I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 943 Complete the task successfully? Have you successfully completed the conditions for break

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the two of them almost didn't hesitate immediately, and said angrily, "This is impossible!"

If Wang Mang occupies 70%, then they are equivalent to working for Wang Mang.

It seems that Wang Mang has delegated power, but Wang Mang is the biggest gainer.

The key is that Wang Mang doesn't need to work hard yet!

Of course, they couldn't accept such a result.

After all, Wang Mang got the most benefits by doing nothing.

Where in the world is there such a good thing?

Hearing this, Wang Mang was not surprised immediately.

After all, if it were him, he probably wouldn't want to.

However, it doesn't matter if you don't want to.

Because Wang Mang never thought of sharing the benefits with them.

After all, the two of them are nothing but ants of the consummation of the god emperor.

In front of Wang Mang, the fifth-order little supreme being, he was no different from an ant.

Such ants can be suppressed and killed on the spot by raising his hand.

However, the other party has a staff position after all, and he is a small town staff at the same level as him.

If Wang Mang killed these two guys rashly, it would be a bit difficult.

Because, once Wang Mangzhen kills these two guys, people from Tianhuang Temple will investigate.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly smiled slightly and said, "It's good, each depends on its ability."

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Yuan Ge and Yang Wei became angry from embarrassment, and mocked coldly:

"Greedy guy, do you think that a city lord can take away all the benefits?"

"Let's wait and see, just because you just arrived, you want to fight us? Hmph!"

After finishing speaking, the two deputy city lords snorted coldly, and led the people to the two deputy city lord mansions respectively.

After all, Wang Mang, the rightful lord, has come, so it is naturally impossible for them to occupy the city lord's mansion as before.

Seeing this, Wang Mang didn't care immediately, and walked into the city lord's mansion with his hands behind his back.

On the majestic tables and chairs of the City Lord's Mansion.

Wang Mang immediately sat down in his seat.

Then, inadvertently, I saw a book on the table, compiled in Tianhuang Temple City.

After opening it.

Wang Mang was stunned immediately.

It records the organization configuration and the big city-level organization configuration.

A large city should have the following organization and configuration:

There is one city lord leader and two deputy city lords.

There are two leaders of the Governance Department (Omura Standard).

There are two leaders of the management department (Omura standard).

There are two leaders of the detention department (Omura standard).

There are 20 basic personnel of Tianhuang Temple (Xiaocun standard).


A small city should have an establishment, which is halved when a big city should have an establishment.


There are also records here, many records of large cities, and records of small cities.

In the Northern Wilderness Continent, there are thousands of large cities and tens of thousands of small cities.

Among them, Wang Mang also found Heiyu.

But what made Wang Mang confused was.

The black domain also belongs to Ayutthaya.

And it's a big city within a big city.

But the establishment and configuration of the City Lord's Mansion is only the configuration of a small city.

That is.

In the huge black domain.

Except that the city lord and deputy city lord have reached the establishment that the big city should have.

The rest of the establishment members with lower positions are only small towns!

For example.

A large city should have 29 establishment members.

A small town should have 15 establishment members.

But in the super big city of Heiyu, excluding the three of Wang Mang, there are only 15 members in the Tianhuang Temple with the establishment.

Even counting the three of Wang Mang, there are only 18 members in the Black Territory who have an establishment.

In addition, this book also records the scope of rights of the city lord.

To Wang Mang's great satisfaction, the power of the city lord is very great.

The city lord can directly lead the management department. For example, there are only three departments in Wang Mang's city right now, and he can directly lead one.

Moreover, the so-called management department means that all departments can be managed, but the detention department and the security department are all under the direct management of the other two city lords.

However, in the division of powers and duties, it is also clearly marked that the city lord is qualified to intervene in these two departments.

In the event of major events and the implementation of major events, even these two departments need to pass through the city lord.

After seeing this, Wang Mang closed the book, then looked up at Pan Zigazi and the two, and said softly:

"You guys, go to the management department and call the leader of the management department."

"Yes! Lord City Master." Full of fighting spirit, Pan Zigazi left with his chest held high.

Not long after, the two brought an old man in gray robes to the City Lord's Mansion.

Wang Mang also raised his head and rolled his eyes. He is such an ordinary-looking old man, but his status is not low, and he belongs to the standard member of Dacun.

"I've met Lord City Master!" The old man was very tactful, and when he came, he cupped his hands respectfully.

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded indifferently, and then asked, "Tell me about the current situation in the Black Territory."

After hearing Wang Mang's transformation, the old man said helplessly, "My lord, I am the leader of the management department without real power."

"Before the city lord took office, the power of the city lord's mansion was controlled by the two city lords. The younger one had no rights at all and could only obey orders."

After hearing the old man's answer, Wang Mang suddenly smiled.

The old man's two sentences directly stated that he had no real power, and pointed the finger at the two deputy city lords.

The meaning of what he said was self-evident, and he didn't know anything, but he explained everything clearly.

Just when Wang Mang was about to speak.

Then the sound of the system sounds:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Complete the mission successfully! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 200 billion energy values! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained Immortal King Blind Box X1! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained Immortal King-level treasure chest X1! 】

【Ding! Accumulation has met the evolution conditions, do you want to start evolution? 】

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was stunned for a moment.

He hasn't joined a Tier 6 mid-level force yet!

What the hell is going on?

But after thinking about it carefully, Wang Mang realized something was wrong again!

The Tianhuang Palace is the biggest force in the Tianhuang Ancestral Realm.

In this case, he will join Tianhuang Palace.

And complete the task, even if it makes sense.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was instantly elated.

Now, he just needs to tidy up the harvest.

I am afraid that you only need to obtain the sixth-order quota to break through the sixth-order.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was even more in a good mood, and immediately waved to the three of Pan Zi and said:

"Let's retreat first! This seat needs to retreat for a while!"

"By the way, during the retreat period of this seat, arrange the staff of the City Lord's Mansion."

"Those who have the establishment, you can recruit those who can be recruited, and count those who cannot be recruited."

After speaking, Wang Mang got up and walked to the depths of the City Lord's Mansion.

As a super big city, the lord of one side naturally has an exclusive retreat room.

Therefore, Wang Mang only spent a cup of tea to find the retreat room in the city.

Afterwards, Wang Mang stepped into the spacious retreat room and set up a barrier.

After finishing all this, Wang Mang sat cross-legged, and said silently in his heart:

"System! Open your personal information!"

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