I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 884 The massive treasure light group, the first to enter the Invincible Supreme Graveyard, w

After thinking about it.

Wang Mang was also completely relieved.

If you go to the Invincible Supreme Tomb before.

Wang Mang was still worried about his own safety.

Now he is not worried at all.

There is a female supreme to help him.

There is the Demon Lord Supreme to help him.

As long as these two guys are not ungrateful dogs.

It is estimated that it should not be possible to ignore him.

But how many Little Supremes are there now?

Wang Mang estimated that there were not even fifteen of them.

The gold content of the two supreme beings is not low.

With this in mind, Wang Mang slowly opened his mouth and said:

"Do you two know where the Yunding Mountains are?"

Hearing this, the Demon Lord Supreme immediately asked:

"Is that the address of the Invincible Supreme Cemetery?"

Wang Mang nodded repeatedly and said, "That's right, does the Demon Lord Supreme know the location?"

Hearing this, the Demon Master Supreme nodded slowly and said:

"The Yunding Mountains are extremely remote, and I happened to know this place only after I passed by by chance."

"Ordinary people, maybe they really don't know this Yunding Mountain Range, so come with me!"

After finishing speaking, the Supreme Demon Lord moved his body and flew towards the Great Wilderness Mountains in the distance.

The speed was so fast that in the blink of an eye, Wang Mang could hardly see his back.

At this time, the female supreme grabbed Wang Mang's shoulder and followed closely behind.

Because, with Wang Mang's speed, he couldn't keep up with their speed.

After all, they even have pseudo-sixth-order supernatural powers of the speed type!

At this moment, Wang Mang, who was being dragged to fly extremely fast, also had to say.

As expected of the Little Supreme, this speed was a hundred times faster than him.

Even if he exploded with all his strength, he could not catch up with their backs at all.

What surprised Wang Mang even more.

Just for a moment.

The Demon Lord Supreme in front of him stopped, with his hands behind his back, standing proudly in the sky.

Similarly, the female supreme also stopped, looked at the devil supreme and asked, "Is this the Yunding mountain range?"

The Demon Lord Supreme nodded, and a slightly hoarse voice sounded:

"If you look closely, you will find that this mountain range is several times higher than the nearby mountains."

"The top of the mountain range goes straight into the sky. This is the Yunding Mountain Range we are looking for."

Hearing this, Wang Mang and the female supreme observed each other carefully.

After a general look, this mountain range is really like this.

It seems that this is the place where the Invincible Supreme Graveyard opens.

At this time, the Demon Lord Supreme also said slowly: "We just wait here."

After finishing speaking, the figure of the Demon Lord Supreme flashed, and he sat cross-legged on the top of a mountain in the distance.

Seeing this scene, the female supreme also found a mountain, meditated and waited.

Seeing this, Wang Mang also found a place to wait.

In the blink of an eye, a day passed.

The three of Wang Mang waited nervously.

The next moment, a deafening voice sounded!

Afterwards, Wang Mang discovered that the entire Yunding Mountain Range suddenly trembled.

Then, a terrifying strong light of law power shot up into the sky, instantly illuminating the sky.

Later, Wang Mang was astonished to discover that there were four teleportation entrances in the four directions of Yunding Mountain Range.

The entire Yunding mountain range, as if the setting sun was shining brightly, a terrifying phantom of a stalwart condensed above the mountain range.

This is the back view of a handsome man, wearing a white robe and white hair blowing in the wind, with his back to all beings and looking into the distance.

But it's just his phantom, terrifying and coercive, as if it can transcend time and space.

Accompanied by the sound of several explosions, the surrounding mountains exploded apart.

Similarly, fortunately, Wang Mang reacted quickly, and when he sensed something was wrong, he retreated wildly.

Therefore, after this terrifying coercion swept away, it only blasted him into a serious injury.

As for the other side, although the Demon Lord Supreme and the Female Supreme who responded in a timely manner, they were also extremely embarrassed.

Even, under this terrifying coercion, both of them were seriously injured.

Even the dark law of the Demon Lord Supreme was smashed by this coercion.

This also allowed Wang Mang to witness for the first time the true face of the Demon Lord Supreme.

Despite Zhang Junyi's incomparable face, he might be a little worse than him in terms of appearance.

