I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 911 Master! Why are you kneeling too? Hongjun Taoist Ancestor: When you meet a sixth-order s

This terrifying and terrifying supernatural power law coerces.

It even made Wang Mang, who is also a little supreme, feel trembling and hopeless powerlessness.

For a moment, Wang Mang's face showed a bit of panic.

Because, he never expected that these two guys would suddenly violently kill him.

Wang Mang was completely confused by this situation!

Moreover, this supernatural power is too fucking exaggerated!

Sixth-order supernatural power!

These guys actually mastered all of them?

This made Wang Mang even more shocked.

Because, he didn't even have much pseudo-sixth-order supernatural powers!

However, the opponent has already mastered the sixth-order magical power.

Moreover, it has been displayed!

This is simply irresistible!

Therefore, under the mixture of shock and anger.

Wang Mang activated the teleportation stone without hesitation.

The next moment, Wang Mang disappeared in place.

But as soon as Wang Mang disappeared, he was blasted out of a pit tens of thousands of meters away!

The surrounding area was razed to the ground, and the terrifying aftermath swept across the surrounding world.

Countless storms were formed, and for a while, the sky and the earth here were darkened.

Even where Wang Mang is, even the space is a bit distorted!

It is conceivable how powerful the supernatural powers displayed by the two are!

If Wang Mang hadn't escaped before.

He will definitely fall directly on the spot!

"You are courting death!"

Seeing this scene, Wang Shen, who came back to his senses, had a hideous and distorted expression on his face.

Because, his original body almost died before, and when the original body died, he also died!

After recovering from his senses, the enraged King God had an extra sixth-tier divine weapon in his hand!

Afterwards, without even looking at him, he rushed towards the two of them!

This immediately caused Luoyue Wuhen and the God of Slaughter to panic.

They didn't expect that the two of them made a sneak attack, but they didn't kill Wang Mang!

This guy still ran from under their noses!

Moreover, judging from the fluctuation of the law of space.

The other party fled to a very strong world.

Now people are not killed!

Instead, it completely angered Wang Shen.

It can be said that the gain outweighs the gain!

At this moment, there is no time for them to think about it.

They quickly took out the sixth-level magic weapon from the storage ring, and then fought with Wang Shen and Jun Bubai.

It can be said that the fighting spirit is soaring, and the power of law covers the sky and the earth, and the fight is invincible.

But it is worth mentioning that, whether it is the God of Slaughter or Luoyue Wuhen.

In less than a few sticks of incense, the two fell into a complete disadvantage and were beaten by Wang Shen and Jun Bubai.

Of course, they are not completely helpless like Wang Mang.

But the situation is not much better.

Therefore, the two of them were extremely embarrassed, and there were already many scars all over their bodies.

In desperation, the two suddenly became angry and said:

"Lao Jian, you're still watching the show, so you haven't come to help!"

Obviously, in a one-on-one situation.

They couldn't beat Wang Shen and Jun Bubai at all.


They won't be ranked fifth and sixth!

Naturally, their rankings have been fought in private, more than once or twice.

Otherwise, who will obey who is the Little Supreme?

Their ranking and status, without exception, are all accumulated through battles.

As for why he would rather be suppressed and beaten than sit down and talk with Wang Shen and Jun Bubai?

Is this possible?

They wanted to kill Wang Mang in front of God Wang!

Moreover, it is still in the case of knowing the relationship between the two.

There is no doubt that their actions are slapping Wang Shen in the face.

After being slapped in the face, will Wang Shen sit down and talk to them?

This is simply impossible!

Instead, they were slapped in the face.

I won't let it go.

What makes them even more angry is that.

Jian Han Jiuzhou this guy.

They have all spoken.

But he still didn't come up to help them!

Aggrieved and furious, the two yelled at Jianhan Kyushu one after another:

"Lao Jian, what are you doing, why are you still hesitating?"

"You attacked Wang Shen's younger brother earlier, do you think he will let you go?"

"If he is caught and placed on the list, if he has a chance, he will definitely kill you!"

Obviously, the reason why the two let Jianhan Kyushu do it was to tie him into their camp.

In order not to be caught by the extremely high-ranked Little Supreme, he seized the opportunity to be singled out and killed him!

For example.

Sikong Zhen, the No. 1 King of Thunder on the Emperor List, has the ability to suppress and kill the Little Supreme!

He had suppressed and killed many Little Supreme Beings, even the Little Supreme Beings who were also among the top few on the Emperor List.

Sikong Zhen seized the opportunity to order these little supreme beings, and was finally suppressed and killed.

as expected.

After hearing the words of Luoyue Wuhen and the God of Slaughter.

Jian Han Jiuzhou, who hesitated for a moment, finally joined the battle.

With his joining, the battle was never overwhelmed.

It has become a situation where both sides are in a difficult situation for a while.


at the same time.

Thirty-three days outside the prehistoric world, in Zixiao Palace.

Headed by Hongjun, Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, Nuwa Empress, Zhunti Taoist, and guide Taoist.

Six saint-level beings gathered together and were discussing the matter of suppressing and killing Demon Ancestor Luohu.

But at this moment, a terrifying aura reappeared in the prehistoric world.

Moreover, this terrifying aura swept across the prehistoric world in an instant.

This immediately caused the faces of the six saints to change drastically, and they said in horror:

"What's going on here? Could it be the sixth-order powerhouse last time?"

"What a terrifying coercion, much more terrifying than the last coercion!"

"Damn it! Is this the sixth-order powerhouse? It made me kneel on the ground?"

"Teacher, this coercion is too terrifying! Can't we even bear his coercion?"

At this moment, Lao Tzu, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Empress Nuwa, are ready to mention Taoists and lead Taoists.

They were all forced to kneel on the ground by this coercion!

While they were terrified, they also looked at Daozu Hongjun one after another.

Because, their teacher was the only one who didn't kneel down at this moment.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes turned to Daozu Hongjun.

They are also very puzzled, is the sixth level really so terrifying?

Don't they even have the qualifications to stand up?

This is simply the gap between a mortal and a saint, there is no difference at all!

The next moment, something happened that made Laozi wait for the saints to be dumbfounded.

At this moment, Daozu Hongjun was trembling all over.

Even if he is under the blessing of heaven.

With a plop, he still knelt on the ground!

Seeing the stunned look of all the disciples.

Daoist Hongjun's old face was hot, and he pretended to be calm and said:

"Don't worry, this strong man probably won't sell to us."

"Last time, he also made a surprise appearance, and then left."

Hearing this, Lao Tzu couldn't help asking weakly:

"Master, why are you kneeling too?"

This question made Daozu Hongjun even more embarrassed.

He had no choice but to put on a thick old face and make up nonsense:

"What you don't know is in the heavens and the world."

"When you meet a sixth-order powerhouse, you must bow down!"

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