I! Sword Douluo! Silently Drawing Sword For Twenty Years

Chapter 48: Upgrade again, set soul skills

Is Li Hao really a god to the enemies of the Nine-Rank Golden Lotus Sect? Or a peerless Douluo who can burst out a near-god strike? There's not much difference for them.

Because no matter what the situation is, they can't deal with it.

Since you can't deal with it, then obediently don't do anything now.

Otherwise, the blow near Thunder Mountain would land on top of their heads.


Demon Sect.

"I didn't expect that Sword Saint Douluo has come this far. It's almost a god. I'm far inferior. It seems that our plan will have to wait for a long time." Douluo exclaimed in amazement after listening to his senior brother's description.

"Mo Jie, as long as he has not really become a god, we have a chance, and we can afford it.

You are only a hundred years old, and you have time. "Devil God Douluo said looking at his junior brother.

Although Demon Tribulation Douluo was nominally his junior brother, he was actually the one who accepted the apprentice on his behalf back then.

And Demon Tribulation Douluo was the one who brought up and taught him.

Therefore, the relationship between the two was like a real master and apprentice or even a father and son. Everything that Demon God Douluo planned today was also for his junior and senior.

Obviously, Demon Tribulation Douluo has more hope of becoming a god than Demon God Douluo.


The calm-looking Demon Tribulation Douluo nodded and said, "If I can break through to become a god one day, I will definitely help my senior brother to become a god."

"You will be very happy if you have this kind of heart." Demon God Douluo smiled.


God Yanzong.

"The only hope now lies in the king of the earth."

"If it can find the opportunity to become a god based on the clues I gave it to become a god, and finally break through to become a real beast, then he can definitely kill the guy who is suspected of being Sword Saint Douluo."

"After all, the brothers and cubs of the King of the Earth were all killed by that guy, and the conflict between the two sides is endless."

"At that time, if the King of Earth kills the guy who is suspected to be Sword Saint Douluo, by virtue of my friendship with the King of Earth, it is possible for him to help me obtain the opportunity to become a God of Sword Saint Douluo!"

Shenyan Douluo sat in the gorgeous palace and muttered to himself.

The Sea Spirit Master family, and the Thunder Sect...

Also have their own calculations.

Although they had given up temporarily fighting against the 9th-Rank Golden Lotus Sect, their calculations did not stop there.

They are just waiting for the right moment!

After all, the mysterious Douluo who was suspected to be Sword Saint Douluo didn't really become a god, so it wasn't enough to make them give up.

Therefore, the situation in the world seems to be extremely calm, but in fact it is still turbulent in the dark.

Of course, due to the appearance of Li Hao, the connection between the other four top Spirit Master sects has become closer.

After all, when a powerful enemy appears, the weak will involuntarily huddle together to keep warm.

Even the other three kings of soul beasts have formed an alliance contract. After all, with Li Hao's current strength, he came to kill him alone, so it's hard to say whether they can survive.


But Li Hao didn't care about these things. He silently digested his victory this time and improved his strength.

Only strength is true in this world, all other calculations are false.

For example, as soon as his 'power of boundaries' came out this time, the world immediately became quiet.


I saw Li Hao sitting cross-legged in the soul melting furnace, black flames burning continuously.

The power of the five soul bones with a total age of 2.4 million years was all integrated into his body under the power of the soul melting furnace.

This process lasted for more than thirty hours before Li Hao absorbed the power of the 2.4 million year spirit bones.


After absorbing such a huge amount of power, Li Hao let out a long breath before jumping out of the Soul Melting Furnace.

"After this shocking transformation, the age of all the spirit bones in my body has been raised to 600,000 years. Let's see the effect..." Li Hao felt it silently.

One of the two leg spirit bones is to increase the spirit power, and the other is to increase the acceleration. At 200,000 years, the bonuses of each are 200%.

After reaching 600,000 years, the effect has reached an astonishing 600%.

A full threefold increase.

The spirit bones of both arms were originally 200% stronger, but now they have become 600%.

Also tripled.

The skull and spirit bones have been directly upgraded from 100,000 years to 600,000 years, and the perception ability has instantly increased by six times.

The torso spirit bone was originally 300,000, increasing the power of spirit abilities by 100%!

Now that it has been upgraded to 600,000 years, the power of spirit skills has increased by 200%.

That is...

Soul power, speed, and strength have all tripled.

Perception increased sixfold.

The power of the soul skill has been doubled.

"In this way, my overall strength has more than doubled. With my current state, I feel that I can compete against a level 99 Peerless Douluo without causing a complete boundary strike." Li Hao judged himself road.

Under normal circumstances, he can compete with a level 99 peerless Douluo, and he is now a level 81 Spirit Master.

"And the long-awaited spirit bone suit mode..." Li Hao said that this is the spirit bone suit mode.

Click ~ click ~ click ~

As Li Hao's thoughts moved, an armor composed of spirit bones appeared on his body.

All the spirit bone armors turned purple gold, with three pairs of purple gold wings on the back, and a faint golden ring on the back of the head.

The spirit bone suit mode has also undergone a huge transformation in this evolution.


Li Hao carefully sensed the effect of the spirit bone suit mode.

"The increase in soul power has changed from 100% to the current 300%... that is, it has tripled!"

"The power of the augmented soul skill has also increased from the original 100% to the current 300%... The same is tripled."

"The duration has also changed from the original ten minutes to the current 30 minutes... also tripled."

"The most important thing is..." Li Hao suddenly punched out.


Accompanied by a terrifying beast roar, several kilometers in front of him turned into powder.

There were even cracks in the ground, and groundwater gushed out from the ground.

"very good!"

Li Hao nodded with satisfaction at the power of this punch.

"Ferocious beast roars!!!"

"After entering the spirit bone suit mode, a new set of spirit skills is produced. The power is quite terrifying. I am afraid that it is the most powerful method I can use right now other than a limit strike."

The six spirit bones have all evolved to 600,000, and the whole has undergone a huge transformation.

Not only the various boosting effects have been strengthened, but also a powerful set of soul skills!

"Not counting the limit blow, after I entered the spirit bone suit mode, I should now have the strength of a true level 99 peerless Douluo." Li Hao thought to himself. *

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