I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 957: Lurk in secret and choose the right time to make a move! Track and kill the Blood Demon

Obviously, both the Blood Demon King and the Shadow Demon King.

They were in no rush to kill the Dark Lord.

As for the reason?

this is very simple.

Killing the sixth level is worthless to them.

Once the Dark Lord is killed.

They simply don't fit seamlessly.

And create a sixth-order statue again.

In this way, what's the point of trying to hunt the Dark Lord?

Therefore, they can't let the Dark Lord die now at all, and imprisoning him is the best way.

At the same time, Wang Mang was also eager to make a move, but he still resisted the impulse.

After all, what he needed to determine was who took away the Blood Demon King and the Shadow Demon King.

Whoever took away the Dark Lord, Wang Mang would attack him.

In this way, he can also maximize his profits.

Once he imprisoned two sixth-level powerhouses, wouldn't there be two sixth-level places?

At that time, he only needs to recruit apprentices with complete foundations, and he can easily complete the task.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was in a good mood immediately, so he held back his thoughts to see who the two of them planned to imprison this guy.

Soon, Wang Mang saw the two whispering to each other.

After discussing for a while.

In the end, the Blood Demon King gave a storage ring to the Shadow Demon King.

Afterwards, the Blood Demon King took away the white sixth-tier cage that imprisoned the Dark Lord.

As for the young man, he was completely ignored by the two of them.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang naturally quietly followed closely behind.

What surprised Wang Mang was that the blood demon king didn't go towards the black domain.

Instead, he headed deeper into the mountains.

There is no plan to walk towards the black domain at all.

This made Wang Mang even more happy.

Because, if this guy returns to the black domain.

Wang Mang really didn't have a chance to make a move.

Half an hour after flying deep into the mountains of the Gorefiend Dynasty.

Wang Mang finally couldn't stand it anymore.

He jumped out of hiding directly and stood in front of the Blood Demon King.

When Wang Mang suddenly appeared, the Blood Demon King was obviously taken aback.

Especially after feeling Wang Mang's strange aura, his face was even more astonished.

Because, the aura on Wang Mang's body is obviously the world master's fourth heaven.

But Wang Mang's realm is actually the first heaven of the realm master!

more importantly.

Wang Mang is a strange face.

He doesn't know at all!

In other words, Wang Mang appeared out of nowhere!

Then think of Li Taijian who fell in the Northern Wilderness Continent not long ago.

All of a sudden, the Blood Demon King guessed that this guy might be the newly promoted World Master.

It's just that the newly promoted world master has reached the level of Wang Mang's strength, which is really rare.

After looking at Wang Mang for a while, the blood demon king showed a smile on his burly and fierce face:

"If my guess is correct, the Dark Lord's injury should be related to your breakthrough to the sixth level."

"And you have been with me for a long time, which proves that you have reached a certain agreement with the Dark Lord."

"However, you have not completed the agreement between the two, on the contrary, you are following me at this time."

"You probably want to wipe out this seat and the Dark Lord in one go, so as to avoid future troubles and maximize benefits."

After hearing the words of the Blood Demon King, Wang Mang, who was originally calm and composed, suddenly froze.

He looked at the Blood Demon King in astonishment.

Wang Mang obviously never expected it.

The guy figured out what was going on almost instantly.

After a short period of astonishment, Wang Mang suddenly laughed and applauded:

"Excellent, you guessed the matter of this seat with just a cup of tea."

"What do you think, where does this seat come from with confidence, or can it kill you?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the blood demon king showed a ferocious smile on his fierce face:

"Let's see how strong Your Excellency is, and see who killed who!"

As soon as the words fell, the Blood Demon King took out a big bloody gun, and pointed the spear directly at Wang Mang.

This is also a sixth-rank low-grade divine weapon!

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang's face was calm, and the God-devouring Halberd appeared out of thin air in his hand.

Obviously, Wang Mang is still very confident about killing this guy.

It can be said that Wang Mang was never afraid of anyone among the world masters of the fourth heaven.

In particular, he has a tyrannical background and the Heavenly Chosen Jue to enhance his combat power.

This is also Wang Mang's greatest confidence in being able to suppress and kill the Blood Demon King!


Accompanied by a cold shout.

Wang Mang raised his halberd and swept to kill.

"Afraid you won't succeed?"

"I'd like to see if you're just being superficial!"

While speaking, the Blood Demon King also carried a spear and swept towards him.

The next moment, the magical weapons in the hands of the two collided with each other.


Accompanied by the sound of a golden sword!

Moreover, because both of them shot with all their strength.

The magic weapon in his hand carries a terrifying power of law.

Under the collision, the two couldn't help being shocked and took a few steps back.

After careful observation, Wang Mang found that he was not applicable to the situation of Tianxuan Jue.

His strength is really not much different from that of the World Lord Four Heavens!

In the previous blow, the two did not distinguish between high and low at all, it can be said that they were evenly divided.

Similarly, the Blood Demon King's face was even more serious, and he no longer looked at Wang Mang with contempt.

Because, he had already guessed something, no wonder the former Dark Lord was willing to cooperate with this guy.

After this guy broke through the realm of the world lord, he possessed the cultivation base of the first level of the world lord and the combat power of the fourth level of the world lord.

This proves that the guy in front of him, who achieved extremely high achievements at the fifth level in the past, is very likely to be the new city lord of the black domain!

Therefore, while killing Wang Mang again, the Blood Demon King also asked, "Are you the new city lord of the Black Territory?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang raised the halberd in his hand and slashed at the Blood Demon King, and responded, "Didn't you guess it all? Are you still asking?"


There was another sound of weapon collision!

At the same time, the speed of the halberd in Wang Mang's hand became faster and faster.

But to Wang Mang's surprise, facing the big halberd in his hand, the Blood Demon King taunted him indifferently because of his freedom:

"This seat has been fighting for 900 million years, how rich is the combat experience?"

"If the city lord only has this strength, it is not enough to kill me."

Hearing this, Wang Mang sneered and said, "Which today is the day of your downfall!"

While speaking, Wang Mang once again slashed at the Blood Demon King with all his strength.

The Blood Demon King also showed no sign of weakness, raised his big gun, and collided with Wang Mang again.

The two were once again shaken by the terrifying power of the law, and they retreated tens of meters.

Afterwards, the Blood Demon King with a spear in his hand smiled lightly and said:

"You can't do it either! City Lord? Whose death day will it be next year?"

Hearing this, Wang Mangsen sneered.

The halberd in his hand was suspended in front of him.

Afterwards, the hands continued to pinch together.

Seeing this scene, the Blood Demon King laughed immediately, is he afraid of competing in supernatural powers?

In terms of supernatural powers, he has broken through the world master, so he naturally has supernatural powers.

at the same time.

The devouring laws around Wang Mang gathered like a cloud, covering the surroundings of his body.

At the same time, Wang Mang shouted angrily:

"I am the chosen one."

"I am also the only one."

The voice just fell.

in the sky.

A beam of black devouring law light descended from the sky, enveloping him.

At the same time, the aura around Wang Mang also began to rise crazily.

Moreover, as time went by, Wang Mang's aura became more and more domineering!





three times!



Wang Mang's aura is still rising crazily!

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