I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 939: The Hierarchy of Tianhuang Temple? Get the highest job configuration in the establishme

After hearing Wang Mang's extremely arrogant sound transmission.

Li Taijian's face was livid, his eyes contained killing intent, and he looked at Wang Mang fiercely.

Obviously, he did not expect that Wang Mang was so rampant that he dared to threaten him in turn.

Although I don't know what happened to Wang Mang, he was summoned by the ancestor of Tianhuang and successfully sneaked into Tianhuang Palace.

But he will not give up easily, let alone other things, just because Wang Mang dared to threaten him and make him lose face.

He absolutely cannot tolerate this matter!

Watching Wang Mang leave, Li Taijian snorted coldly, then cupped his hands and said:

"Master Hunyuan Palace, this subordinate has resigned."

After speaking, Li Taijian shook his sleeves and left angrily.

at the same time.

After leaving the Tianhuang Temple in the Northern Wilderness Continent.

Qu Long, who followed, walked in front with his hands behind his back, and said without looking back:

"This seat is going to let you go to the black domain. Your duty is to manage order."

"In addition, this seat will tell you that the black domain is one of the sites under the jurisdiction of this seat."

"After going to the Black Territory, you should act in a low-key manner! It belongs to the most chaotic place in the Northern Wilderness Continent."

"If something happens to you, I will be beyond my reach. I hope you will take care of yourself."

"Also, you can take two inspectors with you later!"

"No, this is your order of appointment."

While speaking, Qu Long took out a golden letter and handed it to Wang Mang.

Hearing this, Wang Mang accepted the golden letter with a blank expression.

What the hell?

After recruiting Lao Tzu.

Send me away again?

The ancestor of Tianhuang sent me to old man Qingfeng.

The old man Qingfeng sent Laozi to the hands of the old man Hunyuan in the Northern Wilderness Continent.

Now the old man Hunyuan sent himself to Qu Long's hands again.

Taking over Qu Long and sending him to this so-called black area?

What the hell is football?

You kick one to the other?

For a while, Wang Mang was very upset.

But at this time, Qu Long seemed to have noticed Wang Mang's displeasure, and immediately put his arms around him and said with a light smile:

"Do you think this is perfunctory?"

"If you hadn't seen the ancestor of Tianhuang."

"Do you know what will happen to you when you broke into the Tianhuang Ancestral Realm from the outside world?"

"Basically all of them are dead! No! It's a little easier to say dead!"

"According to the normal procedure, Wang Mang will send you to the Prison of the Heavens."

"Or send you to the law crystal mining area to mine, and you will never be able to stand up again."

Speaking of this, Qu Long immediately stood with his hands behind his back and said, "How can it be so easy for a fifth-order to mix into a sixth-order world."

"Unless you have reached the sixth level and have your own quota, the world of the sixth level will not accept you."

"Or, if you have reached the sixth level, and you have no quota, the world of the sixth level will accept you."

"The quota position here, in our sixth-order world, collectively refer to it as a status token!"

"Besides, this seat sees that your strength is good, and you are close to the sixth step."

"Let's find a way to get the identity token as soon as possible!"

"With the identity token, in the sixth-order world, you are unimpeded in the sixth-order world."

"Founding a sect, or establishing a dynasty and family, etc., will be recognized by the sixth-order world."

"In addition, after arriving in the black domain, as long as you can complete the tasks assigned by this seat, this seat will also help you!"

Having said that, Qu Long patted Wang Mang's shoulder with admiration on his face.

After all, Wang Mang is one after all, a fifth-order little supreme!

This kind of achievement was simply incomparable to him at the fifth level.

This also means that Wang Mang's future achievements are much higher than his!

If possible, he can be drawn into his family!

Including him, their Qu family has two sixth-order early stage powerhouses.

This kind of strength is already very good.

In the Northern Wilderness Continent, it also belongs to one side.

You must know that in today's Tianhuang Ancestral Realm, there are not many places.

Tianhuang Leasing belongs to the sixth-order low-grade world.

That's the limit he has.

One late sixth-order, ten mid-sixth-order, and one hundred late-sixth-order.

That is to say, except for the ancestor of Tianhuang.

The current sixth-order powerhouse in the Tianhuang Ancestral Realm.

There are no more than 110 in the entire Tianhuang Ancestral Realm.

Then deduct all the powerhouses in Tianhuang Hall.

The sixth-ranked quota living in the Tianhuang Ancestral Realm.

Not even a hundred!


Eighty is not bad!

The eighty were divided among the four continents.

Lin Lin finally figured it out.

It is not bad to have 20 sixth-order powerhouses in one continent.

Therefore, their family is in the Northern Wilderness Continent, but there are two sixth-order powerhouses, so their strength is naturally not weak.

You must know that in Tianhuang Ancestral Realm, a sixth-order powerhouse represents a sixth-order power.

1~3 Tier 6 powerhouses, representing third-rate forces (low-rank forces of Tier 6).

4~6 Tier 6 powerhouses represent second-rate powers (Mid Tier 6 powers).

Seven to nine sixth-tier powerhouses represent first-class forces (sixth-tier top-rank forces).

Closer to home.

Under the leadership of Qu Long.

Wang Mang came to the main hall of Qu Long's mansion.

It also looks very majestic. There are as many as hundreds of fifth-order god emperor realm powerhouses guarding the door alone.

After seeing such a lineup, Wang Mang couldn't help but click his tongue secretly. This is the foundation of the sixth-order world!

Fifth-tier powerhouses, even those at the God-Emperor level, are plentiful and worthless at all!

You know, in a top-level world of Tier 5, there are very limited God Emperor powerhouses!

Where is it like the sixth-order world, there are so many top-ranking powerhouses of the fifth-order who get together as subordinates.

After entering the main hall mansion, Qu Long ordered to the guard:

"Call your subordinates, all gather!"

The two late-stage guards of the god emperor said respectfully, "Yes! My lord!"

Then, within a few minutes.

Wang Mang saw that there were more than 300 subordinates, all gathered in the hall.

Seeing this, Qu Long nodded to Wang Mang and said:

"Choose two people and take them to the Black Domain!"

"In addition, I will introduce to you the position of Tianhuang Palace."

"Village level, city level, national level, boundary level."

"Each level is divided into two levels!"

"For example, small village level, big village level."

"Small city level, big city level."

"Small country level, big country level."

"Small world level, big world level."

After listening to the arrangement of this position.

Wang Mang was dumbfounded.

Fuck! This is so trendy!

It's just like the political arena on earth!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help asking:

"Master Qu Long, why don't I go to the Black Territory, what level is the conferment?"

Hearing this, Qu Long was taken aback for a moment, and then said:

"You are at the level of a small city, and this seat is only a position at the level of a big city."

"There is no power to authorize the dismissal of a position of the same level."

"Besides, your position is at the small city level, so I have to write a report later and send it to the elders at the big country level for approval."

"However, you should not have a big problem. This seat sees that you have a good relationship with Elder Qingfeng, and you should be able to pass the job approval."

"In addition, you have the right to authorize and recall positions at the small village level, and to authorize positions at the large village level. Write a report and send it to the Northern Wilderness Continental Branch."

"In the future, you kid, you have to remember, if you have the chance, don't offend the senior judge. Even if you offend Li Taijian, it's fine, but you just can't offend the senior judge."

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