I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 892 Entering the most critical moment? The wrath of the proud! Wang Mang's trio can&#03

Hearing this, the female supreme nodded, and there was already a piece of golden talisman paper in her hand, which began to burn.

This scene naturally fell into the eyes of the rest of the Tianjiao.

The Tianjiao of the other nine groups showed doubts on their faces.

Obviously, they didn't know what talisman the female supreme used.

But they knew that the actions of the female supreme would definitely not be simple.

Therefore, the Tianjiao of the other nine groups started to discuss:

"What are they doing? What kind of talisman are they using?"

"It's not a good thing anyway, let's be careful!"

"I guess it's not necessarily aimed at us."

When all the arrogants are discussing.

The Demon Lord Supreme also took out a piece of talisman paper and set it on fire.

After casting the paper talisman.

The female supreme has been reluctant to slap the dice for a long time!

Obviously, this is waiting for the talisman paper to work.

After another full hour of delay.

Countless arrogances are starting to get impatient.

At this moment, the female supreme raised her hand and patted it out.

Finally, the stone dice turned quickly.

in a minute.

The stone sieve stopped.

The points are exactly six!

Seeing this scene, the female supreme had a smile on her face.

Subsequently, the stones under the feet of Wang Mang and others rose to the 49th stone ladder.

Then, Wang Mang and the others became nervous, mainly focusing on the top three who were taller than them on Shi Ti!

Soon, it was the turn of the first place, that is, Tianjiao of the third group (51 ladders) to slap the stone dice.

Perhaps under the bad luck talisman of the Demon Lord Supreme, a rare spot was shot directly!

In other words, this first place, this round has only reached the 52nd stone ladder.

At this moment, the three people in the third group were instantly stunned.

What's going on?

They have never shot such a low point!

For a moment, the faces of the three of them were not very good-looking.

However, the slapping of the dice continued.

Soon, it was the second place's turn.

That is the sixth group (50 ladders).

The three of Wang Mang also became nervous again.

At the same time, Wang Mang also hopes that the second group can stretch a bit.

It would be best if he could save a sixth-tier low-grade bad luck card.

But in the end, the three of Wang Mang were almost scared to pee!

The second place, the points awarded by the sixth group, turned out to be 6 points!

He directly became the first place and came to the 57th stone staircase!

Fuck! This dog compares! You must use the sixth-tier low-grade bad luck card!

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was in a panic.

The people in the sixth group only need to shoot good points.

Basically a win!

This is something that Wang Mang will never allow to happen.

Similarly, the female supreme and the devil supreme do not allow such a thing to happen.

Soon, it was the turn of the ninth group, which was the third place (50 stone ladders).

But the points obtained by this group made Wang Mang heave a sigh of relief.

The third place, the Tianjiao of the nine groups, only got 3 points!

In this way, they added up to 53 stone ladders.

Now the main target is the sixth group!

Therefore, without hesitation, Wang Mang said silently in his heart: "System! Use the sixth-level low-grade bad luck card! Use the target! The sixth group of people who will hit the stone dice next time."

The next moment, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully used the sixth-order bad luck card! The target will fall into a state of extreme bad luck in the next 24 hours, ranging from extreme unlucky to extremely bad luck! 】

After listening to the sound of the system.

Only then did Wang Mang breathe a sigh of relief.

If so.

They still have a good chance of winning.

After all, Wang Mang's group is now closer to the top three rankings.

Today's top ranking is.

The sixth group, the height of the 56th stone ladder.

The ninth ancestor, the height of the 53rd stone ladder.

The third ancestor, the height of the 52nd stone ladder.

And Wang Mang's trio, the height of the 49th stone ladder.

Soon, another round of slapping stone dice began.

However, the female supreme did not rush to act.

On the contrary, the female supreme sent a voice transmission to Wang Mang and asked:

"How is it? Have you cast the Bad Luck Talisman?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang quickly responded via voice transmission: "It's done, just delay for an hour."

