I! Sword Douluo! Silently Drawing Sword For Twenty Years

Chapter 65: Gods and Demons, Dimensional Walking

"Senior brother, in my eyes, you are my master, my father, and the most important person in my life.

So how can I leave you alone and run away? 99

Demon Tribulation Douluo was burning with a raging black flame, and he said with a very painful expression: "If there is one person who must die between the two of us, then this person must be me. 35

"Quick! Senior brother, now that I have sacrificed myself, the devil is about to come into the world.

"I am sure to die.

"Senior brother, hurry up and take this opportunity to escape! Although I sacrificed myself, the devil will definitely avenge us."

"Senior brother, run away! Run away! 95

Demon Tribulation Douluo roared in pain.

"Haha! Hahaha!"

"Stupid human beings! You finally figured it out, and finally wanted to borrow my power~."

"Speak! If you have any wishes, feel free to speak! Since you have sacrificed everything you have, I will definitely fulfill your wishes. 35

At this time, the bull-headed demon god behind Demon Tribulation Douluo's phantom became more and more solid. He could only hear him laughing loudly, letting Demon Tribulation Douluo express his wish.

"Kill him, kill this hateful guy!" Demon Tribulation Douluo pointed at Li Hao fiercely and roared.

After he finished speaking, he said again: "There is also treading here, treading here in a radius of 100 kilometers, and killing everyone you see."

Today, he was forced to sacrifice himself and let the devil use his body to descend.

So he must be full of hatred in his heart, towards Li Hao, towards the Nine-Rank Golden Lotus Sect.

"Yes! Your wish will be fulfilled.

The bull-headed demon voice phantom gladly agreed to the Demon Tribulation Douluo's request, and finally grabbed him directly: "Human, you can give me your soul now.


The phantom of the bull-headed demonic voice grabbed the soul of the Demon Tribulation Douluo, and then directly chewed it in his mouth.


The Bull-headed Demon God ate the Soul of the Demon Tribulation Douluo directly as if he was eating a carrot.


"How many years? 30,000 years or 50,000 years? I can't remember exactly."

"I can't remember the last time I ate such a delicious soul.

"Damn Lieyang God, if he hadn't sealed me for so long, I might have broken through to the realm of ancient demons!

"Jie Jie! Don't let me break through the seal, or I will definitely tear you to shreds."

This bull-headed demon god phantom roared to himself while devouring the soul of Demon Tribulation Douluo.


Li Hao frowned involuntarily as he looked at the kendo power that he had been bounced back from: "How can you not break it? 99

When Demon Tribulation Douluo sacrificed himself and let this bull-headed demon god descend, Li Hao naturally would not sit idly by.

In fact, he has already stopped the other party for the first time.

However, he never thought that Demon Tribulation Douluo would be enveloped by a black barrier at this time, and no matter how he attacked, he would not be able to break this barrier.

"Little guy, don't bother, this is an enchantment formed by the power of the gods handed down from my body, unless your strength can reach the realm of gods, otherwise you will not be able to break my knot in a short time. The world. The bull-headed demon god phantom looked up at Li Hao and said lightly.

"The power of the demons? The gods?" Li Hao frowned upon hearing this.

This is very likely to be the realm division after level 100, but unfortunately I don't understand it.

"Someone actually summoned a demon god to come, but luckily there is a god in the Zhongzongmen!" At this time, the people of the ninth-rank Golden Lotus Sect were also a little scared, but seeing Li Hao here, everyone felt confident.

What is there to fear about the devil? Don't we also have a god here!

"Junior Brother, Senior Brother will definitely avenge you in the future, I swear, definitely!" And when Demon God Douluo saw this, he turned around and ran away without a word.

"You hold him back, don't let him run away, and I will deal with that Demon God Douluo after I get rid of you." When Li Hao saw that Demon God Douluo was about to run, he sent a voice transmission to King Kong Douluo and the others.

I have to deal with this weird demon god, I can't escape, I can only let them go.

But fortunately, there were so many of them that even if they couldn't kill Demon God Douluo, they were enough to restrain him in a short period of time and couldn't let him escape.

"Yes, brother!

King Kong Douluo, Que Ze Douluo and the others chased after them without saying a word.


