I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 906 Congratulations! [All the dogs in Tujin Emperor List] Successfully boarded and broke thr

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained the fifth-order little supreme, Sikong Zhen, the King of Thunder, and a battle suit! 】

? ? ?

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was speechless immediately.

Because, this Immortal Sovereign Level Treasure Box will only yield 150 billion energy values.

No! The energy value of 150 billion is still a bit short!

It's not the most, but it's pretty good.

After adjusting his emotions, Wang Mang silently said in his heart:

"System! Open the Immortal Emperor Level Blind Box!"

The next moment, the system's voice sounded again:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully opened the Immortal Emperor Level Blind Box! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 50 billion energy values! 】

After hearing the system's lottery.

Wang Mang's eyes lit up immediately.

good! good!

It's a good sign!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang continued to look forward to the next second lottery.

in a minute.

The system beeps for the second time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 40 billion energy values! 】

After hearing the second draw.

Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment, then nodded secretly.

Although it was 10 billion less than the first lottery.

However, the two lottery draws are close to 100 billion, which is quite impressive!

Soon, another minute passed.

The system beeps for the third time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 60 billion energy values! 】

After hearing the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was instantly elated.

Not bad!

150 billion energy value was obtained in the three lottery draws.

Obviously much stronger than the Immortal Emperor-level treasure chest!

This also allowed Wang Mang to accumulate more energy.

It reached the point of 500 billion again.

Another minute later.

The system beeps four times:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 100 billion energy value! 】

? ? ?


Another 100 billion energy value was released?

After listening to the system's lottery.

Wang Mang was completely stunned again.

He didn't expect the system to be so powerful!

good! very good!

250 billion energy value was drawn in the four lottery draws!

This Immortal Emperor Grade Blind Box is indeed very powerful.

For a while, Wang Mang began to look forward to the next lottery.

Another minute later.

The system beeps for the fifth time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained a mountain full of flowers! 】

? ? ?

Mountains and seas of flowers?

It's very romantic.

But it's useless to us?

Wang Mang said with some depression in his heart.

He doesn't pick up girls, so what does he need all over the place?

In Wang Mang's depression, another minute passed.

The sound of the system sounds for the sixth time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained a Peach Blossom Fairy Island! 】

Fuck! again?

Can you normalize the system?

It's useless for you to give me such a romantic thing!

We don't have a Taoist companion either!

Wang Mang was so helpless that he didn't know how to complain.

Another minute later.

The sound of the system sounds for the seventh time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained a piece of original underwear from the sixth-order flower fairy! 】

It seems that there is nothing to look forward to in the next lottery.

Another minute later.

The system's voice sounds for the eighth time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained a piece of original underwear from the female supreme! 】

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang also felt helpless.

Sure enough.

The limit of 250 billion energy value of this Immortal Emperor blind box is the limit.

However, the two treasure chests get 400 billion energy points.

Wang Mang had nothing to complain about.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang felt much happier.

Afterwards, Wang Mang took a deep breath, hesitating whether to use the designated lottery chance!

If you use it, it seems that right now, he doesn't lack anything.

He is not short of energy value, 500 billion energy value.

Wang Mang is still confident that he can easily get together.

Therefore, after thinking about it for a while, Wang Mang decided to keep the designated lottery chance or keep it?

After thinking about it, Wang Mang finally decided to keep it and use it later.

As soon as he thought of this, Wang Mang said vigorously in his heart:

"System! Upgrade to Little Supreme!"

The next moment, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! Successfully deducted 15,000 talent value! Starting to upgrade...]

As soon as the words fell, golden rays of light began to glow all over Wang Mang's body.

Not only that, as the golden light continuously poured into his body.

The light on Wang Mang's body began to grow stronger and stronger, directly breaking through the barrier.

In the sky, an eye-catching golden beam of light was formed!

Similarly, Wang Mang's body began to undergo tremendous changes.

I saw that Wang Mangzhou's body seemed to be beating every cell.

The power of laws in all directions of the world began to gather together!

at the same time.

Behind Wang Mang and above his head, there appeared again, a familiar strange appearance.

This abnormality is exactly the abnormality that appeared in the past, the Nine-Headed Ancestor of Hongmeng!

Not only that, what Wang Mang didn't know was.

When he sublimated to the Little Supreme.

At this moment, in the desert, countless Tianjiao raised their heads and looked in the direction of Wang Mang.

They were very clear about this kind of movement, it was the appearance of Little Supreme Being Shenghua.

All of a sudden, countless arrogances looked at the golden beam of light in the distant sky in shock, and started discussing:

"Damn it! How is this possible! Someone attacked the Little Supreme again? Did he succeed?"

"It's more than a success! Big Brother! Is this a sign of the birth of the Little Supreme?"

"Fuck! Another little Supreme was born! It's fun now, I don't know if this guy can survive the Supreme of the Twelve Cities."

"That's right, the Supreme of Twelve Cities has seen it, and will definitely not turn a blind eye. If he can't resist the little Supreme of Twelve Cities, this guy will die too!"

"Hehe, in my opinion, it's just a flash in the pan. He's not the first one to attack the Little Supreme. Didn't Tianjiao, who attacked the Little Supreme twice before, die in the hands of the Twelve Cities Tianjiao?"

"Is he better than you even if he dies? At least he has become a little supreme! How about you?"

"Haha! That's right! At least he has become a Little Supreme, and you don't even have the qualifications to be a Little Supreme!"

"Heh, to have an addiction with your life? From my point of view, he's probably going to perish soon!"

All of a sudden, the arrogances in the desert can say anything!

Obviously, some people are optimistic about Wang Mang, while others think that Wang Mang is just a flash in the pan.

After all, every supreme being born will be blocked by the supreme beings of the twelve cities!

If the gap in strength is too great to resist, then it is doomed to fall.

This is not the first time.

Similarly, the movement here cannot escape the attention of the Twelve Cities' Tianjiao.

After all, the movement was so loud that it was impossible to escape everyone's attention.

Basically, when Wang Mang sublimated to Little Supreme, this was destined to be known by everyone.

The Tianjiao in the eleventh city may not be able to see such a movement, but the Tianjiao in the twelve city can see it all.

At the same time, above the Twelve Cities, the broadcast of the Emperor List also resounded throughout the city:

Congratulations! [All the dogs in Tujin Emperor List] Successfully boarded and broke through the Little Supreme!

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