Hearing this, the female supreme had no expression on her face, and nodded imperceptibly.

Apparently, she was scared too.

The main reason is that the ninth group is too close to victory!

If you ask the other party to roll a dice with a score of 3, it will be enough to win!

But at this moment, several screams suddenly came from a distance.

This immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding Tianjiao.

I saw that among the ten groups next door, Tianjiao had already decided the winner.

One of the groups successfully climbed the stone ladder, and the rest of the nine groups were the Tianjiao.

They were killed by the white light erupting from the stones under their feet!

Seeing this scene, countless arrogances all changed their faces.

All of a sudden, countless Tianjiao began to panic:

"I understand! One out of ten teams will win! The other nine teams will all die!"

"Damn it! That's how it is! It turns out that out of ten groups of people, only one group can survive!"

"Haha! The stone ladder in our group is the tallest, wait for your death!"

"No! Why are there such cruel rules! Why can only three out of thirty people live!"

"Is this just relying on luck, life and death are determined by fate? No! I'm not reconciled! I'm the arrogance of the myth!"

"I don't agree! Why is there such a rule in the Invincible Supreme Tomb, which is so cruel to us?"

"Damn it! I haven't boarded the Supreme yet, I absolutely can't die!"

All of a sudden, all kinds of Tianjiao were in a mess.

Similarly, the nine groups that Wang Mang was in started rioting one after another.

They looked at Wang Mang with even more shock and anger.

They seriously doubted Wang Mang's trio, and they should know the rules of the game.

Then, until now, he still refuses to slap the dice, as well as the talisman paper he cast earlier.

Obviously for the ultimate victory!

Thinking of this, the Tianjiao of the other nine groups became angry one after another:

"Damn! They are definitely playing tricks! Shameless! Is this the Supreme?"

"The low points of the dice we shot before must have something to do with their use of talisman paper."

"If my expectations are correct, they must have used the bad luck talisman paper on us, and used the good luck talisman paper themselves!"

Thinking of this, the Tianjiao of the other nine groups looked at Wang Mang and the others with resentment and anger.

It's a pity that even if they guessed it, Wang Mang and the other three didn't care.

The female supreme delayed for a full hour before hitting the stone dice again.

Soon, the stone dice spun rapidly, and the number appeared six again!

Seeing this scene, the faces of countless Tianjiao changed drastically.

If they were not sure before.

Well, now it is basically certain.

Wang Mang's trio definitely used other means!

at the same time.

The stone at the foot of Wang Mang's trio also climbed to the 55th stone ladder.

Then, it was the turn of the rest of the groups.

These groups also became cautious.

It's a pity that after this round is over.

The sixth group and the ninth group that had worried them.

Under the pressure of the bad luck cards of Wang Mang and the Demon Master Supreme.

Dice numbers of 1 point were drawn out one after another.

This also made Wang Mang's small team of three people.

Successfully reached the second ranking thoroughly.

Also worth mentioning.

The rest of the group also managed to catch up.

All reached the position of 40 stone steps.

Pity did this work, it didn't work at all!

Because, as long as the female supreme makes another six or even five points, the game will be successfully won.

They may not even have a chance to roll the dice in a new round.

Soon, the female supreme did not hesitate, and raised her hand to slap the stone dice again.

Then, under the anxious eyes of the remaining nine groups of Tianjiao.

The stone dice turned again at high speed!

in a minute.

The speed of the stone dice slowed down.

At this moment, all Tianjiao, including Wang Mang's trio.

It can be said that everyone was extremely nervous.

Because, this time, slapping the dice is too critical!

They were very scared, and Wang Mang's trio successfully climbed to the top.

Because once Wang Mang's trio reach the top, they will die!

Similarly, Wang Mang's trio were also apprehensive and afraid of accidents.

Soon, Stone Dice finally stopped completely...

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