!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was filled with emotion. Is this the supreme coercion?

He is a majestic and legendary genius, and he is also oppressed by this coercion, and he can't straighten his spine.

It has to be said that the coercion of the Supreme Tianjiao is too terrifying!

After taking a deep breath, Wang Mang silently said in his heart:

"System! Use the fake sixth-order bad luck card! Use the target, Emperor List: Ancient Emperor!"

The next moment, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully used the Bad Luck Card! 】

【Ding! Warm reminder, the target will fall into a state of extreme bad luck within 24 hours, ranging from bad luck to the body, to severe danger of falling! 】


After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, Wang Mang cast his eyes away from the ancient emperor, and sneered secretly in his heart.

damn thing! Still want to kill Lao Tzu?

Let's see who dies first?

After muttering in my heart for a while.

Wang Mang felt a little unsafe.

He muttered silently in his heart again:

"System! Use the fake sixth-order heterosexual favor card! Use the target, the female supreme!"

The next moment, the system's voice sounded again:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully used the opposite sex favor card! 】

【Ding! Warm reminder, 88% of the target may have a little affection for the host! 11.9% may be insensitive to the host! 0.1% may fall in love with the host! 】


Is this probability too small?

Is there only a 0.1% chance of falling in love with me?

Doesn't this mean that the chances are too slim?

For a moment, Wang Mang was speechless.

But this also proved that there was nothing wrong with his mission choice.

It is obviously impossible for him to conquer this female supreme.

Not to mention putting the opponent... under him, surrendering to him!

Just then.

Wang Mang saw two white figures emerging from the end of the street in the city.

Looking into the eyes, there is a white horse and a snow-white figure riding a white horse.

Under the white horse, there is a beautiful woman in a white robe, walking with a horse rope in her hand.

But when Wang Mang saw the beautiful woman leading the horse clearly, Wang Mang was even more stunned.

This beautiful woman is none other than the ancestor emperor of the Holy Emperor Continent!

Good guy!

Back then I was so disdainful to Lao Tzu!

So arrogant to Lao Tzu!

In the end, you actually led someone on a horse rope!

Is this one of the Four Great Talents of the Holy Emperor Continent?

It's like completely embarrassing the face of the Tianjiao of the Holy Emperor Continent!

Although, the ancestor is leading the horse rope for the female supreme.

But in Wang Mang's eyes, it was embarrassing!

How can there be a legendary Tianjiao to lead a horse!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's eyes flickered.

Although it is embarrassing to despise the ancestor emperor to lead a horse for others.

But Wang Mang had to admit, this is very stylish!

It seems that we also need to find someone to lead the horse!

Shall we catch Zulong and lead the horse for us?

This is not enough to pretend!

Moreover, it's all left over from other people's play.

Or, capture Zulong and pull him a chariot?

You know, Wang Mang drove a chaotic ancient chariot before!

If Zulong were to pull the chariot for him, it would be very pretending.

When the time comes, when he appears on the stage, he will have enough pomp and pomp!

Just as Wang Mang was thinking about the style and pomp of traveling.

This female supreme has come on horseback.

It is worth mentioning that.

Wang Mang saw clearly, the face of this female supreme.

How to describe it?

Is it as beautiful as a fairy?

That's not the case.

Even, she is not as shockingly beautiful as the ancestor emperor.

However, the face of this female supreme can be described in earth dialect.

It can be described as petite and cute.

A pair of beautiful blue eyes full of spirituality.

A pretty face is lovely and rosy.

Wearing a white robe and jade crown, she also has a full figure.

If it is a grandma, it must not be as big as the ancestor.

If the scale of Zudi is grapefruit.

The scale of this female supreme is at most two peaches.

at the same time.

When Wang Mang looked at the female supreme.

Emperor Zu obviously recognized Wang Mang at a glance.

Seeing Wang Mang's aimless eyes.

She hated Wang Mang very much

Because when we first met.

Wang Mang was also aiming randomly at her.

It's still the same now.

She wished she could dig out Wang Mang's eyes!

However, she did not speak.

Because, she has surrendered to the female supreme.

Now, she has become a maid!

Similarly, the disgusted eyes of the ancestors.

Wang Mang naturally noticed it too.

Although he was very upset, he didn't dare to say anything.

Afterwards, Wang Mang comforted himself in his heart:

What are you fussing about with her, a maid leading a horse?

at the same time.

The female supreme was also looking at Wang Mang.

Seeing Wang Mang hastily retracted his gaze with guilt.

She was also a little proud.

In the past, these arrogances all stared at her servant girl.

This made her somewhat depressed, but she didn't take it seriously.

Now it seems that she is still very beautiful.

Thinking of this, she raised the corners of her mouth and said with a charming smile:

"am I pretty?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment, and then hurriedly said:

"Beautiful! So beautiful!"

Hearing this, the female supreme nodded in satisfaction, and then asked with a smile:

"How does it compare with my maid?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang was taken aback again, and cursed secretly in his heart:

Paralyzed, don't you have any score in your heart?

Are you worthy of being compared with Zudi?

Although she is not as strong as you.

Although this little bitch is hateful.

But people are really beautiful!

Of course.

This is just what he thinks in his heart.

On the surface, Wang Mang flattered and said:

"In my opinion, it is not an exaggeration to say that you are the number one beauty in all the heavens and myriad worlds throughout the ages."

"As for you girl, although you are a bit pretty, how can you be compared with you?"

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