And at this moment, the bull-headed devil ate the soul of the Demon Tribulation Douluo, and then opened the barrier that protected him and walked out.

"Back as fast as possible, the farther back the better!" Li Hao issued a warning to everyone present.

The aura of this bull-headed devil is very terrifying, once the two of them fight, they will easily destroy hundreds of kilometers.

Therefore, people with insufficient strength should hide as far as possible at this time.

"Xiao Haohao, you must tell me to cheer!

After seeing this, Xu Xin secretly prayed, and then called all the disciples to retreat.

"Boy, your strength is very good! Hey...you are really weird. You have not reached 100 yet, so how come you already have the power of kendo?"

The bull-headed demonic voice saw Li Hao's details at a glance, and then saw him scratching his head: "Weird! Weird! This is the first time I've seen this kind of situation, even though I haven't even reached level 100, but I already have it. Divine power!

"Boy, do you have any big secrets on you? If you take the initiative to hand it over, then my old cow will make your death easier." Then the Bullhead Demon God's eyes lit up, looking at Li Hao and threatening.

"You think you've already settled for me?" Li Hao asked, looking at the tauren with narrowed eyes.

"Ha ha!""

"Boy, when my old cow killed the gods, it was like killing a dog."

"There are not 1,000 or 800 gods who died in my hands.

"And you're just a little guy with divine power who hasn't even reached level 100."

"Even if I am just a clone of the main body, killing you is as easy as the palm of your hand.

"Of course, if you are really a 100-level god, maybe I can't deal with you."

Having said that, the Bull Demon God clenched his fists and said, "This time, a peerless Douluo with twin spirits sacrificed himself to me.

・・For flowers...  

The strength of the clone I came down has reached a level that is infinitely close to the gods, isn't it easy to kill you?"

I don't know if it's because of self-confidence or because it's been sealed for too long, and my brain is abnormal.

That bull-headed demon god actually took the initiative to reveal his strength.

"The layer that is infinitely close to the gods!?" A sneer appeared at the corner of Li Hao's mouth.

Then you are dead.

"The ghost of power!

"Curse the ghosts!

"The ghost of ice!

"Nightmare ghost!


Li Hao used his third martial spirit and four spirit skills in a row, directly summoning the four ghosts and gods.


Four ghosts and gods appeared around Li Hao!

Each ghost form has a different color.



The four ghosts and gods can increase Li Hao's power and weaken the enemy according to Li Hao's will.


The power of the four ghosts and gods spread out invisibly, and instantly enveloped the area for several kilometers.

Li Hao only felt that his strength had skyrocketed, and all aspects of him had been greatly increased.

"What the hell is this? It actually made such a big noise on my strength. 35 And the Bull Demon God exclaimed.

The power of the four ghosts and gods negatively affected him.

His strength was decreasing; his perception was also decreasing; he even felt a huge chill coming, as if his blood would freeze together at any moment.

This is the power of the demons of power, the demons of the curse, and the demons of ice.

What's even more weird is that the bull-headed demon god only felt that his head was pierced by a needle, and he always felt dizzy and could not concentrate his memory.

Nightmare ghost power.

"It's the four ghosts you summoned, come here for me!" The Bull Demon God saw a clue, and grabbed it directly towards Li Hao with one paw.

A huge claws appeared and directly enveloped Li Hao.


Li Hao smiled lightly.

"Ghost Step!!!"


The next moment, Li Hao's figure became transparent, and the attack of the bull-headed devil directly fell into the air.

The third spirit skill of the power of ghosts and gods: ghost step!

After using it, Li Hao can walk on the edge of the underworld within ten minutes.

Real world attacks are hard to hit him.

At this time, Li Hao was like the moon in the water, he could see it but couldn't catch it.

"You really have a big secret on your body, and you actually mastered the power of 'dimensional walking', you can walk on the edge of different-dimensional space, making it difficult for the real world to attack you." The bull-headed demon looked a little shocked.

You must know that the method of dimension walking is a very shameful method.

When facing opponents who maintain this state, you can't beat them, but they can beat you.

"Haha! But little guy, as a... avatar of a demon, do you think I would be stumped by such a method? 35

The Bull Demon God sneered, and once again grabbed it with one paw.

"Broken Claws!".

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