I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 929 Easily kill the God of Slaughter! Jianhan Jiuzhou: Don't come here!

"Are we really going to perish here today?"

This is what Jianhan Kyushu and the God of Slaughter are thinking at this moment.

Obviously, when the enchantment was completely formed, their hearts sank to the bottom of the valley.

at the same time.

At this moment, the female supreme had an extra long sword in her hand, and then directly killed Jianhan Kyushu.

Seeing this scene, Jianhan Jiuzhou's face darkened, but he still stepped forward to fight bravely.

Because, he has already seen Wang Mang's thoughts, and obviously wants to share them and eat them!

But even if you see it, so what?

There is simply no other way for them!

I can only bite the bullet and face it!

at the same time.

The green emperor also laughed, and rushed towards this new little supreme being in high spirits.

Obviously, he can't beat Jian Han Kyushu and the God of Slaughter at all.

But bullying a newly promoted Little Supreme, he thinks he can still do it.

At this point, the battlefield is completely divided into three!

Only the God of Slaughter is left to face Wang Mang!

to be honest.

At this moment, the God of Slaughter is in a very complicated mood, and his face is even more ugly.

If he could beat Wang Mang, he wouldn't have such an ugly face!

But the question is can he beat Wang Mang?

Can't beat it!

He and Jianhan Kyushu add up.

Still being beaten by Wang Mang!

Now lost Jianhan Kyushu joint.

He even had a premonition that he might be about to perish!

Looking at the bad luck that enveloped the whole body.

The God of Slaughter couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart.

I knew it earlier.

He should also prepare some bad luck talisman paper, good luck talisman paper and the like.

However, in the past, he was too confident in his own strength.

Gradually gave up, talisman paper and other extremely expensive auxiliary props.

But he never thought that he would need it one day, but he didn't have it at all.

at the same time.

Wang Mang also didn't show any ink, raised the big halberd in his hand again, and killed it directly.

Because Wang Mang didn't even bother to use his supernatural powers.

There is no other reason, Wang Mang felt that even if he didn't use his supernatural powers, he could kill him.

His combat power has formed a crushing trend!

as expected.

Without the help of Jianhan Kyushu.

The God of Slaughter, every blow from Wang Mang was extremely dangerous, and he was in danger of falling at any time.

Because the strength gap between the two is too great!

Therefore, Wang Mang shot very casually.

But it was his random blow that made the face of the God of Slaughter distort ferociously, and his forehead was dripping with sweat.

Seeing this, Wang Mang said with a playful face: "What's the matter? I haven't gone all out yet! You can't do it?"

Facing Wang Mang's ridicule, the God of Slaughter's face was gloomy and he didn't say a word.

Because he didn't dare to be distracted even though Wang Mang was mocking him.

But the attack of the halberd in his hand is getting more and more fierce!

In the end, I persisted for another incense stick of time.

The God of Slaughter finally couldn't help but begged for mercy:

"Can fellow daoist let me go, I'm willing to pay any price!"

Obviously, Wang Mang is too powerful at this moment.

Relying on the great halberd in his hand and his absolute suppressing strength, he was beaten until he was out of breath.

At this moment, there were several big halberd scars on his chest, and the blood was flowing all over his body.

Even, the hand of the God of Slaughter holding the big gun was trembling, and the tiger's mouth was already filled with blood.

Hearing this, Wang Mang chuckled lightly, and asked indifferently, "Will the Little Supreme also beg for mercy?"

"I'm begging for mercy, how can you continue to move forward, without the invincible heart and invincible momentum."

"How else do you become the Invincible Supreme?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the God of Slaughter turned pale and said:

"After this time, I will withdraw from the road of fighting in the heavens and the world."

"Also please fellow daoists, if you can hold your hand high, let me go!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded, his tone playful:

"So that's the case, but why did I let you go?"

After finishing speaking, Wang Mang sneered even more, raised the halberd in his hand again, and charged at the God of Slaughter.

Seeing that Wang Mang didn't let him go at all, the God of Slaughter also changed from begging for mercy to swearing.

All of a sudden, all kinds of ugly words were scolded.

Even though his injuries were getting more and more serious, he was still struggling and yelling.

Because, he knows that if he gives up struggling, he will die, and even if he dies, he must continue to struggle!

It's a pity that such a time did not last long.

After Wang Mang became murderous, the God of Slaughter basically suffered a lot of injuries every time he attacked.

In the end, Wang Mang's halberd attacked more and more fiercely, not giving the God of Slaughter any chance to breathe.

Afterwards, Wang Mang successfully seized the opportunity, and the halberd in his hand directly pierced through the chest of the God of Slaughter.

Obviously, the God of Slaughter wants to defend and resist, but unfortunately the speed is still half a beat slower!

Therefore, with the blood everywhere, the God of Slaughter's face was full of pain.

He looked down at the halberd in front of his chest, the light in his eyes dimmed.

In the end, the God of Slaughter opened his mouth to say something, but in the end the soul completely collapsed and lost its vitality!

So far! Another little Supreme, easily falling into Wang Mang's hands!

The next moment, Wang Mang watched the halberd in his hand devouring the blood and essence of the enemy.

Wang Mang quickly pulled out the halberd, his upper body turned into the body of a giant python, opened his bloody mouth, and swallowed the God of Slaughter.

Then, Wang Mang took over with peace of mind, the sixth-level magic weapon left by the God of Slaughter!

The next moment, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully devoured a god emperor Jiuchongtian, little Supreme! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 10 billion energy points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 1000 talent points! 】

After listening to the system's voice, Wang Mang raised the corner of his mouth and nodded with satisfaction in his heart.

At this time, Wang Mang looked at Jianhan Kyushu not far away.

At this moment, the situation in Jianhan Kyushu is also very miserable, being suppressed and beaten by the female supreme!

Obviously, the background of the female supreme is indeed stronger than that of Jianhan Kyushu.

After all, the female supreme has gained something in the tomb of the invincible supreme!


There is another important factor.

Affected Jianhan Kyushu's performance.

That is the picture of Wang Mang crushing the whole process, almost killing the God of Slaughter.

This simply made Jianhan Jiuzhou restless and unable to fight with peace of mind.

Especially after seeing that the God of Slaughter had completely fallen into Wang Mang's hands.

Jianhan Jiuzhou was even more flustered, and his mentality was a little bit broken.

Just at this moment, Jianhan Jiuzhou couldn't help screaming.

It turned out that it was at the moment when Jianhan Kyushu was distracted.

The female supreme immediately seized the opportunity and wanted to behead her.

But Jianhan Kyushu still reacted.

Therefore, the head was not beheaded.

But his arm was cut off!

Directly lost an arm!

But even so, it's not over yet.

The female supreme once again bullied her with a sword.

Trying to take advantage of the victory to pursue and kill him.

In a panic, Jianhan Kyushu held the sword in one hand, and stared at the female supreme vigilantly, not daring to be distracted.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang's eyes were sharp, he held a big halberd, roared out, and rushed towards Jianhan Kyushu!

After hearing the movement, Jianhan Jiuzhou completely collapsed.

He could no longer focus on fighting.

Because Wang Mang was coming to kill him!

At that time, no matter how much he concentrates on fighting, it will be useless!

Once Wang Mang makes a move, he will make a move together with the female supreme.

He definitely couldn't last a cup of tea before he would fall, there is absolutely no accident!

Therefore, under the mixture of panic and anger.

Jianhan Jiuzhou couldn't help but roared angrily, "Don't come here!"

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