I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 920 Fighting alone! Wang Mang absolutely crushed Luoyue Wuhen Supreme Tianjiao?

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Mang looked at Luoyue Wuhen playfully.

It looked like Luoyue Wuhen was determined to eat.

At the beginning, this guy also looked like he was determined by him.

Not only him, but also the God of Slaughter, and Jianhan Kyushu.

The three of them ignored him at all.

It's like an ant that can be crushed to death.

Today's Wang Mang is also sure about this guy.

Because Wang Mang is confident that he has all the means the other party has.

Moreover, he has more magical weapons than this guy.

Now he has also practiced the exclusive law supernatural power.

The magical weapon of the exclusive law.

No matter which aspect Wang Mang is stronger than the opponent.

Why can't you be sure of the other party?

He has two sixth-order supernatural powers!

He has two of the sixth-order magic weapon!

He has everything the other party has.

He has what the other doesn't have.

This is Wang Mang's confidence and confidence!

Similarly, Luoyue Wuhen, who had a dignified face, suddenly laughed out of breath.

What is Wang Mang?

The ants of the past are also worthy of making him kneel down and beg for mercy?

In his eyes, Wang Mang is just an ant who almost died in his hands in the past.

Luckily, he escaped with his life, and he would not hide, but actually came to him for revenge.

Thinking of this, a sneer crossed Luoyue Wuhen's face, and he mocked:

"Just because you are a waste, you are worthy of asking me to beg for mercy?"

"What a toad yawns!"

Speaking of this, Luoyue Wuhen naturally noticed the Green Emperor who was setting up the barrier.

But he always acted as if he didn't see it, and sneered with his hands behind his back: "You can try to attack me!"

"See if this seat can easily suppress you!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly laughed out of breath, seeing that the arrangement of the green emperor's enchantment was almost done.

He didn't talk nonsense, and immediately raised the black halberd in his hand, and killed Luoyue Wuhen with a single movement.

Seeing this scene, Luoyue Wuhen was not to be outdone, and armed with a big golden spear, he charged at Wang Mang.

It was almost time for the two of them to fight together!

Bang Bang Bang!

There was a sound of Jin Ge colliding!

Wang Mang's halberd and Luo Yue Wuhen's spear collided together.

The terrifying law power erupted, and the golden law and Wang Mang's devouring law also collided.

The next moment, the two of them took a few steps back one after another, both of them were greatly shaken by the power of the other party's law.

But Wang Mang didn't take it seriously, and raised the halberd again to kill, and at the same time shouted angrily: "You dog, take your life!"

"I'm afraid you won't succeed!" Luoyue Wuhen roared in response, and fought fiercely with Wang Mang again, the speed getting faster and faster.

Moreover, in the case of the same level of magic soldiers, the two sides will really be hard to distinguish for a while.

But as time passed, Luoyue Wuhen began to feel extremely embarrassed, with many bloody wounds on his body.

There is no other reason, as long as Luoyue Wuhen misses, Wang Mang will seize the opportunity and even want his life.

But it doesn't matter if Wang Mang misses, he has the God of War Armor, so he doesn't worry about missing at all.

Moreover, the big gun in Luoyue Wuhen's hand couldn't blast away Wang Mang's God of War armor at all.

You know, the Hundred Wars God Armor on Wang Mang's body is also a sixth-rank low-grade divine weapon!

Therefore, Wang Mang became more and more courageous as he fought, relying on his armor, he defeated the opponent steadily.

After this battle, De Luoyue Wuhen was very aggrieved, he never thought that one day would come.

He would be crushed and beaten by the ants of the past, but the beating made him lose his temper, and he was extremely aggrieved and angry throughout the whole process.

If he also has such a sixth-tier defensive weapon, he won't worry about it anymore!

Even, he might be able to suppress the former King God to fight!

Therefore, although Luoyue Wuhen was annoyed at this moment, she was extremely greedy in her heart.

In his opinion, if he got this Tier 6 Defensive Weapon, his ranking in the Emperor Ranking would definitely go even higher!

Thinking of this, Luoyue Wuhen's killing intent towards Wang Mang was even worse, even if he fell into a disadvantage, he was still looking for a chance to defeat him.

No! He was looking for an opportunity to kill Wang Mang. Although Wang Mang was wearing the God of War Armor, his head was not within the protection range of the Divine Weapon.

But Wang Mang also understands this truth, so Wang Mang will basically not give him any chance, and his attacks are getting more and more fierce!

Wang Mang's halberd almost cut off his head several times.

Obviously, when he was trying to find a chance to kill Wang Mang.

Wang Mang had already started trying to kill him again.

In a blink of an eye, half an hour passed.

He never found any chance to kill Wang Mang.

On the contrary, he himself was injured all over his body, and the situation was not optimistic.

If this continues, he even worries that he will be consumed to death by Wang Mang.

Similarly, in order to prevent accidents from happening, Wang Mang also decided to cast the Chosen Jue!

After performing Tianxuan Jue, Wang Mang is confident that he can kill Luoyue Wuhen.

Because, even if he didn't use the Chosen Jue, Wang Mang could have the upper hand.

If he used Tianxuan Jue, there was a great possibility that he would kill Luoyue Wuhen.

The next moment, after the halberds in their hands collided and struck, they pulled away one after another.

Seeing this scene, Luoyue Wuhen was a little puzzled, and looked at Wang Mang with a frown.

He couldn't figure it out, Wang Mang clearly had the upper hand, why did he suddenly choose to stop?

But the next moment, Luoyue Wuhen saw it, Wang Mang made a formula with both hands, and the halberd was suspended in front of him.

Afterwards, Wang Mang's terrifying devouring hair covered the sky and covered the sun, condensing into a terrifying storm.

"Heaven's Choice!"

"I am the chosen one!"

"It's also the only one chosen by heaven!"

Accompanied by Wang Mang's angry shout.

Suddenly, in the sky above.

A terrifying devouring law forms a beam of light.

It descended from the sky and enveloped Wang Mang in it.

At the same time, the terrifying aura around Wang Mang also began to rise steadily.

Under Luoyue Wuhen's stunned and shocked eyes.

The law of devouring permeated Wang Mang's body, his eyes were scarlet and sharp, and his aura was three times more terrifying than before!


Accompanied by an angry shout.

Wang Mang's speed soared in an instant, and he raised the halberd to kill again, and raised the halberd in his hand, and slashed at him.

Seeing this scene, Luoyue Wuhen came back to his senses, he quickly braced himself and raised the magic weapon to block it above his head.


Accompanied by a loud noise, Luoyue Wuhen, who was resisting Wang Mang, was suddenly sent flying upside down by the terrifying power of the law.

This also made Luoyue Wuhen's face full of horror.

He didn't expect that the sixth-order magical power that Wang Mang used turned out to be a magical power to enhance combat power!

Such supernatural powers are too rare!

Absolutely the rarest of the magical powers.

Among the fifth-order magical powers, the magical powers that enhance combat power are also the rarest.

Among the sixth-order magical powers, the magical powers that also increase combat power are also the rarest.

Moreover, it was just one blow just now.

He couldn't stand it at all.

what does that mean?

It means that Wang Mang has improved his combat power.

Formed an absolute crush on him!

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