I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 881 The strongest hunter against the heavens! Another hang-up? This is the little supreme?

After listening to the tasks issued by the system.

Wang Mang couldn't help being stunned.

Fuck! ?

The road to conquer the heavens and worlds has officially begun.

Why is the Tomb of the Invincible Supreme now born?

Moreover, an invincible supreme tomb of the former supreme list was born.

Don't think about it, Wang Mang knows without guessing, this will definitely attract many talents to go.

After all, there are many divisions in the Supreme Tomb!

The ordinary Supreme Tomb may not be very attractive to Wang Mang.

But Invincible Supreme was attracted to Wang Mang again.

The invincible supreme who was on the supreme list in the past.

Not to mention how attractive it is to Wang Mang.

His background is too bad now.

To become a little supreme requires four pseudo-sixth-level magical powers and pseudo-sixth-level magical weapons.

Moreover, this is the standard configuration of the basic Mini Supreme, who knows what the standard configuration of the Grand Supreme is?

What is the standard configuration of Invincible Supreme?

But there is no doubt about the Invincible Supreme.

It is estimated that whether it is a weapon or a magical power.

Absolutely all of them belong to the sixth-order world.

Therefore, it is clear at a glance how bad Wang Mang's background is.

He doesn't even have the belief of invincibility, and his background is poor.

Therefore, this is the tomb of the invincible supreme.

He still has to participate.

Or to make up for the background.

He must go to the Invincible Supreme Tomb.

Because, after visiting so many eleven cities, he didn't have the sixth-order magic power to sell them all.

Anyway, he, Wang Mang, has never heard of any eleven cities that sell sixth-order magical powers.

Moreover, even if he had a sixth-order supernatural power, Wang Mang probably couldn't afford it.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang began to hesitate.

There is not much difference between the first and second difficulty of the three tasks.

The third task is a bit more difficult!

It is necessary to obtain a sixth-level magical weapon and a sixth-level magical power.

But for the sixth-order thing, Wang Mang doesn't have much confidence at all!

Because Wang Mang really couldn't imagine how many arrogance would be attracted when the tomb of the Invincible Supreme was opened.

Moreover, this is not an ordinary tomb of supreme beings, it is the tomb of invincible supreme beings, the invincible supreme beings on the supreme list!

Once he gets the news, it is estimated that no one will refuse!

Even Wang Mang was seriously suspicious.

When the time comes, the Little Supremes will know the news.

I am afraid that they will all be attracted.

Therefore, the fourth task is even less of a consideration.

Also got a board on the supreme list, all the inheritance of the invincible supreme?

Such a good thing, is it his turn?

Wang Mang didn't think such a thing was his turn.

Therefore, even if Wang Mang chooses task three, it is impossible to choose task four.

Quest four is basically impossible to complete, and the rewards are indeed so rich.

It's a pity that it's not his turn! It's not his turn either!

With this in mind, Wang Mang made a decision in his mind.

He thinks the task is the safest to be the first and second.

If you work hard, you can still fight for it, right?

The third task is extremely difficult, and the rewards are also very good.

The fourth impossible task is not considered.

Therefore, Wang Mang gritted his teeth in his heart and said silently:

"System! I choose the third mission!"

Obviously, Wang Mang still wants to fight hard.

Otherwise, he would not choose the third task.

The next moment, the system's voice also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Select mission successfully! Please complete the task as soon as possible to get the reward! 】

After listening to the system's voice, Wang Mang couldn't help but ask Du again: "System! Where is this Invincible Supreme Tomb?"

The next moment, the system's voice sounded: [Ding! Please find the host by yourself! Or pay for a consultation! 】

Hearing this, Wang Mang was suddenly speechless.

What a paid consultation!

It really is a familiar taste!

It's a pity that Wang Mang still has to pay for consultation.

Because, once he does not choose to pay for consultation.

He couldn't find the Tomb of the Invincible Supreme!

Even, if you go a little late.

He didn't even have the chance to carve up the opportunity!

Because, on top of Wang Mang's head, there are also the sixth-layer extreme powerhouse and the little supreme.

There may not be many little supreme beings, but there are definitely a lot of Tianjiao powerhouses in the sixth heaven of the extreme realm.

Once he goes too late, this group of arrogances from the sixth level of the extreme realm will directly join hands to seal the tomb of the Invincible Supreme.

At that time, he might not even have the qualifications to enter the Supreme Tomb.

Since his strength is not top-notch, he must seize the opportunity first.

The next moment, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! The price of information consulted by the host is 50 billion energy value! Do you want to consult? 】

Good guy!

50 billion energy value!

This is too dark!

It's even darker than me selling fakes!

All of a sudden.

After hearing the sound of the system.

Wang Mang almost jumped!

This system is too dark!

In the past, black hearts are fine!

This time it has reached the point of insanity!

Although extremely angry, Wang Mang was helpless.

In the end, feeling aggrieved, Wang Mang gritted his teeth and said, "System! Ask for information!"

The next moment, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! Successfully deducted 50 billion energy value! 】

【Ding! Warm reminder to the host: The Tomb of the Invincible Supreme is in the Yunding Mountains of the Great Wilderness. 】

【Ding! Gentle reminder to the host: After one day, the tomb of the invincible Supreme on the Supreme List will be born! 】

After hearing the sound of the system.

Only then did Wang Mang suddenly realize.

But he still felt a little distressed.

The system only takes a few sentences.

As a result, it charged 50 billion energy values.

Of course, even though I was very upset.

But Wang Mang quickly adjusted his mood.

After all, he still needs to find out where the Great Wilderness Mountain Range is.

Because, Great Wilderness is the collective name for this boundless, primordial deep forest.

Moreover, this wilderness is very miraculous, even if the big mask forest is destroyed in battle, it will rise from the ground within two days and return to its original state.

In the process of rushing, Wang Mang also met many Tianjiao.

But Wang Mang still suppressed the idea of ​​hunting these arrogance.

After all, it cost a total of 50 billion to buy the news.

It still hurts him to buy a chance.

In addition, there is not much time given to him, Tianjiao can hunt and kill him at any time.

But at this moment, Wang Mang suddenly felt a terrifying aura.

This breath is too terrifying, and Wang Mang is very familiar with it!

The next moment, Wang Mang saw a scene that shocked him extremely.

In the wild sky not far ahead.

Two familiar figures were fighting.

One of the figures was shrouded in a black robe, and the law of darkness covered the sky and the sun, and the sky was shrouded in pitch black, like the end of the world.

The other figure was the female supreme that Wang Mang was familiar with. At this moment, the two of them turned into two rays of light and were fighting fiercely at high speed.

Wang Mang couldn't see the battle between the two at all, that is to say, he could vaguely see the figures of the two of them.

Seeing this scene, to be honest, Wang Mang was shocked!

Because this figure in black robe is not someone else!

This person is someone Wang Mang is familiar with!

Like him from the Holy Emperor Continent!

The strongest Tianjiao hunter!

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