All right! This is Wang Mang boasting, this guy is indeed much more handsome than him.

What puzzled Wang Mang was why this guy was always unwilling to show his true face.

Of course, even though he was a little curious, Wang Mang was not interested in knowing.

His headache now is that he was seriously injured before anyone entered!

Fortunately, Wang Mang was relieved that the phantom in the sky facing away from all living beings did not last long.

Accompanied by a sigh full of complexity, the phantom image gradually blurred and finally disappeared completely.

But at this moment, except for Wang Mang, both the Demon Lord Supreme and the Female Supreme stared at the dissipated phantom in a daze.

After a long time, Wang Mang heard the surprised voice of the female supreme:

"Is this the Invincible Supreme who can be listed on the Supreme Rank?"

"Obviously he has fallen so hard that the years can't be traced."

"But there is such a terrifying invincible aura!"

At this time, the hoarse voice of the Demon Lord Supreme came:

"This is the fifth-order ultimate that I am trying to pursue."

"On the fifth level of finger making, he has gone too far!"

"Even the years are unwilling to completely obliterate his existence."

Although Wang Mang was also extremely shocked.

But after recovering, he still urged:

"Bosses, let's act as soon as possible."

"With such a big commotion, I'm afraid it has already attracted the attention of many Tianjiao."

"I guess it won't be long, and many Tianjiao will come soon."

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the female supreme and the devil supreme nodded one after another.

Afterwards, the Demon Lord Supreme took the lead and said: "Since ancient times, the Sifang East has been the leader, and the east gate on the side!"

After speaking, the figure of the Demon Lord Supreme swept out, followed by Wang Mang and the Supreme Female.

Soon, the three of them plunged into the east gate and completely entered the Invincible Supreme Cemetery.

But what Wang Mang didn't know was.

Not long after they left, there were massive arrogances from all directions, and they gathered continuously.

Because, the frightening aura of the phantom before, the commotion was earth-shattering, causing the entire world to change countenance.

Therefore, the countless arrogances in the Great Wilderness naturally rushed over after hearing the news.

When they saw the four cemetery portals appearing in front of them.

This group of arrogances were stunned for a moment, and then they were ecstatic:

"This is... the tomb of the Invincible Supreme just born!"

"That's right! This is definitely the tomb of the Invincible Supreme!"

"Oh my god! This is the breath of invincibility, this is the real breath of invincibility!"

"No wonder it reverberates throughout the Great Wilderness, this invincible aura is too terrifying."

"Such a big movement must be due to the birth of the invincible supreme tomb, let's rush!"

"Go away! If you dare to compare your speed with me, believe it or not, I will kill you on the spot!"

"Presumptuous! Do you dare to rush ahead of me and advance to the Invincible Supreme Graveyard?"

at the same time.

At this moment, in the tomb of the Invincible Supreme.

The newly entered Wang Mang, the female supreme, and the devil supreme.

Seeing the light clusters of different colors, the three of them were stunned.

In this vast underground palace.

There are tens of thousands of such light curtains.

And, with the appearance of the three of Wang Mang.

These tens of thousands of cloud-like light clusters of different sizes and colors.

They rioted one after another, like panicked headless chickens.

Started to scurry around in the air.

at the same time.

A phantom of an old man condensed out of thin air and appeared in the palace.

After the phantom of the white-haired old man appeared, he smiled at the three of Wang Mang and said:

"Being able to enter here first proves that you are related to my master!"

"The light group here is one of the host's countless trophies!"

"Among them, there are sixth-level low-level magical powers, sixth-level mid-level magical powers, and sixth-level high-level magical powers."

"In addition, there are also medicines with extraordinary effects, such as elixir and treasures, which are simply too numerous to count."

"There are also sixth-rank low-rank divine weapons, sixth-rank middle-rank divine weapons, and sixth-rank high-rank divine weapons."

"As the first to enter the master's cemetery, you are honored to have two chances to choose two treasure light groups at random."

"After you have selected the treasure light group, no matter whether it is good or bad, you can't change it to get the rest of the light group, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

"After selecting the treasure, you can enter the stone gate and go to the next level!"

"Also, congratulations, you already know some of the rules."

"Because of the arrogances behind, I won't provide any information about the rules."

"These information and rules need them to use their lives to obtain them."

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